Does the Will even exist?

Or is it a sum of our instincts, experiences, memory, logic, emotions and karma?
What do You think? Why?
In one perspective, thinking free will does not exist makes me overthink less and forgive myself and other more, the world is simpler then.
Whats Your opinion about it?

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If someone explains what Deja Vus really are then we both might get a answer


You don’t have 100% free will, but you have some of it. You can get more of it through conscious living, but there’s a limit. Nobody really knows exactly


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I think of it as a combination of free will and predeterminism.

In the context of being “a spiritual being having a human experience” (or looping in many experiences over many lifetimes), I conceptualize it like a flow chart or flow diagram…“if this then that”. So if I choose to do this (free will) then “that” will happen (predeterminism) …Just basic cause & effect.

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Sometimes I think Deja Vu (and prophetic, but inconsequential dreams) is really proof of some form of time travel. It also invokes thoughts of possible parallel universes. Obviously, I don’t have it figured out quite yet.

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