What can I do to make Sapien’s fields work faster?

I’ve been using Sapien Medicine fields for years and have been purchasing many too. I am also a patreon premium member. I’ve used them for various topics. For example for 6 months just skin related ones (facial symmetry etc). Then for months just 2 emotional release ones. I’ve been at it a long time, but I’m not seeing any results despite consistent listening. Before you suggest this and all the other generic advice yes I’ve tried the “Subconscious Limits Removal” field, cleared beliefs, and even purchased paid fields like the “Booted Bhoots.” However, the fields still aren’t working for me as expected.

I’ve seen people get fast results, and I’m wondering what I might be missing. I’ve done research on the forums, but still no answers.

In contrast, other creators have been more effective in shorter periods of time—some even claim permanent results with one listen. What can I do to make Sapien’s fields work faster? What else can I try that hasn’t been mentioned already?
@SammyG Samm once wrote fields did nothing for him and then he did a lot of inner work but I’ve been doing that for a long time.


So many brilliant threads out there :


Treat fields as manifesting:


There is way too much advice given in this forum that would take long to follow. I can’t believe you’ve gone through it all.

So…you need to follow your intuition or otherwise do whatever makes you feel good and suits you, wether that is body work, breath work, magick, prayer, meditation, art therapy, journaling (among everything, this seems to be one of the highest ROI practices…journaling and dream journaling), or what have you.

You can also just do whatever but stick to it until you reach a breakthrough.

And always be kind to yourself, even as you build resilience and will, and give yourself some space to breathe and stretch (your energy body and mind will thank you). And by this I mean literally doing nothing actively and consciously, so it is your other preconscious aspects having some free energy and time to do what they need. The “do nothing” meditation.

Avoid sects though, unless it is the Maoshan one :P


And wasn’t this question just answered yesterday?


As someone who’s struggled with similar issues in the past, the only real advice I can give is to simply ‘pace yourself’.

Your stack isn’t a sprint you have to run, but it’s not a marathon either! The fields you listen to don’t stand on their own: they form, and are part of, complex networks which link/mesh with your body’s own energy system over time.

This is why most advice usually centres around clearing any “blockages”. The team behind Sapien specifically recommends using their subconscious-clearance fields for clearing any intrusive thoughts, doubts, or traumas that may impede energy meshing. With morphic fields, the listener’s own expectations (or the “race for results” as some would call it) more often than not get in the way of any real manifestation after a while.

Some fields clear other blockages: Dreamseeds has some great fields for energy-blockages and caring for the energy-body on their channel that I regularly turn to when I can feel I need a reset. Stuck energy can also impede results from time to time - the results simply don’t have the ‘chance’ to manifest!

None of this advice is incorrect, but I think some can take Dream’s guidance the wrong way (I sure did). As I said earlier, make sure you take time to let these fields embed themselves in your system before you use anymore, lest they conflict and bog down your energy-body as a whole. Be mindful about what fields you and use and when, and make sure to take time to care for your system’s health when you would otherwise be listening to more fields.

I know this might not be what you wanted to hear considering this post is about making Sapien’s fields work “faster”, but sometimes there isn’t much you can do, especially when you can’t afford Dream’s more bespoke creations. I think a story from my own experience would help here:

I first found morphic fields and Dream’s work while I was in high-school and quickly started using them while I was studying. I loved that I could listen to something beneficial, while I was occupied with work, and actually feel the benefits! I started using morphic fields for pretty much everything, soon listening to them more than actual music. But this honeymoon period had to end at some point. The problem was that, like many other listeners I expect, I essentially gorged on these fields until I couldn’t feel anything else. And this only worsened over time as I continued to load more and more boosters into all my stacks.

I now take a more laidback approach where I try to give each field (or several) time to enmesh into my own energy-field and properly “sink in”. It’s also worth mentioning that not all fields work or feel the same: a field affecting your hormones is obviously going to take more time than a field focusing one a different aspect of your physiology. Some listeners have mentioned in the past that they often don’t feel any effects until several hours later! Just be patient and listen in moderation.

Hope this helps!

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My answer is this to everything to bring everything faster. Detachment. Everytime I was detached from the outcome, things came in faster or unexpectedly.

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Is there a field for it?

The closest thing I can think of is meditating to ego dissolution. Like really focus on that field. When you do this you start to not care.

Think of it as like you are working. You know you will get paid therefore you are detached.

When you listen to any field or subliminal it is just like that. You are doing the work knowing you will get results therefore you aren’t attached. Also it gets to a point where you are on autopilot listening to the field or any subliminal making the progress faster


Good, I have The Malleable Ego

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Maybe obvious thing, but before I was doing everything with headphones, then I started to listen by speakers and everything started going better. Fields, not subliminal.

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Dreamseed released a specific field for spiritual detachment a while back too!