Capital Governance

:point_up: :point_up:


Thanks @_OM


Is there a way to tap into specific people? I have an industry expert called Ray Dalio that I follow. Is it possible to tap into or sync with his style of thinking or mindset?

There are numerous successful people besides the famous ones that I’d like to gain insight from.
Can this field help with that ?


Ray Dario

I hope you didn’t mean Ray Dalio, because he is famous asf when it comes to finance :wink:

Think of it this way:
There is you + the knowledge (let’s say skill because in that trade knowledge is skill) of the rockstars.

If you were playing basketball, there would be you + Jordan + Shaq + some others.
Your game will already be “unique” and amazing, you could easily look over your shoulder and borrow the style of Kobe. The game, feeling, intuition are pretty much the same. The field gave you a broad base, with all the basic, intermediate and many advanced skills. The little extra goodie is easy then.


Yes, Ray Dalio. lol
Followed him and his material for years


Gentlemen, start your engines!!!
This is a must have - in today’s day and age where intellectual property is king.

I was debating getting this. Thanks for the input Philip.


Seriously ?
These guys made and have billions. Everyday they wake up with real paper to manage, it’s not hypothetical for them.

You get knowledge they would never share, knowledge they would suck at explaining and tacit knowledge so deep in their mind, so intuitive they don’t even know they know.


That is vital to gain an edge.




That would be very helpful. That’s like a lottery in itself.


i played this for about 3 loops and went to bed.

i’m awake now and feel productive. i came across websites that are valuable resources to ideas i have.

while looking at a website i realized i was thinking with an employee mindset when i should be switching to an entrepreneur mindset.

i made a connection to the free book i found and this website that could help provide my life with more abundance and financial confidence.

sometimes i get impatient and wish i was already at the ‘finish line’ when what is important is to be in the moment and accept where i’m at.

i’ve been feeling like this rabbit from alice in wonderland.

if i keep thinking about the ‘finish line’, i’ll never get there as the goal post in my mind stays out of my reach even though i’m physically moving towards it. the key for me is to have my mind in the present moment instead of the finish line.


Until Enlightenment (lol we keep having this convo) that’s not happening.
What you CAN DO instead to manage the “Ego” is…

Take a time each week (make it a “ritual”) to stop and see how you’ve progressed and FEEL GRATITUDE for where you’re at now compared to before.

The Ego will forever keep it’s goal on the horizon which has it’s “good” and “bad” effects.
Looking back with gratitude and self-reflection balances out that polarity.


I so hear you. One of my daily challenges but getting better. I’m also letting go of perfectionism and there is enormous freedom in that…on my good days ;)

Respectfully, I disagree. While perhaps being in the present 100% of the time can only happen when enlightened, it’s entirely possible to be more mindful, more aware and to work towards being more in the present. I would venture that it might be something that helps be further along for those who seek enlightenment.

When I am diligent, I have found myself much more immersed in the present and less enticed by goalposts. To me it is a worthy daily practice that makes me happier and more at peace :slight_smile:

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I feel like if you read me too literally, all of my comments are going to cause “disagreements” for you.
I was indeed speaking of “being in the moment”… even just more than 50% of the time, let alone all the time.

Sorry, but that’s not how the brain/ego works. It’s primary function is to seek goals whether that be basic survival or on up the various chains of hierarchy mapped by many many people in many ways.

It’s the archetypical “seeker”/Hermit tarot that once a goal is accomplished, constantly seeks for a new one. It’s what causes to people to evolve (good) or obsess/worry (bad)
(I hinted at this all above)

Everyone can maintain moments even “minutes” of being in the moment.
We even have fields that can extend that “flow” for hours/days.

So i’ll repeat. The only way to be 100% present all the time, effortlessly is to reach Enlightenment.
(I suggest reading my many posts on what “my” definition of Enlightenment is and what it entails so “we” can stop disagreeing) :slight_smile:


Lastly, you also have to understand this is an ongoing conversation between me and psynergy. I’m not in the habit of reposting an entire books worth of “background” knowledge to explain a point we’ve already gone over now for a year. :slight_smile:


@Amber3 A part of curiousity is always genuine understanding, Amber. :)

The more you read and absorb, the more you will also understand the approach of people like Om better :)

Specially Om lol. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Of course I read you literally for the time being, I don’t know you :laughing:
If you say that until Enlightenment that’s not happening in quite definitive terms, I take you at your word :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s quite a black and white statement. We have just discussed earlier today and I didn’t have a disagreement with you. Or maybe I’m taking you too literally? I’m just jesting, couldn’t help it hahahahha

But seriously, I quite like not agreeing. I think it can bring really interesting and stimulating and a great way to learn :smiley:

As I can’t possibly know that, if you can make allowances for someone new, that’s not what I’m asking you to do :smiley:

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I am hoping to do that by getting to know you all. I have read quite a lot of the forum but I would hope that the best way to do that is in the now :heart:


a way for the now to happen :slightly_smiling_face:
and learning always comes with seeing through, not agreeing, but seeing through… not keeping the stimulation on :)

I do understand you btw, just connecting one of the dots for you :)


By read and absorb, you mean not interacting and rather seeing how the conversations go for a while until I am getting to understand people more? Please correct me if I am misunderstanding :slight_smile:

And for me, I find that tiresome.
So you’ll excuse me if I don’t engage with you too often if that’s your “preferred” style of engaging with others.

There are many others here looking to learn and grow who engage in other “styles” that I can assist more readily.