Aura strength and how if effects your receptivity

Hi Brothers and Sisters,

I have a question. Can any advise if there is a correlation between the strength of your auric field and the receptivity of energy fields?

If you have a strong aura, will you feel effects of energy fields easier than if your aura is weak? For example, I used to get good results a while back without headphones. For reasons i won’t bore you with, I got sick, low vibration, depression etc, and now I only get some results through headphones.

Is anyone well-versed on this topic? Will expanding your auric field give better results? If so, what can we listen to? That will give us the desired result.

Thank you all


This da best for Aura

Ojas too help aura
Soul Restoration series too helps
Your Energetic Being


I’m still learning and testing. But from what I can tell, this is absolutely true.

Having a strong aura and solid energy body seems to be the #1 factor for field receptivity. And not just field, but receptivity to anything positive. When my energy body is strong I seem to react better to feel the positive effects of everything more: I get inspired from movies, I feel energised by music, I feel nourished by food, etc, etc.

As I said, I’m still testing and improving and working on my own energy body - so my thoughts on this are not definitive.


You can try



About a year ago I was pretty sick. I was barely able to sense my servitors. It was a bit scary…

But anyways,
These days we have powerful stuff.

I recommend:

(In fact I use these at night)