Discussion for other Creator Channels

I’m going to whip up some special sauce for that “Subliminal Results Group” video.

Xtrememind has good stuff, some of which they offer for free. Yes, they are a company built on being profitable, and it wouldn’t surprise me if they do some “Xtrememind is great” subs in their videos. Joey just gifted me with a fantastic set of energies worth hundreds of dollars (and still sold on his site), so maybe I’m biased. I do subscribe to their Patreon, and I do have them do the monthly spell (and it is SO worth it). I guess at this point I’m cool if there’s a bit of extra subconscious push for me to buy their stuff.

Sapien, Xtrememind, subtle.energy, and Quadible Integrity are my go-tos for powerful energetic stuff. They have all changed my life in positive ways. Programmed Intention is a strong up and comer. M.E.F. Dynamics, Ataraxy, and that Wizard whatever channel that looks like a Quadible clone all seem to have legit stuff, but I can’t verify the subs (the morphic fields all felt and worked as expected).


Hmm… Interesting subs :thinking:

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yes, he has a lot of “get more women” type subs because that’s what people ask for and he actually lets people create their own subs and affirmations.

His actual content on that topic tho is based on - having inner confidence (sound familiar?)
and understanding how the “modern” female works vs males and females evolutionary “subconscious” motives.
Most of the men here looking to “get women” would be wise to read his opinions.
Most won’t.
Even fewer will “believe” it vs. all the other PUA crap out there that they’ve been pre-exposed to.

I was entirely interested in why his stuff seems to work so well.
And I have my theories but good luck getting me to debate/discuss that here. :slight_smile:


Most of his subs interfere with free will?

As you already this know, feel free to tell us your own theories about his successfully working subs

I have heard he is NLP master, master about effective programming human subconscious, hypnotist and what not, he has really a lot certifications

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I used to listen to Ki Kaz his stuff was powerful, and a few months ago he just took all his stuff off of youtube. he had some unique stuff which paired up well with Sapien’s stuff.


Oh and another channel I wanted to throw out there for you guys since you all shared some to check out,

EnergizedSilence on YT.

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Yes, I used some of their freeware audios posted by a member on the FB group and I had interesting, pleasant results with Astral Flight, Hand of God and Ecstasy audios. Another batch of many audios were posted but I have not tried them out because I could not see admin approval on the latter.

Thank you for your feedback.

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How was the X audio?

It lives up to its brief description and delivered.


Actually there is a guy on YouTube uploading George Hutton’s content, I think his name was subliminal shinobi. He also got an own website. As far as I know George is still active though, at least I see him create new courses every now and then


I decided to post my thoughts and analysis about some channels of this type people use here, i have over a decade of experience with this type of content as well as the subliminal community, and i’m energy sensitive so i can tell when a channel is fake or actually has energy.

- Ascension Archangel: Stay away. This guy is insane, very racist, at best another scammer, at worst using harmful energies in his videos. His community is basically a cult and they’re responsible for the chakra removal stuff going around in some circles

King louie sees himself as a god-like aryan being of sorts that communicates with his future self which he calls the “Blood General”, he considers black people to be inferior and not worth saving.

- Quadible Integrity: I don’t personally like them, but don’t think they’re doing anything harmful like so many claim. The reasons i dislike them is the forced new age positivity, the lack of understanding of so many things (For example the belief in nonsense pseudoscience like alkaline boosting and colloidal silver, that stuff is very dangerous, your body’s PH is supposed to be balanced and not less acidic, and colloidal silver literally turns you blue), and finally their energy is very heavy unlike sapien’s clean and neutral energy, which explains the strange dreams some people have. But if you find benefits in the channel then by all means keep using it, because i doubt these videos energy could even be harmful or work against your will, they are not morphic fields.

- Ki Kaz: This channel was owned by a young guy that was an energy healer, his stuff was not nearly as strong as he claimed to be, but sometimes useful. There were some weird things like the time he threatened to kill his subscribers for not liking a video, but it was likely some kind of mental episode he was having. It seems to be gone now for unknown reasons.

- Clearnow333: Bullshit. It’s ran by a famous con artist called Robert Dunlap that stole millions of dollars recently on a crypto scam (Meta1 Coin) and is facing jailtime. I used to be the his assistant, and owned/maintained their forum which was a very restrict cult, i’m also a victim of the cult. None of these videos work. This guy along with his girlfriend Nichole Bowdler, ex senator Dave Schmidt and many many others are all part of one large con family responsible for a myriad of scams and theft, and every time they get called out they threaten to sue people.

If you want a more in-depth explanation of everything that happened watch this video:

- Energized Silence: Henry’s channel, he is a known energy worker that takes different energy systems, mostly from Mariah Windsong, and shares “demo” versions of them in his videos through silence. It’s genuine work, results may vary but it’s overall a good channel with actual content.

- George Hutton: He was a very popular subliminal maker years ago, had audible subliminal videos for a lot of topics. Then he left youtube to sell them on his website mindpersuassion.com, contrary to rumours, he wasn’t attacked or censored, George removed the content himself in order to profit from it. Take that as you will, but independently of his intentions the subliminal messages were audible therefore it wasn’t fake. A lot of his content was re-uploaded recently to youtube.

- Binaural Beats Frequency Wizard: God no, this is tier A bullshit. If the ridiculous clickbait thumbnails, titles and spam of topics don’t put you off, the “like to activate the magick” nonsense should. It’s just another subliminal dihaerrea spam channel that exists to milk money out of gulible people, except this guy doesn’t even bother putting affirmations on his videos.

There’s no “frequencies” for any of the stuff he posts, so ask yourself how could they be binaural beats. And there’s no magick or energy on any of his videos either. It’s an effective money making scheme.


What about mef dynamics? I thinked i get result in few days but that was my mind playing tricks. I think its fake, what about you?

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It says it uses Morphic fields like Sapien too. Is that true?

Elke Neher’s frequency channel here on YT is a decent one to try out. :slight_smile:


Haven’t heard of this channel until now, i would be weary of anything that just pops up and starts putting out videos with no explanations. In this case, they appear to be literally copying sapien med with the descriptions and riding on the popularity of morphic fields.

It is remarkably easy to create a channel like this overnight, put out videos with some sound drones and random frequencies, and claim it to be whatever, there’s hundreds of thousands of channels like this.

With that said, i will give it a try before making a final judgement on it.


I think this channel is just another hoax. Here’s my reasoning:

  • Came out of nowhere 3 months ago, no background or connections.
  • First few videos are immediately on popular topics such as height increase to attract viewers
  • All videos are a bit over 10 minutes long, this is so they can fit more ads and make more money. This is a pattern found on the majority of subliminal channels across youtube, you can tell sapien is legit because many of his videos are shorter.
  • They accept any and all requests, this is not realistic, and it would take them very long to do anything.
  • They state you can loop them 24/7 with no harm coming to you which doesn’t make sense
  • I tried all their fields and none of them produce any energy, it’s just frequencies and abstract musical drones.

Even worse:

  • They are selling “costumer specific” fields, which is a great scheme to sell individual fields and make sure people pay more and don’t share stuff or download it from other places. Here’s evidence.

  • There’s inconsistencies in their explanation on how these videos work. They are very vague and try to avoid saying anything that might get them demonitized, it’s clear that this channel’s intention is to become popular and eventually make a website to sell these just like all others.


The frequency wizard is working though. I don’t know what the video contain and whether there are negative affirmation or not. I try it after someone post his healthy gut flora video in this forum. I tried it and it really does work.


That’s fair. Belief is very powerful, even if a channel is fake and nothing but sound your daily attention to it and the energy you put into it can bring you results, it’s just standard chaos magick / law of attraction whatever you name it. Listen to your own intuition above all else, just be careful with false expectations, the majority of people in the youtube healing community are often too gullible.


if you have time, and if it does not bother you, watch and comment on the new channel on YouTube Programmed_Intention


I energetically sensitive bro as I practice reiki since years ago, I always feel the effect of energy work/subliminal/frequency/morphic field in the first few minutes. But yes you do have a point, it can be my mind tricking me.

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