@psynergy thank you for that, it’s true, I’ve been out of touch of nature for a long time, hoping I can get to breathe in some natural prana soon. Thank you for the stack - I’ve been running that in my nightly stack too, maybe that’s why it’s keeping everything at bay!
@anon46520955 great point about brain health, and that pointer about prioritisation. So true. I haven’t been prioritising myself well.
@Forumuser thank you, I’ve been running negentropic jing + ojas marrow, but on your advice I’'ll add in negentropic shen too What do you think about negentropic chi? I haven’t bought it yet (saving up).
@anon31415926 yes I do, I run soul restoration (core) x3 daily.
@anon17734191 what a simple but awesome solution, listening to it now! Feels like I’m connecting and grounding back to nature
@Vesparda that’s a great point about that - maybe I’ll try the five elements balancing audio
@anon7543466 will try and learn a bit of that wimhof stuff
@lilo gosh I can relate to that. Unfortunately the system is rigged so bad (for many years) that there’s not much i can do to ask for help too. It’s a massive lack of manpower supply with the hospitals trying to cut costs as well. Will try intercession and grace, never thought of that. I tried plasma flower and it’s great for patients but I realised it causes a huge inflood of patients to the wards I cover so I try to reduce its usage while I’m overwhelmed atm. thank you.
@Panatvai thank you
@Maoshan_Wanderer it never occurred to me that I was energetically burnt out too… now that I look back on it, maybe it’s a dual thing both from the intense environment and the fields? I’m not sure how I can cut back on the fields though, as I run a few that seem to help me cope (like soul restoration/jing/ojas/love and appreciation/knight mindset), maybe I’ll cut down on some physical fields and focus on grounding? Been neglecting crucible, will add it into my daily list for sure.
Thank you friends, I appreciate very much your advice and love.