Vaccination MegaThread

That’s brilliant, does the low histamine diet help?
There’s also the AIP I think it’s similar to the low histamine diet

Well, after a while u eliminate so many foods and drink.

Sometimes I feel like a panda, they will probably go extinct because they only eat bamboo. It makes life less pleasurable. However less inflammation.

I forgot the name of that gal (Yasmina) that has that website where she has cookbooks and such for low histamine diet/eating. There is also something like histamine that can be high, and cause trouble, but I forget its name. Then there are people who get triggered by things, I dont get triggered by, (and visa versa) so its individual. She says after a while, u can start testing yourself with small amounts, to see how u react. I think u may after a while become more “normalized”

So far eliminating wheat and sugar made the most drastic difference. That was many years ago. The sugar got eliminated about 30 yrs ago. The wheat about 20 yrs ago.

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You get used to it eventually I don’t miss sugar that much
I’ll check out her cookbook thank you, my brother gets hayfever pretty bad so it may help him.

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If he has hayfever, he should try eliminating the Nightshade group of vegetable. IE: Tomatoes, eggplant, white potatoes (other potatoes OK), bell peppers etc.

And no chamomile tea.

He needs to do some research with reliable sources…


Wow that’s pretty much everything we eat :grimacing::sob::rofl::rofl:


From a recent QHHT session which is transcribed in full here :

Laron: What is your advice for people who have had one of the [COVID Vaccines]?
HS: Everything is frequency. It’s vibration. It doesn’t matter what happens if we maintain our vibration, we’re heading towards a higher vibrational timeline. If you have the [vaccine] in you, and you find ways to keep your vibration high, sometimes it may be harder because it binds with your cells. But, if you keep practicing light meditation, and eating higher vibrational foods, get close to nature, ground yourself — if you keep up with these practices eventually it will vibrate to your frequency.

One of the things people have to look out for is depression because the frequency of the [vaccine] can make people prone to depression. Depression makes you stop everything; eventually you fall into a whirlpool of lower vibrational thinking. So you have to catch yourself with the depressive thoughts and behaviours. Do everything you can. Go out for walks. Walk on the beach. Adopt a pet. Everything you can do to get you out of that lower frequency. Lemon water and apple cider vinegar helps to open up the glands, and to make sure the energy flow is not blocked. Taking those drinks will help as well. You have to keep your frequency up without fear.

Laron: Will the v1rus disappear on its own or is it here to stay?
HS: Everything that has been created will stay. The previous v1rus is still there, it’s just dormant. That’s what humans call immunity. So eventually, whether it’s through the so called [vaccine] or our own immune system, the virus will be under control as with everything else. In the universe there’s always a balance. The problem with the [vaccine] is that there’s a longer process; there’s another purpose attached to it.

Laron: With regards to the crop circles that appeared last year in the UK in the form of C v1rus, the first one had spikes that showed 8 parts. Based on an interpretation it was said that they can help deal us with the v1rus. In what way can it help?
HS: The crop circle is actually a warning about the {vaccine}. There’s other technology that is being used combined with our DNA receptors. It’s not the v1rus. The spikes carry a message for our DNA. When it binds with our receptors, it tells other cells to produce the same thing. As I said before it’s of lower vibration, so eventually when it produces enough and drags your frequency down, it makes you prone to a lower frequency disease. It makes you prone to depression, mental health illness as well. It’s about the way it affects our vibrational frequencies than anything else.

Laron: The second crop circle ended up being around a walnut tree. Are walnuts important in healing the virus?
HS: Vitamin D and Vitamin A are important.

Laron: Are there any therapeutic or healing practices that will help, or cure, {vaccine} injuries. If so, which ones?
HS: Apple cider vinegar, lemon, so if used in drinks with water with a little bit of salt, this helps flush out the toxins. But more importantly, it’s to keep your vibration up because the {vaccine} like the virus, is of a lower vibrational existence. It’s the energy frequency that activates it, it’s not anything physical, and it’s more the energy. So if your vibration is high it stays dormant, it won’t harm you. When you’re frequency is higher, our DNA changes to a higher helix system as well. When we have a higher vibration we create a higher helix so that it’s harder for the {vaccine} R.NA to bind. The closer to the light vibration that we are, there’s more strands that will develop.

Meditation is the more accessible modality to use. People underestimate the power of meditation, even when you can’t exactly quiet your mind, when you meditate your body heals itself. The cells and DNA heal every time you meditate. What’s harming people is the number of devices keeping busy all the time — that’s why our body doesn’t heal itself.

[Rhea explained later that it was like seeing belts that were intertwined and that it looked like the double helix but there was a lot more in there. It was very complex.]

Laron: Are there any final messages from higher self?
HS: People need to cut out anything that would put them or keep them in a lower vibrational state. That means everything. The first step is to have awareness so that they can cut out the lower vibrations from their life. They need to set boundaries. Do everything to maintain, or raise, your vibration.


Once the spike proteins enter the system…till how long does one run the risk of some reaction. I have family n frenz who have taken the mRNA one. And some vector…now …for how long is the vulnerability period …of high damage/ risk.
In my limited understanding…since this technique of mRNA is new… Nobody knows when, where, how…n for how long could one get affected.

You’ve hit the nail on the head. I previously speculated that due to the antibodies dropping after 6-8 months that the effects could be temporary, hence the push for booster doses. But that is only one aspect, there’s also the graphene oxide nano-particles, the long-term effects of the micro blood clots, and we simply don’t know what other mechanisms could be at work. A French lightworker claimed that it severs the connection between the soul and the physical. And Laron (the healer referenced in the post above yours) just this morning posted the following on Telegram :-

This morning my energy healing client told me she felt like she was going to drop dead. She had a long term health issue with her stomach and thought the {vaccine} was making it worse.

When I began I saw thousands of very small cylinder rocket shaped objects around her body. I zoomed in on one. At the narrow end it opened to reveal a type of mechanical robotic intelligence. These were traveling around the physical body in different formations, a bit like a flock of birds, but more than one flock. I felt this was related to the {vaccine} and that they were existing at a different frequency, so this was in combination to the physical third dimensional affects from having it.

I personally think that the risk of damage is likely to increase as time goes on, rather than decrease due to the cumulative effect of micro-clots throughout the brain and body. It also seems likely that it will weaken the immune system, thereby increasing vulnerability to a wide range of conditions/future bioweapons. Plus we don’t even know how 5G ties into all of this yet so I’m not going to speculate. But as per the QHHT transcript, the best defence against the effects is likely to stay high-vibe. Mitigate the physical effects as far as possible but rise above the fear.


It’s coming…
Just heard on the news today that they have developed ‘nano-bodies’ at the max Planck institute, which would supposedly give immunity to all covid variations.

Where are the conspiracy theorists?
I’ve waited long for nano-bots :joy:


Forgot to mention

Heart Inflammation Reduction and Healing

v imp

I need help really struggling agsin. Not great dealing with muscular dystrophy and this on top of it. I’m having prickly sensations now all over.
I found glutathione nac etc makes it 10x worse. So stuck with what to do
The neurologist doesn’t think it’s nerve damage and will eventually heal. But I can’t deal with the suffering anymore

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Have u tried ANY of my suggestions? Or anybody else suggestions?



have you tried the follistatin field for muscular dystrophy? recently I read an article in which follistatin is being used to treat muscular dystrophy with very promising results, I myself use this field to improve my workouts at the gym and I assure you that since I’m using it, my muscles are much stronger besides gaining muscle mass and losing fat, try this field, maybe it can help you in your case.


Hi I’m honestly struggling more with the jab side effects then my MD
Md is actually not even an issue for me
The side effects have come back agsin with a vengeance - cannot cope again.
It’s a nervous system issue like I feel it’s parasympathetic which I can normally heal with singing / chanting etc
Nothing seems so work even splashed my face with cold water.
Feeling quite low again. I thought I was turning a corner yesterday
It’s gone from prickly/crawling/tingling to heat sensitivity feeling hot when it’s not really hot and feeling overly cold when it’s not

Yeah I have
Glutathione made me worse.
Doing the fear one everyday

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Both pineapple and natto appear to degrade the spiked protein and the severity of Covid…