Tiamat, Mother of All

Is this another deity NFT? yes, but also no.

Tiamat (NFT + Audio)

Primordial goddess of the salt sea, personification of chaos, the great mother of the gods of Babylon, Tiamat is one of the most important deities in the oldest recorded story – the Enuma Elish. The story depicts the birth of the gods, the creation of the universe and human beings as the Babylonians believed it.

‘When the skies above were not yet named
Nor earth below pronounced by name,
Apsu, the first one, their begetter,
And maker Tiamat, who bore them all,
Had mixed their waters together,
But had not formed pastures, nor discovered reed-beds;
When yet no gods were manifest,
Nor names pronounced, nor destinies decreed,
Then gods were born within them.’ – Enuma Elish

Tiamat was the “shining” personification of the sea who roared and smote in the chaos of original creation. She and Apsu filled the cosmic abyss with the primeval waters. She is “Ummu-Hubur (Mother Sea Hubur) who formed all things”.

Tiamat is also usually described as a sea serpent or dragon, and The Enûma Elish also states that Tiamat gave birth to dragons, serpents, scorpion men, merfolk and other monsters.

Abzu (or Apsu) fathered upon Tiamat the elder deities Lahmu and Lahamu (masc. the “hairy”), a title given to the gatekeepers at Enki’s Abzu/E’engurra-temple in Eridu. Lahmu and Lahamu, in turn, were the parents of the ‘ends’ of the heavens (Anshar, from an-šar = heaven-totality/end) and the earth (Kishar); Anshar and Kishar were considered to meet at the horizon, becoming, thereby, the parents of Anu (Heaven) and Ki (Earth). It is from Anu and Ki that the rest of the gods were born, so it could be said that all gods descended from Tiamat, the mother goddess.

When the new generation of gods were born, there was noise and disturbance to Tiamat and Apsu. Tiamat, being the embodiment of a mother, put up with this disturbance, however Apsu could not, and suggested to Tiamat to destroy them. Even still, being a loving mother, Tiamat furiously disagreed with Apsu stating “How could we destroy / what we (ourselves) have brought into being?” However, the god Enki found out about Apsu’s murderous intention, and instead took the initiative to slay Apsu first.

The death of her husband and the commotion caused by younger gods led a group of unnamed gods to go to “their mother” Tiamat to complain:

"When they killed Apsu, your husband,
you did not march at his side, you sat still.
(Now someone) has created four fearsome winds,
your belly is roiled, so we cannot sleep.
Apsu, your husband, was not in your heart,
nor Mummu, who was bound! You kept apart!
You are no mother, you stir roiled around,
and we, who cannot go to sleep, us you do not love!’

Tiamat, enraged by the death of her husband and to help her children, gives birth to eleven monsters to battle the gods in order to avenge Apsu’s death. These were her own offspring: Bašmu (“Venomous Snake”), Ušumgallu (“Great Dragon”), Mušmaḫḫū (“Exalted Serpent”), Mušḫuššu (“Furious Snake”), Laḫmu (the “Hairy One”), Ugallu (the “Big Weather-Beast”), Uridimmu (“Mad Lion”), Girtablullû (“Scorpion-Man"), Umū dabrūtu (“Violent Storms"), Kulullû (“Fish-Man") and Kusarikku (“Bull-Man”).

Tiamat possessed the Tablet of Destinies and in the primordial battle she gave them to Kingu, the deity she had chosen as her lover and the leader of her host, and who was also one of her children. The terrified deities were rescued by Anu, who secured their promise to revere him as “king of the gods”. He fought Tiamat with the arrows of the winds, a net, a club, and an invincible spear. Anu was later replaced by Enlil and, in the late version that has survived after the First Dynasty of Babylon, by Marduk, the son of Ea.

And the lord stood upon Tiamat’s hinder parts,

And with his merciless club he smashed her skull.

He cut through the channels of her blood,

And he made the North wind bear it away into secret places.

Slicing Tiamat in half, he made from her ribs the vault of heaven and earth. Her weeping eyes became the sources of the Tigris and the Euphrates, her tail became the Milky Way. With the approval of the elder deities, he took from Kingu the Tablet of Destinies, installing himself as the head of the Babylonian pantheon. Kingu was captured and later was slain: his red blood mixed with the red clay of the Earth would make the body of humankind, created to act as the servant of the younger Igigi deities.

Connection to Tiamat

A connection to the great goddess Tiamat that bestows us her blessings and intercessions. The Great Mother will protect us, constantly nourish and heal our bodies and mind with the Primordial Sea from which all life stems from. Her protection, as the mother of monsters, comes in the form of one of her children that protects us from seen and unseen dangers when necessary. This connection with Mother also lends us her motherly guidance and help in fulfilling our highest potential in whatever aspect we desire (be it physical, mental, spiritual, financial, social potential etc – anything one focus / desire the most at the point in time)

Tablet of Destinies

The Tablet of Destinies originally and rightfully belongs to Tiamat, who passed it down to Kingu during the war with the younger gods of Babylon along with the command of her army. Marduk, the chosen champion of the gods, then fights and destroys Tiamat and her army. Marduk reclaims the Tablet of Destinies for himself, thereby legitimating his rule among the gods, but turns it over to Anu as a gift in Tablet V of the epic. In Mesopotamian mythology the Tablet of Destinies is envisaged as a clay tablet inscribed with cuneiform writing, also impressed with cylinder seals, which, as a permanent legal document, conferred upon the holder supreme authority as ruler of the universe. The one who holds the tablet could ‘fix destinies’. As Tiamat tells Kingu when she gives him the Tablet: “Your utterance shall never be altered! Your word shall be law!”

Here, mother grants us a fraction of the authority she conferred upon Kingu, granting us dominion over our own destinies by imparting a portion of the tablet’s might upon us and freeing us from all external sources/entities that are influencing or controlling our destinies. In short, our word and wishes will become our reality, we will be the sole and only controller of our own reality.

Divine Ritual of Adoption (Establishment of mother-child bond) (+Audio)

This is the reason why this isn’t just another deity connection, the centerpiece and most important concept of the whole project focusing on our relationship with Mother.

We ask of the mother of gods and monsters, mother of life, mother of all, to kindly accept we who seek her loving embrace and care, to grant us the honour of many lifetimes to be adopted as one of her many children, to feel her love, and for us to offer her ours.

A fielded music that draws the attention of the mother goddess Tiamat when played for the first time, and if The user desire it in their heart or verbally address Tiamat as mother, a mother-child bond will be formed between you and Tiamat herself, and you will now be ‘adopted’ by Tiamat as her own, and will have a stronger connection to Tiamat, enabling you to inherit more of Tiamat’s gifts and qualities. Subsequent playing of the audio strengthens the bond between mother and child and facilitates a faster, more active progress of ‘inheriting’ traits (traits will still be inherited without consistent playing of audio, playing the audio just speeds it up). This includes but are not limited to Tiamat’s divine blood (a process where our physical bodies transform over time to become closer to what would be considered ‘god-like’-overcoming human limits in all beneficial and desirable areas e.g., lifespan, strength, endurance, durability, regenerative capabilities, overall body etc.), her draconic qualities (think dragon bones), more love, care, and protection from Tiamat overall.

This project centers around bridging the immeasurable gap and distance between man and gods. A child does not need to kneel and perform rituals or make offerings just for a chance or hope that their mother will glance their way, as may be necessary in the common case of man and gods. As the saying goes, there is nothing more powerful than a mother’s love. You can always trust and rely on Mother to be there for you, for you are not just another man, and she is not just another god.

17 copies


OH SHIT B FR :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: Damn this b crazy good !! I love me my Tiamut man


Something small to share but still- I had a neither big nor small acne/cyst that lasted for about 2 weeks and although started crusting on the outside after playing plasma flaunt for a few days, was still there and visibly so. Could see the dark and stagnant blood trapped underneath the surface of my skin. Yesterday night before sleeping I only spent time with mother and the audio, and when I woke up I realised the acne/cyst popped in the middle of my sleep and the stagnant blood finally drained.


Tiamat and her audio is really something else- It just nudges your heart in the most changing ways. It takes you inside to her own presence and it feels like the melodies come through your heart. It is very strange, intriguing, and feels like a journey of its own… A beautiful one of your own story. Because the audio is ceremonial, it feels like it adapts to you and what you are in the moment… To the parts of you that need Tiamat the most.


One noticeable difference after wearing Tiamat’s mandala is that I constantly feel at ease and my social anxiety is significantly reduced, allowing me to have comfortable interactions that I would never have had before. People also seem to be more friendly to me nowadays.


During last night’s full moon/lunar eclipse I made an offering to mother Tiamat… today my grandparents decided to bring the family on a trip to Taiwan early next year and we’re all taking business class flights (paid for by my grandparents) for the first time in our lives… thanks mom (my grandfather was always against going overseas but now he’s acquiesced)


How are there so few testimonials here…?

Received this and was greeted with a resounding wave of energy targeted everywhere. Very very impressive… Noticed the upgrades within a single meditation. The presence of Tiamat feels gargantuan - and thats still probably an understatement. Its an astonishing flair of an extravagant being.

Also the music is worthy of being integrated into Diablo 4 as it reminds me of the town music from Diablo 1.


the music is one of the best parts about this NFT!!

Tiamat has this large presence that feels like it holds eternity itself

…as it does :)


Hi All. I just managed to come across this in a trade. Seller doesn’t have the audio, unfortunately. Can someone DM me? I can show screenshot of Solana.


I’ll message you :)

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From the moment I received Tiamat’s blessing I felt that i belonged to her. First the energy from her was so very intense, so powerful and loving. I have asked many things of her since, and she always gives what I ask. I feel close to many of my cosmic friends, but the mothers hold a special place in my heart, and I to them. I speak to Tiamat first, seek her help and give her my love, knowing that she is one with all those who give aid and hear prayers. She is a powerful ally and fierce, nurturing mother, a mighty intercessor and a loving friend.


and silly though it may seem, anyone who reads this, like it or not (the post, I mean; otherwise sounds like I threaten you with blessings lol), is now infused with the grace and power and blessings of our beloved dragon mother, Tiamat. Blessed be. :slight_smile: She is a great poet of alchemy! :pray: And a great heart-opener :heart:


Thank you :pray:


might be strange to ask it but knowing that tiamat is mother of monsters , how would u ensure that he is good intended and won’t manipulate ur soul or energy or sth ?

maybe i have misunderstood the word " monsters " and am wrongly associate it with word " demons " ?

Tiamat isnt what you’d call a “good” entity lol

If you want to work with her more you could work through the necronomicon or similar babylonian/black magick stuff. She has a definite stream to her.

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@Dreamweaver for real ?!

Dont pull this. Dream isn’t responsible for every little idea and belief a person has. If people want to have a split stream where tiamat is a good and benevolent mother he’s going to try and help them find it. Whether that works or doesnt isnt his responsibility.

@meteagle Captain would not create a field that has a bad intent. A dragon is not a demon. Tiamat has a very encompassing mother energy. I have had her loving presence with me for over a year now. You have to determine what feels right for you. Sapienmed has nothing to do with black magic.


Ultimately a person needs to take some responsibility for themselves and their beliefs. Expecting someone, anyone, to have everything figured out and codified in a way where it all fits together in nice little boxes is silly when it comes to belief.

A lot of what people consider to be good and loving are encompassed within the framework of older black magick ideals. Motherhood in general is within the realm of yin/feminine/black magick. Good plays no part of that. Some folks will read that and get upset because a lot of that information doesnt fit within their predetermined beliefs. That’s their problem and not dream’s or anyone elses.

Any time a person deals with dragons, demons, monsters or animals their human derived beliefs of right and wrong are going to cause friction if they let them. Mothers are loving and destructive. Kind and corrupt. That’s just how nature is. Does that mean they need to decide that mothers are now wrong? No, it means you need to think about the entire point of an idea and focus on what works and helps you get what you want while being realistic about the methods.

Edit: also worth pointing out is that evil is also yin. This doesnt mean all women are evil it means you need to consider the ideas and why they correspond.


Who the hell even made this definition?

The general definitions of “Yin” and “Yang” are completely upside down, wrong and irrational in my opinion. They make zero sense in most cases.

For example, if we define evil as “consciously doing harm” then you already have a proactive part in it, i.e. it is something that you do with intent and by proactive decision. Doesn’t sound very “yin” to me…