Try this instead. Feeling much more energy moving along the legs and feet while using the Automated Grounding field
Grounding Complete Guide
Try this instead. Feeling much more energy moving along the legs and feet while using the Automated Grounding field
It’s the same for me. I also imagine the roots or another line (from root chakra to Earth’s core) growing in spiral around the straight line or roots that go down.
Read somewhere it is like electric and magnetic.
I don’t notice much difference but more sensitive people may.
Absorbing energy / air / prana
Shadow self / shadow work / devil reversed ‘story’
Free yourself from the shackles through unconditional love + realizing the light / willpower / who you are within.
Image credits are now on the image file names. Tap / click / tap and hold on the images and look at the bottom of the image(s) for the name of the art piece and artist / see the file name pop up
Inner beauty reflected outward
Thank you for this
Healing the physical aspects
Visualizing organs and bones
Transfering energy to area
Spinal tapper
Healing yourself
Healing others
Brain related morphic fields
Close your eyes, feel/imagine/tap into the cord and imagine/feel how you pull them out one by one.
Scrap that, roots grow from the lower dan tien now xD
Also I’ve been imagining energy as dense liquid venom type…it feels like a cocoon. So I build those cocoons and then imagine energy (more light/air type) flowing safely enclosed.
That reminds me of a “ritual” where people go through 7 gates, that separate “vibratory spaces”, so they gradually increase their vibration. In theory, that’s why they have “doors” in gardens in Japan.
Torsion Yin Yang
Flower of Life
Torsion and Flower of Life
A fun read
Is there a name for it? I’m curious.
I like to visualize myself sitting in a shallow river in the middle of the full moon night.
I come back to this “place” whenever I try to enter lucid dream or just want to meditate.
I can’t find it. I always thought it was some secret ritual that only the royalty knew or performed…but I don’t know where I got this idea.
I’m pretty sure this is the source though. So, here the relevant part:
Also, in the traditional Japanese architecture there is Pleiadian influence as well. There are certain qualities in traditional Japanese/Pleiadian architecture that are still present today in a different form. For instance, the use of a gate or threshold to separate environments (or to separate the energy of different environments) was very important to the Pleiadians and so they passed that along.
So this manifests itself today in some of the landscaping that is done in Japan.
There is a change in consciousness when you enter a Japanese garden. It is meant to be another world. In the original days, the Pleiadians taught a much more complicated version. Usually the more complex version was used by priests or holy people rather than the general public.The best way to describe this ancient version is as follows:
The person starts out in the physical world. Let’s say they eventually want to get to a place where their consciousness can be in total communion with God.
They will go physically through seven separate environments until they get to the environment that is the most spiritual in vibration.
Moving through the seven separate environments was a way to gradually shift the consciousness one step at a time until it could get to that spiritual place.We would like to give a side note here, because this is important for the channel [Lyssa] to know. The dream she had of placing her forehead over the thresholds and going through several thresholds was her memory of this seven-step process.
For convenience, over time this seven step process was shortened or used for very specific ceremonies.
Source: ETs and Ancient Japan
I don’t endorse nor deny this info…I took it in context with other stuff that made more sense.
Healing / patching the aura of gaps, rips, damages
Inner Child Aspects & Healing
Doesn’t matter how old you are and were
Cherishing the light
Standing up and protecting
Seeing and acknowledging 🫂