Wholistic Thinking

I do feel as if the description should be a bit more detailed only because people want to know what they are spending their money on.


Bro hunter x hunter is goated and so are ur comments


W. I appreciate you and yes hxh is my fav anime for sure. Chrollo is my fav character and someone brought it to my attention that we share the same birthday lol. I love your comments as well, you encouraged me to buy a field or 2 with your reflective thinking. Appreciate you for that by the way.



I just came to the realization that this field basically gives you the “good parts of autism” while not giving the negative side effects. Not sure if it would increase focus, but the pattern recognition and the interconnections. BTW most geniuses have autism.


It has been 2 weeks since I got this! There are few major changes like Self Awareness, intuitive decisions and seeing things more holistically be it a show or a piece of music but that doesn’t mean I am not noticing little details too. Wholistic including detailed thinking? Somehow I am able to improvise on my speaking and find alternates to sentences and words before they come out of my mouth. The brain is feeling balanced and I am able better fight my impulses. When someone gets mad I am able to see it’s not really personal to me (the way they have behaved) so they don’t have anything against me. So I don’t get offended. You can call it maybe emotional control or maybe not reacting on impulses. I don’t think you will start taking life seriously after this but feel a sense of responsibility towards making important things happen. You will look over your own patterns and make better decisions. :)


Thank you for this in-depth self reflection. It’s very intriguing.


Now that I think about it, this is exactly what I need and have been asking for. I figured the field would do something like this, allowing you to not respond emotionally to other people’s energy which is exactly what I need. My goal is to be unbothered by emotions and just pick the right options. Thanks again.


I think it’s not about being unbothered or being detached it’s about seeing the true reason behind the emotion! I can say the same another way - like being emotional intelligent than being emotionless! If that’s just your personal goal then I would also suggest something like Permanent Brain enhancement and Conscious Repair from Psychic University. It helped me a bit regarding emotions, also Magnetic Brain Heart coherence.


This will work soooo good with drops of memory when I move into that phase. Omg.

Lol i already said that before earlier :rofl:. It’s like I’m reteaching myself, but at a muuuch higher level of thinking.

I really thought I had “information” :skull_and_crossbones:. I knew nothing. Still barely know anything. There’s so much information… So much to learn. Feeling intelligent is ego…


Lol Wholistic thinking strikes again… I just had a very lengthy conversation that was multivariabled and expressed many of my faulty primal thinking patterns. I realized how I should give into primal urges less and be more giving because I will be on a completely different level soon and none of the little things will matter. That I should remain focused on my goals, etc.

Overall just a lot of introspection and self consciousness.

All in the span of less than a minute lol. I checked the time and was like wtf.


I have no idea what this is supposed to do neurologically, but it seems like an awesome field anyway.

I am using that a lot, I might use it more than anyone here. I am pairing it with the power of numbers. After reading it I have a better understanding of what it is doing. I do think the description should include the neurological benefits it induces on the brain structure, I love that stuff.


I’ve been thinking about unexpected benefits fields can have, especially when one combines them. I am guessing that these fields includes wiring stuff that aren’t in the description. What kind of new skill would one get if one listenened to wholistic thinking with manhattan method or a key of babel or manhattan matheamtical madness. I wonder. The potential of each field to give synergy increases the more fields one listens to.

If you read The Guide to NextGen intelligence fields

It speaks of different brain circuits intertwining to create more hybrid, abstract functions.

Most compound. Mathematical madness, drops of memory, and manhattan method all improve working memory, while this can slow down time in your brain leading to working memory enhancements.

That’s just one example of brain fields combining to give gains into one skill.


This brain field has helped in so many ways. I feel as though (maybe even in a slightly delusional way) that I can be dropped in any environment and figure my way out.

The “widen your frame of reference so as to make contexts more obvious to you” is done psychically. As well as seeing more patterns, and seeing more nuances. So many psychic abilities are given to you through this field.

I have decoded various liars and lies being laid before me and quickly reformed my opinions of the various topics to newly developed conceptual frameworks of information.

I can’t say the word conceptual enough. Cyber brain, wholistic thinking, Manhattan method, conceptual conglomerate, etc. all form a superior synergy to that of my previous brain.

My working memory has been freed up by a large scale, and I can go through a 5-10 step solution within 15-30 seconds to everyday problems.

If you sleep on this field, you are tripping….


I was attracted to this one initially because it makes so much sense. Haven’t yet gotten it though, so I appreciate your review. Very compelling.


If you want to get yourself out of any problem and already have a good base with Manhattan method, check this field out guys.

It takes time, just like cyber brain, but soon you’ll be able to tap into huge data patterns in your daily life. Different interconnections will show up, information will become more obvious to you, psychically, and then you’ll begin learning and a very unconscious and refined rate.

Want the ability to zoom towards the finish line? The ability to make decisions and have complete faith in yourself? You could settle for some “prefrontal cortex growth”, or you could simply tap into unconventional and completely next level information with unmatched precision.


Could you elaborate, what exactly do you mean from a cognitive enhancing perspective?