Discussion for other Creator Channels

Any1 got a field specifically for social skills/humour ? not confidence but the skill itself

thanks :blush:


I get your point. My stance is that I don’t want to tell other people what to do with their lives. I can’t even manage mine. Also, the different websites and different mods are already a ‘healthy line’ for me.

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alchemical revision of innocence and Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love
inner beauty reflected outwards
social bonder

for humor maybe thor mandala (mjölnir) and belly laughter
(not specific but might happen as an effect)


That works on your inner world tho im just looking for the development of the skill itself

like knowning what to say, timing of jokes, emotional intellgience etc

thanks tho :D

Thank you very much, I see that lately the EWFAE guys have almost everything I’m looking for :grin::+1:


easily blarney stone for humour


In astro pov, some known comedians would have harmonious aspects in their natal chart (not limited to) Mercury (Mind), Jupiter (Expansion) and I’d throw in Uranus (Individuality); inventive Uranus sees “odd”, or unusual, connections between ideas. Hence the unexpected punch line of a joke. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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The Golden glow -SM

  • Golden Glow
  • Merrymaker NFT
  • Social Bonder
  • Blarney Stone
  • Extreme Confidence (old one)

Paid fields
Clever like a triple Gemini - Psychic University
Astrological charisma buff - Psychic University

Some free fields that might help

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The Divine Voice NFT :slight_smile:


thank you so much!! i have like a year left to exam day but i had awful years for my bachelor entrance exam and didn’t get accepted in for 3 years🥲 so if there’s more you have in mind i appreciate it :grin:

Blarney Stone + Charisma would be better … Enigma and Frame Control are more “inner game”, Charisma is more focused on social interaction:


This looks powerful but it includes a testosterone boost, be careful with that :+1:

“Powerful” is an odd word. It works… it’s properly programmed. I started to notice discernable changes in interactions about 10 days listening 2-3 times a day.

A lot of people have a lot of “junk” time in their day, filled with pointless programming (emotional eating, brainless hoarding of resources, passive entertainment, etc.)

My advice (in general) would be to dedicate part of these to something constructive, like fields, subliminals, energy work, reading, learning, meditation, etc… taper off the addiction matrix slowly … you don’t want to crash.

Even if an individual didn’t believe this stuff works - just by reframing how they use their time, and being an active participant in their reality for a while, will start a chain reaction of positive changes in their mind.

The opposite tends to be true … if fields do produce results for someone … should they use them to passively stride through life … they are no different than those addicted to things most here would perceive as “negative” … they will slowly begin to feel hopeless and powerless, and no field could fix what they have implanted within the core of their being.

I am also not a purist … by all means have your beers, pizzas, shows, etc. All I ask is, before you start any chain of actions, pause, think about it for a few minutes, and say to yourself “I am choosing to do this”. You will find your coherence and things that are negative to you (which only you have the ability to know), will slowly taper off, “effortlessly”. (Even though, for others, you’ll look like you’re doing the impossible).


How are the EWFAE fields for fat burning/weight loss in effectiveness? I’m tempted to start using them because it says you only need to use them 2 times per day max to get proper results.

I tried them for a bit - but, not long enough to judge. (being ultra-fit is not a priority for me atm)

They did alter my digestion processes, so at least that aspect of it works.


Free fields Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube - #7529 by igem you can try Morpheus Fields.
Did you already set on any brain stack from Sapien Medicine?

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I tried Morpheus’ 200 IQ field.

It definitely enhanced my processing speed really fast (although, again, that was a while back when I was still exploring this stuff)


Mandala from Patreon can be used 24/7 and Morpheus said to do it with exactly 200IQ field.