Caring for your field

So my Best path field just arrived and its quite a beauty. Obviously it has not quite broken in yet and I have no experience handling such items

I have a few questions that I am sure many of us have, thankful for anyone who can provide any info

Is boosting it using Sapien’s sigil ok?
will playing sapienmed audios while wearing the dog tag affect the field?
Can the energy get clogged by outside influences?
how to purify or energetically care for the field?
How to store it?


I’ll address boosting. If you do boost it, I would recommend only doing so if you are willing and able to purchase another of the same tag.

Every field I’ve boosted has become far stronger usually after only one boost. For some of them it has basically turned them into another field altogether. Think about the difference between shutting a door and slamming a door. It’s the exact same thing. But it’s a completely different thing. Like the difference between spraying a kid with a garden hose in the summertime compared to spraying someone with a fire hose. It’s exactly the same thing and completely different.

Spend some time learning how this field affects you. If you are happy with it as it is, then consider not boosting it.


Thanks for the input so you can “break” the field
have you noticed “wear and tear” due to use?

No, boosting hasn’t broken them. Sapien Medicine does warn not to microwave or electrocute your fielded items.

Boosting hasn’t broken anything but has made them into a far different experience for me. So I would say don’t boost anything lightly. I only boost a field if it hasn’t worked for me, meaning I’m a hard case to reach in that particular area. Or if I want a much more intense experience, but then I have to realize that a much more intense experience may not be an appropriate fit for some mundane situations.

I’ll give a couple of examples. Boosting the Chakra tag turned it (for me) into something very similar to the Ascension field, having a different effect from Ascension but rivaling it’s strength. So it became a great companion if I wanted to make a lot of progress quickly but I discovered that I really wanted only to do that while alone. I would prefer a non-boosted chakra tag while out and about in the world.

Boosting the Shielding Protection tag affected all of the fields on that tag but I will only address “transmute negative energy”. It was something that gave me a type of strength when attacked with negative energy. But then it became (for me) after boosting, something that turned me into a Sith Lord. So again, I would want a non-boosted Shielding Protection when dealing with regular every-day jerks. But if I were in an actual literal war zone, then I would want a boosted Shielding Protection.

To sum it up, I’m saying to take boosting seriously. Because the results are no joke.

I have not noticed wear and tear to the fields from use over time. They are designed to grow and self-regenerate.


Just don’t boost it.
I’m not planning to boost mine even once.
Some peeps here boost it 10-20x and wonder why they get no results. Smh

I don’t get it, what’s so bad about feeling like a Sith Lord 24 7?


Lol. Try it out my friend. :smiling_imp:


Haha in due time brother

It was so strong I could even feel myself absorbing negative ambient energy when no one was around.

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You only boosted it once? I’ve been really wanting to buy this tag for a while particularly for the negative energy transmutation aspect

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Oh yeah. Only once. I’ve had great success anytime I’ve boosted anything just once. I do make sure I say “Destinus” with a lot of authority and power in my voice. (It’s not so much an external show of force I think, it’s more about the inner conviction of your own authority) I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. It’s just something I read in some book on magic a long time ago.


I always say it like 10 times 10 different ways just to be sure haha I need to be confident it worked


I’ve boosted my ipf tag once and I’ve gotten good results but I kind of want to boost it again but I’m not sure


Yeah me too, I need to get in touch with the confidence. I take a moment to make sure I’ve got it, I’ve made contact with that feeling of authority in myself, then I say it once with authority. Every once in a while if it comes out weak or half-hearted I’ll do it over.


I can’t remember if I boosted my IPF or not but it works well. I really should keep a notebook of what I’ve boosted.

My basic plan is to have one of each tag, gold and silver, so I can just boost all the gold ones and not need to keep track of what I’ve done. But I’ve already deviated from the plan.

I want to get two of each of the Lion and Thor tags. Just so I can experiment with the boosted versions but still be able to go out around people without overdoing things with them. I’ve already noticed Lion (unboosted) in the work place actually has gotten every one in upper management to make a point of greeting me or saying hi. I know that may sound weird or insignificant but where I work that stands out as unusual and I’ve definitely taken note of it.


That’s actually a really good idea! Do you have both Thor and the lion tag? And if you do, do they compliment each other well or you only use one at a time?

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I really want to buy the lion tag for day to day use to build my confidence for the long run and the Thor tag to help me crush the gym


I wasn’t so excited about the Thor field until I got the Lion one and realized it does so much more for me than I thought it would. So now I’m printing the Thor mandala while I wait for the tag to reach me.

This way I’ll find out how the mandala compares to the tag.


No, playing Sapien audios while wearing a dog tag won’t affect the field. Feel free to play audios while wearing field items.

Some audio fields can work together synergistically with items. Playing the same field as an audio while wearing the dog tag will amplify the effects. For example, the Energy Blockage Removal with chakra growth field and Chakra v2.0 Gumroad fields are amplified synergistically when one is wearing the Chakra Growth dog tag.

The energy cannot be clogged by outside influences. The field items are programmed not to be influenced or corrupted, so energetic purification or cleaning aren’t necessary.

The field is connected to the image and cannot be damaged easily. It is also designed to grow and repair itself constantly, similar to a living organism. So long as the image and dog tag remain somewhat intact, even if the dog tag is scratched or chipped, the field will either be unaffected or repair itself.

Here is a post by @Maoshan_Wanderer about Dreamweaver’s teacher, Dale Power, which might be of interest to you:

Few things can overwork or damage a field. As @Atreides mentioned, placing a field item in a microwave can damage it as radiation can damage fields. Running an electrical current through the item or burning it daily may damage it, as it forces the field to repair and regenerate itself constantly, which can be damaging.

It can be stored however you prefer or worn 24/7. Some people have found selenite charging plates and other crystals have a positive impact on the dog tags.

Here is a reply from Dreamweaver in another forum thread which might be of interest to you:

Here is a question from the FAQ section of the Sapien website which might be of interest as well.

Can these fields, if overworked, dissipate?

Most of dale’s fields and mine are self-propagating, meaning they function similarly like a like a living organism, growing and repairing itself. But what is overworking it? Using it constantly would not be overworking it. Overworking may be like burning the item every day or running an electrical field through it, that’s overworking because you are forcing it to constantly repair and regenerate itself, which can be damaging.

From the old Power Booster Mug description:


The Lion tag. So now I’ve ordered the Thor tag and while I wait for it I’ve printed the Thor mandala.

It does everything it says in the description. It’s great. I ordered it for the extra confidence but I strongly notice feeling more secure (as opposed to insecure), and self-esteem. Confidence naturally flows from those things.