I’m nearly 30 days in of SR and this is where I truly struggle. Well, firstly, I don’t even know why my body/mind has forced this development into play. At some point during this energetic upheaval, having a release went from a general feel-good exercise to making me feel like I was losing my head. It really was quite a bizarre transformation. And every ensuing time, it has left me feeling like an addict who had relapsed, which takes the fun out of sexual pleasure.
So I’d jump on the proverbial wagon. The first week was always difficult, but after a certain time, my creativity and productivity would rise. Then as we reach towards the end of a month, I feel a general sense of uneasiness and anger. It’s like I’ve been forced to play a game I don’t wish to, with neither end of the spectrum feeling pleasant.
I don’t wish to go through the same game of starting over again, but I really don’t like feeling this angry. I don’t have urges to release, but I do however have a desire to feel some sense of normalcy. This energetic process has been anything but. I don’t really know which way to go, nor do I know the correct path to walk.
I just want to feel at ease mentally and feel safe towards those I encounter during the day. Any help is greatly appreciated.