Amulet of Whispering

Amulet of Whispering

Amulet of Whispering (Eldergrove Haven Series)

Congratulations, Fellow Traveler!

You have been graced with the enchanting Amulet of Whispering, a treasure of unparalleled beauty and power. This exquisite pendant, crafted from the finest silver and adorned with a gem that shimmers with an ethereal light, bestows upon you the extraordinary ability to commune with nature itself.

With the Amulet of Whispering, the world around you comes alive with secrets waiting to be unveiled. You will hear the soft murmurs of ancient trees, the melodic whispers of the wind, and the timeless wisdom of the earth. This sacred connection deepens your mindfulness, aligning your spirit with the Earth’s very heartbeat—the Schumann Resonance.

It uses this Schumann base to enhance and deepen this natural connection as your world itself around you becomes your haven.

Wear this amulet to explore the mysteries of the natural world and resonate harmoniously with the subtle frequencies of our planet.

A Note of Wonder:

This amulet is a key that unlocks the true magic of Eldergrove Haven. It scans for the ownership of all five magical items in the series. Possessing all five bestows upon you the Vibration of Eldergrove Haven, infusing your aura and energy body with its pure, transformative essence. Expect profound changes and extraordinary growth as you carry this vibration within you, elevating your being on multiple levels and bringing magic into your daily life.


We have been blessed with the Eldergrove Haven Guild offerings!
Kudos, Nice!


Wow, I suddenly feel that I have been transported to the Elf Kingdom of Rivendell from the Lord of the Rings Universe with all these Magical Offerings that enhance our connection with Nature and with our inner selves.


could this actually have taken away my everlasting feeling of homesickness that follows me since i was a child??
i once read that the my moon sign is often in horoscope where you are born in a different country that you live, one feels homesick. that’s my case and i thought that this is just like it is. never feeling save, feeling home and welcomed, even if having a loving, caring family.

but since yesterday when i got this i am also like a little fallen in love, just don’t know with what or who :sweat_smile: and i am save everywhere. i hope this lasts a while :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That is so sweet.
Yes, absolutely I believe that is what happened. And there’s reason to it.

Feeling homesick is a yearning of belonging to a place we could call home. However, “home” can symbolise many things to an individual. You can feel at home with a person, a tribe, a place, a deity, a story, etc. The concept of home goes way beyond family or the house you grew up in. Of course they also are very meaningful, but as we grow up, we might find more and more places and people we’d call home.

What connects these all, in my opinion, is nature itself. You can ask yourself why we feel so good in nature, on a mountain, at a lakeside, at the beach, in a forest, etc. There’s a sacred connection and symbiosis between humans and nature.

The other day I listened to the Lex Fridman podcast that they filmed in the Amazon jungle. A fascinating podcast truly. They emphasized and highlighted this connection between us and nature. They also showed one of these images.


You can see many similar structures on both microscopic and macroscopic levels: the layout of a leaf, the system of blood vessels, river systems, tree branches, the lungs, etc. And it makes sense right? We are part of nature and nature is part of us. Hence we can find many overlapping patterns and structures.

Yet we live often very unnatural lives. I often talked with my colleagues about just how unnatural an office environment truly is, why people feel tired, burned out, etc.

Anyways, what I think this field does is to make you realize just how sacred this connection is. As a consequence, you don’t feel homesick anymore, because this connection is the true home.

That and

An eternal bond = pure love


We protect nature, nature protects us.
It’s the safety of a very powerful, old friend.

Thanks for sharing your feelings :slight_smile:


and maybe also Schumann Resonance within all this!


I was walking past a tree today, one I’d pass by every day. I’m not sure entirely what I was thinking but suddenly had the urge to look at it. So I simply stopped and looked at this tree that I normally wouldn’t pay attention to. Other people walking by me also not paying attention to the tree.

In this moment I looked at the tree and it was almost as if it looked back at me. I almost felt sort of sad and guilty for that I hadn’t previously acknowledged the presence of this tree despite walking past it every day.

Still looking at it and admiring it’s branches, eventually I whispered a simple “thank you” and got an energetic response. I think the trees are teachers of gratitude in this way too, as I’ve noticed when I said my thank you, I was giving gratitude to it’s entirety, including it’s roots and it’s function.

It feels good, honestly


Beautiful :deciduous_tree:


How does this field work I wonder? Do you listen to it to activate and integrate its effects, or is it something that you imbue into a item?

Beautiful creation @Nice2knowU! Nature is so full of mystery and its a shame we are so desensitized from it. Its full of magical energies that we can interact with as long as we pay attention.

My home country has many mountains and tropical forests, and going on hikes there always fills you with prana. With this we can find out what makes nature so alive and its secrets :star_struck:


Yeah that’s it.
It’s not an item maker, you simply listen to it.

Also see:


That’s one of the reasons for this creation and the guild as a whole.

You mentioned it: we are desensitized. There’s so much beauty around us, yet oftentimes we choose to not look. We hide from the slightest weather imbalance, whereas kids embrace it. Social interactions plummet, because even if we hang out with friends, most people can’t put their phone down for even 5 minutes. Or we get used to unnatural working environments and still complain.

But notice how fresh you feel after a walk in nature. How nice it feels spending time at the beach, etc. There’s magic and beauty all around us if we are willing to look.

Yes it sounds wonderful.
Perhaps you can share some pics?


Hi @Nice2knowU, I’d be delighted to! :blush: Here are some of my favorites. I couldn’t find any good ones in my camera roll as I usually take them with friends instead of scenery :sweat_smile:, but these one’s online are the exact spots I’ve went to!

Talking to you about it does make me miss home :sweat_smile: I’m studying overseas so I don’t get to go back often but it’s always nice being out there. A lot of it is tropical jungle close to the ocean, which really adds to the energy of the place. There’s many different islands and areas to explore as well, depending on where you go! Personally I do enjoy thesel places alot, especially ones close to bodies of water. It just feels so alive. I do wonder though why places with more life can radiate so much energy.

What about you @Nice2knowU? What places in nature do you resonate most with?


Thats really beautiful… Feels refreshing just looking at them.

Its a good question. I was asked this question just recently.

For one, I really like those ancient or sacred places, the energies there are quite astonishing. Oh and while not nature, I also like simply sitting in large churches, it always feels very humbling.

Then I sometimes really like certain forest areas. In its entirety, sure. But also, sometimes I find spots that feel energetically even more amplified. I can’t quite find the words. In those moments, its good to save the energies for later using tower of power or pendant of the magi. I often feel those special moments are these dragon paths:

Walking the Dragon Paths: Entering Other Dimensions – Enlightened States

Then, definitely lakes, rivers, beaches - any water source really. Its simply soothing to just sit and listen, the air is wonderful, mind feels relaxed, etc. Though for me, if its really hot at the beaches, eventually the heat gets to me and I must retreat or stay in the shadows.

And then, mountains are always majestic. Whether at the peak or in its valley, there is sth about mountains, I mean their symbolism alone, there is some very visceral and raw energy; also considering how mountains have formed, how much power and energy was needed over time. Really quite magnificient.

Oh another thing about forests: Its also really beautiful to observe forests throughout the seasons. Very special, no matter if its winter, autumn, summer, or spring.


Thanks for replying Nice2knowU! I absolutely agree. There’s a large variety of places in nature which exude special energy, and after reading about energetic influences such as vortexes, ley lines, and the dragon paths you linked, makes it that much more fascinating. Thinking about it, it might explain some mysterious vanishings, such as those with the bermuda triangle and the
El fausto mystery (Which is probably the most unexplainable one to me)

As of now I’m trying to better work with nature in an esoteric manner after discovering this community. How do you work with the energies it provides @Nice2knowU, especially when in the more ancient, sacred places? Its hard to work with it in the moment as I don’t have storage related fields/NFTs. Wondering if servitors can store that energy and release it for work later on :thinking:


Oh there’s gonna be sth in store for you, trust me :slight_smile:

For me it’s really simple: while walking in and through these sacred places, I shift my mind to a kind of “receiving” state, simply open, trying not to wonder about expectations of what it could be or feel like, but actually feeling into these energies. Sometimes this way you get insights, they can be non-verbal, and glimpses of what it was like historically. A kind of time machine, if you will. I try not to interpret any of these insights and simply let them be, so that I can remain in this receiving state. In a way, I try to record these energies and insights I gained, and it’s possible that much later I’ll recall them. Maybe these are ancient insights…

Yeah I did the above even before knowing about fields. And technically, you can do this anywhere; it’s not required to be an ancient or sacred site, just that those tend to carry more.

Servitors can definitely do that, yes.

One more thing. I just remembered sth I wanted to write here.

Couple weeks ago I was at a pet store and saw one of those cats without or with only very little fur. I’ll be honest, I’m not a big fan of them. It made me wonder why. So I kept observing this cat. Huge eyes, curious eyes, but the cat was a bit shy. I kept observing and mentally telling it that it’s fine. And eventually it came to me. What was cool was that someone else tried to play with this cat, but the cat didn’t give them any attention, it was so focused on me.

I thought this a sort of symbolism. Why was I not a fan of this kind of cat? Well, for me, from the outside, it doesn’t look as beautiful as other cats. But if other cats also didn’t have fur, they’d look the same or very similar. Underneath they are the same. Who doesn’t like looking at beauty? But can you look at something you find not so beautiful and still realise it’s equally beautiful underneath?

So to me, this encounter was a lesson to tell me to look deeper, look beyond what’s on the surface.


:star_struck::star_struck: I cant wait!

They really might be, some of the older places in nature like sedona rock or himalayas are millions of years old, so there might be loads of untapped ancient energy waiting to be explored!

I do think about that quite often, and am really glad you brought it up! Everyone loves to say beauty is skin deep, but we and many in nature are so wired so see otherwise. It takes true effort and insight to sse beyond the surface to someones true essence. I feel like thats what the amulet of whispering really helps with ; Living things are stories, and this opens up our gifts us the ability to reach beyond the cover to understand mother nature herself.

Am saving up for it and super exited to try it on future hikes and walks! Wondering if it could be fielded on an item so that it constantly works