Urinary Incontinence on Gumroad

I feel like this will also increase libido… mines gone up x10, dont know what field has done it tho.

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I have been listening to this field and stem cells for bladder on youtube for several months now but i do not see improvement in frequent urination.

Are you sure the issue is just limited to your bladder? You could have an infection, blood sugar issues etc…

no infection and blood sugar issues , got them tested

Ok- What this audio does is strengthen the muscles in the area so it’s more for leaking. You’re describing frequent urination or needing to go often which sounds different from general incontinence

Has it always been this way? If it’s a more recent development, I would try the dna repair system or fa jin gong healing. Both are good when there’s something up, but you’re not sure how to go about helping it

oh ok, thank you for suggesting. its not this way. seeing this after a wrong surgery performed on my bladder

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You’re welcome good luck to you :green_heart:

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I really want to buy this but 35 dollars in my country is already my pay for 4 days of work :sob:

There is a 19% discount going on right now.

Random Sale 19/5/23

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has anyone tried this ?

I think Prostate audios will help you out

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How many times should you listen to this?

I saw improvement within a week I want to say.

Androgen receptors speed things up greatly as it’s a muscle.

UC I would randomly loop for an hour at a time otherwise the usual 2-3 is enough.

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The one hour Urinary Incontinence loop, for super fast results?

I mean it worked for me can’t say for others.

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I just bought this from the recent sale and it really works well even if I just listen to it once a day as part of my daily playlist. My urination and private part is more active than before and this is only day 2.

Thank you @Captain_Nemo for the generous discount! :slightly_smiling_face:


I have had Stress incontinence, where you pee a little when you sneeze, cough, jump or do other physical activities, for the past 5 years or so that started in my late twenties.

The hard part of trying to do Kegels on my own was that I wasn’t sure if I was doing them correctly. When listening to the audio, I could feel that it was activating and isolating the muscle better than what I could ever do on my own.

This field worked for me in less then 2 weeks! I played it once in the morning and once at night. (I also have the Kinetic Quasi Crystal as a booster if that matters.) I noticed about a week into listening that it had mostly stopped and now I can say that it’s 100% stopped! I sneezed this morning and there was… nothing!!! :grin:
(Also these results were before SLR 3.0 came out and before I bought The Malleable Ego)

Update 2 months later: I found that if I didn’t listen to it everyday, I would have a little bit of incontinence when I sneezed, so I’ve been listening to it twice a day and it has been working to stop it completely. I’m not sure when I can only listen once a week or so, or when it will be permanent.


How many times should we listen? I don’t see a description.

I don’t have an incontinence issue but rather a pelvic floor that is too tight. Should this help with relaxing the pelvic floor while also dealing with weakness? (I’m female)

The member you are asking hasnt been active in the forum for a good while.

I dont think this audio could help because this makes the pelvic floor stronger yes, but by tightening it.

Since you have both issues, my recommendation would def to use this one

Myofascial Release and Anointing

Along with

The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture)

For a while and as you see improvement then start incorporating kegals but just literally just a few each day ONLY if you feel and a PT has told you the PF is not tighy anymore, otherwise dont do them and ask for instructions from DR and or PT.