What's been your Intercession 2.0 dog tag experience?

True to an extent but not entirely. Intercession 2.0 calls upon any benevolent beings that would be willing to help so that could be aliens, devic, angelic but the field doesn’t directly target them for calling.


How has your experience been so far being about a month and a half since this was posted?

Sorry my ignorance, what are intercessions?

Since Intercession 2.0 has the universal request for help, it seems reasonable to assume that any beings/portals you come in contact with will have this request sent to them as well. So if you’re wearing Intercession 2.0 and open Alien Intercession, it will help push the “help me” requests to the “Aliens.”


If you scroll up in the thread, you’ll see that I’m still trying to figure it out. Thanks to @_OM in helping clarify how it works.


A tip for those of you who practice Mantras, Deity work, Evocation etc. This tag works wonders! Long ago, when Dream was a less busy man (from a different timeline :timer_clock: :alien: :night_with_stars: :ringer_planet: ) and had the luxury of time for “experiments”, he created a set of fields for me to reach the core of some specific Deities/Ascended Archetypes - which worked wonders. He would probe the energy link, establish a strong connection and create a field to replicate the experience. Those fields were life changing for my spiritual journey.

In my opinion, such focused connections are also possible through this tag (of course, there is always the general “help me” beacon for those that prefer simplicity) - which is why this tag is so precious, like the Alien Intercession audio. It is “generic”, but with focused intention, you can use it to make “specific” connections.


That feels like very advanced complicated stuff. :nerd_face:

I’m a newbie so the general ‘help me’ beacon will suffice for me. Also, I’m not looking to SEE or come into contact with any entities otherwise I’ll never sleep. :alien: :eyes: :fearful: Unless they look like Lord of the Ring Elves, then I’ll meet them. :rofl:

I feel that if I can get to a point where I can see other’s auras, I will be more than happy. Just being able to see what you kind of person you are dealing with will be a blessing. :smile:


That’s very true! I plan on buying it one day but I just figured aliens and angels would be a rather interesting route to take lol


Had the Intercession tag for two months now. I have asked my spirit guides and angels for help with certain problems I am facing and I still have recieved NO HELP or answers yet? Does this really work?


Hopefully it works for me :) it’s coming next week hopefully



Listen to a lot of Repel Negative Energy 2.0, Subconscious Limits Removal, Ego Dissolution, and maybe even get rid of negative entities or whatever. Add MEF’s morphic booster and Quadible’s “ROOT CAUSE.”

THEN loop all the OTHER intercession audios. Intercession 2.0 puts out a general call for help, along with a connection to an angelic current. By using the other intercession audios you are connecting to different currents to allow the beings there to help you.

I boosted all my tags once. My advice is once you’ve worn something for a month, there’s no reason not to boost it if you’re not seeing effects. And Intercession 2.0 is cool, generalized, and angelic, so you’re not going to have the same kind of unwanted effects you might have from boosting something like Matchmaker too many times.


Have you seen this LOOONG thread about not boosting items by @_OM?


Thank You. I will try that!

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I read the entire thread before boosting my own items.



Subconscious limits removal tag + intercession v2 ?


As this tag also influence humans and promotes a strong sense of desire in regards to helping the weare, does it somehow interfere with people’s free will? Like manipulation. I doubt so, but still would like to know for sure. @Captain_Nemo

Dreamweaver would never make a tag or a field that interferes with Free Will.


I also think this way but my mind can’t explain how it can be done in gentle way. I mean help from people. I just thinking about buying this tag and very curious.

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It only ask people and beings who would want to help to help.
As the description says, most people don’t even ask for help in the first place or know who to ask. This does it for you automatically.
No “forcing” anyone to help you who isn’t inclined to…


Don’t u ever get internal nudges to help people? Generally, I help people/animals automatically. If I see someone has fallen I go to their aid automatically, most people do that. Need help to cross the “Boulevard of Death” I offer assistance, then wait for answer. See someone struggling, offer assistance.

But have u ever been in a circumstance where the person doesnt look like they are in need/trouble but your internal urgeings says…“talk to that person” or “give him your food and drink” or “offer help”. Well I get them and I’m basically an introvert, especially with people I dont know. But I follow them (the urgings) even if it can be scary* (*thats another story, scary in those cases = potential for physical violence) I think its like that for people. When u wear Intersession V2, perhaps this form of nudging goes on with receptive people that would be willing to help. Just want to add that I had these experiences before knowing Sapien Medicine.