If all people in your house are doing drugs, and entire street are doing drugs, you can try and not do them. You might even be successful at it. But drugs will still impact you in some way or another.
Same with many stuff I described, including diet. I do keto also, and while it is possible to eat 90% healthy, it is almost impossible to eat 100% healthy.
90% is enough for me. But even with those 90%, it can still be a fight. Almost all food in supermarket is unhealthy. Almost no restaurants that serve healthy food, most of them use those bad seed oils that poison your body. Friends will push you to eat some messy food with them. Healthy food is more expensive. It is much easier to stay home on your phone, then to go take a walk. etc etc
It is much easier to be unhealthy then healthy, MUCH easier. I just wished it would be other way around.
And yes, some people, try to change themself for the better, keto is good example, it became popular in last few years. But still, the system itself is against you, billion dollars pharma companies are against you. Do you remember what happened 3 years ago? Everybody was locked in their houses, news spreaded fear, forced you to get jabs. All that happened for main 2 reasons: For pharma to earn billions of dollars, and for them to test how far they can push people before they raise up - (simply control).
I myself try to be positive, and actually am, and I do have relativly good life, and lifestyle. But it still suck that system is such awful place. Some people here are pretending that they dont mind it, to only look on positive side etc, but its all pretending to be above it all. Its fake. It will impact all of us in some way or another, only possible way to ignore it completely is to not be smart enough to see it.
And yes, news do make you think you are alone, but that is one aspect of what I am complaining about. Its part of the system. And I personally dont ever watch it, but last year I went to see my family and they were all sitting and watching news about situation between those 2 countries, like zombies. I had to go to another room and be alone in order to avoid it. It cant be ignored and I cant pretend its not there sometimes.
And yes, even google controls searches, I am 100% sure in that, and we all use Google, or most of us at least?
When you really think about it, the line from the Matrix is true “I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”.