It’s not like they don’t allow. It’s more like they don’t recommend in case anything bad happens because of other tools, they don’t want the blame pinned on their product.
Afaik they tried adding energetics at one point in their development with outside help. Dunno if it made it in or not in the end. Maybe someone energy sensitive can tell us in the future.
Their subliminals do stuff. I have dreamt quite a few times about things related to their products. I have had state changes on them too.
Sadly for some reason I stopped using them after a while. I return to them a couple months later, I use them then I stop again, and I have repeated this cycle a couple of times.
I am currently using their subliminal called Wanted, hopefully I don’t repeat the cycle again.
I don’t think it’s a bad investment to buy, and try one of their products, I am not sure if they have a free product, but they do have a 30 day no questions asked return policy. They have went from 1 hour audios that you have to listen to daily 4 hours, to 15 minute audios that you have to listen to 1-2 times every other day.