A Blueprint of Power (Major) Testimonials

I think a fast testimonial is the least I should do as an owner of this masterpiece. I need to finish my New Perspectives review before doing a full review on this one because a lot of aspects of both reviews will overlap.

So, I Meditated on it once after waking up. Just imagine the feeling of waking up from the best sleep night you ever had, taking the best supplement combination possible for you at that moment (hard to achieve), and doing a full-body workout for as least 1 hour. The energy I got after using A Blueprint of Power is not only greater, but it’s more balanced and lasts more than the energy I tried to describe.

I’m also reacting better to fields, and they seem to be stronger. Also felt some deeper blockages being worked on, mainly on the heart chakra. I’m feeling motivated in a very natural and joyful way, like a kid is motivated to do stuff she likes :blush:


Have been looping this for over an hour today :upside_down_face:

Can totally confirm the massive soul restoration effects :zap: :fire: :star2:

Besides that, all I know so far are two things:

  1. I need a lot more research, understanding and experimentation on the concepts of this field
  2. I need to use this field in combo with my Arcturian friends tag

Further feedback to follow in the next weeks/months :v:


Maybe try it with alien intercession as well? Please do describe the experience whichever u choose, I feel like the energy patterns u owners experience, are now at the level of those beings(or will be in close future) if not maybe higher :face_with_hand_over_mouth:. So it opens doors for incredible experiences with them, to say the least. @_OM does it make sense?


Well I had planned to wait at least 1 week to give another review, but then after the experience from last night til now i think ill just share as i discover new stuff.

those who have gotten NFTs could see a review just like with any other creations’s review and those who havent gotten them can learn how or in the mean time where you can get some of the benefits we share, we always give hints, we are always sharing and suggesting stuff, pay attention to descriptions to the links to read in depth other things etc, theres always a feeling of missing the boat if you dont get this or that or if its a payable fields you cant get.

But the truth is There is soo much power available within the free stuff, and you can rest assure Captain puts all same love, care and effort to every single one of his creations and none of them would ever be weak or simple at all. And free or payable he has the same purposes for all of us, dont ever doubt that.

Having said this… this was my second experience.

I said yesterday i wasnt going to listen to anything else at least a week or 2 just to fully (which i dont think i will ever get it in its totality) understand what it is about and what it means or can bring into my journey.

I played it like 3 more times before bed.
I slept beautifully, soo many dreams and they seemed colorful joyful, pretty much like lucid dreams we can build, but i was full asleep, i particularly noticed that in the dreams i was doing everything i would in real life be afraid of doing, different than what you are lucid dreaming you go do all you want and excites you, not what you are afraid of, not in most cases anyway.

Throughout the night i kept feeling the up and down shifting fast and slow and some times the energy would stop at different spots then felt like a vacuum then again the up and down, like it pretty much kept scanning me.

When i woke up i felt greaaaaat sooo light but, and so happy, my back was hurting a bit and the base of my head like with some energy stuck, or swirling but like stuck, not uncomfortable but like it was trying to go somewhere. Ive had a lot of accidents in my life some that i dont even know how I am alive! So of course im sure ive hurt my back, neck ect but never to the point of suffering an injury to pay attention nah, never…

As normal i grabbed my phone to play fields when i remembered i wasnt going to lol
But then i was like (and this is weird) searching with my finger scrolling through the stacks not per my decision but like if my finger had taken the decision on its own haha i was actually there kinda waking up properly and remembering the dreams in joy…

When i felt called to play a mini stack i created long time and never used :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I was like daaaang i dont want to but why do i want to play this (oh ok maybe something aligning in my back like the kundalini feelings like i got yesterday so its probably healing “traumas” from all the accidents) so i decided heck i play this and let the field guide me…

Neck hump reverse and reduction
Spinal tapper

On loop like 3 times

Yep :relieved::smirk:

Felt immediate alignment and like light being turned all alone my back, when it reached the back of the neck i felt like an explosion that rushed up towards the brain turning to the front lobe back to the neck again then to the back up and down.

Then it hit me… something i had mentioned to Someone some time ago about something so i went looking for that message and i found it…

It all makes sense now at least for me for my journey for things that this field will work on and pushes me towards:

There are two vertebrae at the top of your spine that play a specific role in this relation between the worlds of physics and metaphysics . . . living as a Spirit in the physical world. C1 and C2 are the first two of the seven cervical vertabrae. C1 is also known as the ‘Atlas’ and C2 is known as the ‘Axis’. C2, the ‘Axis’ vertabra, is a key to the your relationship with the world of two dimensions . . . the world of right and wrong; yes and no; good and bad, and other black and white settings. This is a view that’s essential to the physical world, and if it isn’t present, your spiritual world is actually an imaginary place without basis; without grounding . …

(Good bye duality…)

C1, or the ‘Atlas’ vertabra, allows you to perceive beyond the immediate space of three dimensions; allows you to speculate; allows you to transcend the space and visualize what might be “when” and “if” . . . the world of your spiritual practice. Within the bounderylessness of the spiritual world – if your not grounded in two dimensions, there’s little basis or opportunity in its speculation. Both the two dimensional view and the view beyond three dimensions are essential to a balanced and joyful life, and when one of them excludes the other, there’s either a lack of reality, or a lack of imagination . . . a root of ongoing frustration and lack of manifestation. Manifestation without imagination lacks joy; imagination without manifestation lacks fulfillment.

The Alta Major center is an extremely sensitive portal of higher consciousness awareness which alerts us to the signature of negative energies, entities, or toxic influences in the environment. As a sensitive portal of consciousness that links directly into the brain and higher heart complex, it is highly susceptible to a range of implants, psychic attacks and misalignment. When the Alta Major center is misaligned, it interferes with brain function, heart centered communication and higher sensory perception. Blockages in the Alta neck center may result in an assortment of physical ailments and spiritual blockages, most importantly repelling full monadic embodiment and preventing the permanent seed activation in the higher heart complex from building out the crystal lotus and rose heart configurations.

The Alta Major center is connected to the Atlas bone or C1

If this important junction is blocked, implanted, or misaligned, it blocks the Thalamus Complex and 9th Chakra opening which is the medulla spiritual gateway through which our monadic identity can embody, and our consciousness can gain access into higher dimensions. Most people on earth have been subjected to a variety of physical and emotional traumas which have contributed to the lodging of a variety of implants and suppressor energy parasites to prevent soul and monadic embodiment. This is directly related to the Atlas C1, Axis C2 dislocation at the back of the cranium and spine, along with complications caused from unremoved crucifixion implants. it is believed that the Atlas and Axis dislocation is a part of the weakness created in the body that allows energy parasites to become more easily embedded, blocking the process of natural spiritual embodiment.



Love hearing your experiences @anon46520955 thanks for sharing!


Well it’s hard to put in words the feelings of this audio, and obviously the fact of the lenguage barrier ( I can’t even explain it in Spanish :joy:) .
First I meditate two rounds, and the first coming up it’s the buzzing in all parts of the body.

Later I fell every chakra expand inside out, like a cone

Something like this

And then… in the third round, in a deep meditative state, feel all the buzzing go away and start moving the body like a candle flame…
idk it was beautiful. I can’t control but I just keep moving and moving.
The only thing I can say it’s Thanks @Captain_Nemo for this audio. I can even express the gratitude for all you done for us.

I will keep updating during the week


Ohh that’s really beautiful! So much can be seen in this imagery :)

Loved reading your experience! Only thing is that… I have no idea how everyone can find the exact same gif that describes their experiences :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I was looking for that photo for like a hour lol hahah


Not to tell secrets but even aliens would benefit from this field… not necessarily enhance it.
Guess my meaning is… don’t look to aliens as boosting this… as @Maoshan_Wanderer has indicated for a few fields, they are just as impressed as we are.



Wow, this field sounds incredible! It seems like I need to visit this place more often! I had no idea this was even going on :rofl:

Anyway, not to derail this thread or anything, but those of you who have both this, and the Minor Blueprint of Power…What are the differences? Is this field just a much stronger version of the Minor Blueprint? Or is that too simple of an explanation? I appreciate any feedback :smiley:


First Review

I have listened to about 30 hours give or take (more on the give side) of this field…

I’m ready to talk about it.

First thing I’ll account my initial experience:

The moment I put on the field I was rushed with a cold breeze from within and I had to take a few fast deep breaths. A massive smile came over me and it was clear that it was allowing me to experience power or a new sense of power I’ve never had. Compared to my cycles with MBoP, this one is otherworldly, literally I guess (Quasi and all).

The only thing that came to mind was this scene from DBZ I watched as a kid. “Unlocking Dormant Powers”


Soon after the second listen, an intense deep feeling of satisfaction and blessed came over me. I can only imagine that this is what would feel like to achieve your highest and grandest dreams. Meaning that if this field is providing this, it’s an extremely high vibration and will make manifesting a joke aside the power implications itself.

The Cycle of BoP:

This is one field I was able to perceive how Smart it actually is. Systematically working it’s concepts in me at the right time and right pace. So let’s talk about that…

First - Blockage remover:

It didn’t play games… went straight for the blocks I’ve been trying to eliminate for quite some time now. I felt the area light up with what I am guessing is Plasma since it was like cold fire.


Second - Energy charging :

Took me a little bit to pin point it but I knew I had felt that recently and after paying attention it was a similar motion to what’s on MBoP but multiplied/amplified. The area that was blocked is suddenly being filled with the energy almost like in layers. The motion of the energy filling is a bit warmer and gentle, I can describe it know as if you just entered a party and you have to hug all your friends. It’s the same action but in constant movement. The main difference here is that the energy came from within so this would be the implosion effect.


Third - Increase in Vibration and Crystallization:

giphy (1)

For every cycle of blockage removing and energy implosion, it’s like it’s being used to then upgrade your vibration. What started as a buzzing effect (in no means was it subtle from the start btw), became a soothing static throughout my whole body. The higher my vibration went up the more I get to experience Clair-senses I didn’t have as a “forte”.

Example, I’m clairsentient, hence these reviews, but then the feeling all of a sudden had a sound (clairaudience) which I can only describe as hundred of glass needles falling on a surface. More cycles later, for the first time ever I’m starting to experience clairvoyance, without thought, just looking into the center of the darkness I started to see colors and patterns.

Now on crystallization, our physical thinking might make us thing of something that is harden or like a stone of sort but the opposite is true. The energy centers actually get lighter in feeling when crystallized. I can feel the difference in structures but it also feels completely different from before. Anything I focus on the chakras that feels has had the most progress in crystalizing the energy doesn’t need a build up anymore, it’s just THERE.

This I suspect is one of the multiple benefits of the Time Crystal effects. We’ll talk about that later…

The Effects of BoP:


I’m not going to talk about specifics but the Quasi crystal effect is extremely obvious specifically the repatterning effect.

While looping with this on and sleeping, I’ve become really lucid in my dreams something I’ve only experienced a handful of times in the past. The funny thing is that the things the field is bringing up are not “cute” to put it lightly. It’s like the exacerbated version of what you have to work on but the magic happens, you get a glimpse of the situation, a hint of the feeling, and them it explodes and continues to work.

I’ve had some extremely weird dreams that I cannot remember other than the feeling of the absence of that heaviness. This is something I experience in all my release work. My ultimate confirmation is that I can’t remember what I just released seconds after so in essence this field is even helping me release at a pace I didn’t know possible. More to that, bringing stuff up that would have probably taken me years to find.


Time Crystal effect is something I was honestly most excited about and it didn’t disappoint.

When I isolated what it felt like, there’s only one description I was given to make sense of this. As a kid I used to play games both in console and on my computer with something called Emulators (they emulate the consoles).

Games have their own game save system but emulators also have a saving mechanism called Save State. It allowed you to save the game at any given time, never losing any progress or wasting time having to wait for the in game saving function. In essence if the game is the “physical” world, the emulator was the quantum world.

This is the same, all your “progress” is saved in a quantum state so as I’m still amazed at noticing… not only do you not lose any progress of the vibration you’ve risen into but you have constant and immediate access to it all the time. There’s no build up. No matter where I’ve gone (party last night for example), I was able to access the feeling of the vibration without any focus. It’s just there!

giphy (2)

Lastly, DNA Repair… Look there’s not much I can say about this as we might need to wait for the natural cycles of cells and the fact you get a new body every year depending on the type of cells your DNA is expressing.

This is what I can say, I feel lively, robust, healthy. If my thinking is right, “Extreme DNA Repair” with life force and negentropy. We might see extreme de-aging and maintaining optimal levels of health in an unheard of manner. This one we would have to wait.

All in all, I feel nothing but blessed to have this field. It was definitely what I was looking for and it is fast tracking me towards all my ideals in physical, mental, and spiritual progress.

Let’s see what the next few weeks has in store, MBoP alone changed my life dramatically.

@Captain_Nemo Thank you man. Can’t express it enough.


A Gohan fan I see

Haha Dolphin Emulators all the way bro


I do really love your reviews and this field is unbelievably awesome :blush:
Once i start i dont want to stop listening its to much to be put into words by me at the moment.


[quote=“Angelgome, post:42, topic:19892”]
This is the same, all your “progress” is saved in a quantum state so as I’m still amazed at noticing… not only do you not lose any progress of the vibration you’ve risen into but you have constant and immediate access to it all the time.

I was already feeling this alone with KQ but this field takes it to even sleeping times.

I noticed the dreams similar to lucid dreaming as i said in my previous comment, they have all the elements but i wasnt sure it wasnt lucid dreaming because i felt i was not in control of what was happening, but now with your comment it hit Me!

It is a higher level of lucid dreaming because tho i apparently wasnt in control of the dreams i was clearly witnessing observing with detachement, and those dreams have been about me doing things i hadnt because of whatever reason, specially seeing myself in past situations taking different and better decisions, etc

So my conclusion is that this field is so powerful is even reversing and changing things from my past in a higher plane through my higher self while i witness all of that in the dreams… holy!

And further… that joy ive been waking up feeling is an old awaiting one from the things i didnt get to live and always longed for :hushed:

And then… by changing things from my past that still weight heavy on me (my back) … my reality in this present moment is rapidly changing… and its really happening.

I even told Captain about something regarding this that i didnt want to post if i wasnt sure or clear about it but now i fully understand what is happening.

Wowwwww this is crazy.

I cant wait for other reviews from you @anon22855873 nd @Maoshan_Wanderer and 1st from @_OM already no?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: lol


Meh. kinda dislike giving reviews on fields like these nowadays…but been waiting so I can just copy paste others experiences that I’ve also witnessed.

From Mao:

From Bronyraur

From Lunamoon:

My description of the above

From Angelgome:

Sorry, but trying to put this field into words instantly puts me into “Beyond Words/Nothingness”
Hence the absolute lack of desire to explain what it is doing…


I remember feeling this.

In fact in my way home from work the first time i didnt want to talk at all and i thought i was going to be shut quiet for some days. Because you just feel there… suspended… witnessing rapidly things unfolding slowly while slowly seeing things rapidly unfolding theres not a desire to talk.


Can attest to the feelings of bliss and stillness so far with this field. Having lots of nostalgia. Seeing The Creators beauty in everything and everyone.

What a feeling.

Can’t wait to dive deeper.


Yah I already have trouble expressing what I “feel” from any fields and it’s like that with this one, but to the extreme. Silence. Pure Beingness. Pure consciousness. Pure power. But a calm, silent power. Pure awareness. Pure flow state. That’s the best I can come up with.

And I want to say full as well. My energy body feels condensed with each field I have played, but simultaneously lighter at the same time. I guess the word I’m looking for is integrated. I can isolate and tap into each field I played that day that’s in my aura, bring it front and center to my awareness, abide in it and then switch to another as i please. I was already able to do that but now with even more ease and precision.


Exactly that :slight_smile: