What's the first step

Hello guys vansh here 18 years old . I am a student studying for competitive exam
This post is just me asking u some basic level ques for beginners on the unexpected road of self realization and spirituality ( like every teen i want to bloom my chakra)and just for context I did use the search icon a lot to find what to start with but every time i comeback at the same spot of nit knowing of where to start here are some question I would like to ask … Might be silly ques for some

  1. What daily life changes should I implement for the journey ahead
    2.can u recommend me some books or video for basic knowledge will love it if it starts from zero level
  2. Which audio should I use (comtext: I can’t really afford any of the expensive fields at the moment)
    4.meditation advice like I sometimes forget to literally breath while meditation so i have to consciously breath which destroys my focus while meditating
  3. Any general advice
    6 . Some good exercise
    Thank u for reading this post till now :heart:

Hey Vansh,

start with these:

Mainly: Pranayama (you may start with the basic one), 5 Tibetan Rites and Meditation (u may use introductory videos for that) daily

Healthy lifestyle is mandatory - diet, sleep, socialization, habits,…

And jogging on weekly basis is also overall good.

If ur rather new to fields, use rather few ones at first, take a time to understand them, connect with them. Perhaps u may start with fields that will overall enhance your possibilities regarding using fields.

Like: Ego Dissolution, Subconscious Limits Removal, Mana Circuits, Energy Blockages Removal


Hello :hugs:

The best thing that can happen to someone is that he or she becomes disillusioned as quickly as possible. It will save you many lives. It’s not an easy way, but it’s the only way of life.

It is a big blow to the person (ego) that there is no purpose in life. It is all made up by the mind to give you a feeling of being important otherwise the person (ego) cannot survive. Of course you are an individual who has to see it for yourself. Slowly though practice by observing the nature of the mind ignorance will be removed and the real you will emerge. :white_heart:




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Dou guys know any good book(pdf) that i should read like for knowledge of energy body ;chakra;astral plane and others

Start with the official blog:

Then you can go read Maoshan’s posts:

Or SammyG’s, in the Activity tab on his profile:
[Profile - SammyG - Sapien Medicine]

Also, don’t forget to use the search function to quickly search about themes of your interest and to see what people here have written about them.

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Thx a lot bro

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