Anyone knows what date was sapien medicine established?

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I might have something nice for you :


Sometimes the hero of the story has to defy the gods, the fates, and whatever else stands in the way. Quit worrying about the stars and write the story you want.


You concern is quite unfounded.

Reading only one pillar yields close to no relation to the result or else those yearly horoscope books would be accurate for a great amount of people.

You need to analyse all 4 pillars to determine the issue, and let me tell you clashes can even be good depending on the charts strength/weaknesses.

Clashes actually means changes and it is not entirely always negative as perceived by most people because when translated from the original language it almost always sounds like some ingredient of doom and gloom.

And you even gave very interesting information.
The rooster and rabbit clashes open good opportunities regarding spirtual related activities.


Lunamoon22 going above, above and beyond.

All these members giving knowledgeable, insightful, and very valid, even varied perspectives.

Whatever you believe or think about astrology, aditya1, is a fortune to come here and receive such replies & support.


Personally I canā€™t imagine astrology as a system to, not do things, or to have certainty in any sort of thought regarding the unknown.


Interesting thread, a bit funny. I have no intention of judging your beliefs but from my point of view your concern is irrational. First of all, letā€™s remember that dates, days, years, hours, everything is an invention of man to be able to measure time in an understandable way. As we say that we are in the year 2023, we could say that we are in the year 3069 if the current calendar had been implemented before, or in the year 4,500,000,235 if we count from the formation of the planet. The point is that these interpretations based on dates are just interpretations but for some they are a dogma, each person decides how to take it.

Donā€™t let others decide for you, do what you want to do and if your decision was not the right one, you will learn from that experience and improve.


thank you everyone for the responses