Hi. Is there any way you can open up your own private bank account without him knowing?
Do you have a degree or anything of the sort? If not getting a certificate ir accreditation will be helpful; when you leave you will need to get a job. Until then if you have anything such as jewelry you believe you can part with and sell, consider that.
Any support system? Friends family any womens groups?
I am really glad you are looking at this objectively but at the same time honoring your truth; you do have to leave but financial independence is important. But make no mistake you will need to leave. Furthermore for your sons optimal development it is essential to leave as living in a traumatic household is far more detrimental than experiencing divorced parents; this is also affirmed in empirical literature not just a personal opinion. I say this not to scare you but so you know it is in your sons best interest to also leave; it will be hard. It will feel like there are no options. But there will be- we just have to find them
I do not know which country you live in so I cannot assume what the legalities of this entire situation hold. Such as would this implicate where your son would be go? In the US, Most likely with him due to his financial stability; if you are in the US you could receive child support but still, it is not enough.
Due to that its really important we get you some financial independence going
(So WW millions, financial protector on paetron but more on that later in this post)
But again, paid fields or anything for purchase related are secondary. Until then this is all avalible for the public but still and very potent/ helpful:
Free Energy Tools of SM’s:
Wherever that guy sleeps: be sure to very softly but surely play the exorcism 2.0 and negstivity remover - these two are both free
I recommend this from personal experience
Please print out Michael Mandala for you and your son; if the man will flip out seeing it, subtly hide it. My father is anti this so mine are subtle; i hide them in my phone case or wear them under my bra or something.
Please carry for yourself beauty- that will help you especially after his crazy attacks- i recommend this for both you and your son too
Thor the Mandala. Empath protector. Negativity Repeller. All are free and on instagram
Audios for Sale:
With all that in mind, WW millions and WW contentment; those two on their own really should help bring opportunities - especially WW contentment to bring opportunities to GTFO.
Personally: when i am physically strong enough again i am going to be leaving the same exact way, so please truly consider those 2 WWs
Next: Point of no return ( especially as of right now since you feel so exasperated) i really feel this with the 2 WWs are going to be game changers for you
Also: entwining worlds of beauty & joy for you but especially the little one if not fesible the free audios: memories of joy and inner pillar of power.
Smart cord cutter and Tower of Holy Light (Tower of Power)
Intercession 2.0
Shielding 3.0 for you and your son.
Also if its possible- get hearth heater nft but again its really not necessary right now. If someone can lend you Hearth Heater and Passive Income / Financial Freedom NFTs/…tthat would be great for they both have maker items. You can make an item for both you and your son
And eventually solidifier… not mandatory but can help boost you with your safe departure
We will send servitors to keep you and your son protected, too.
If you do not mind disclosing the country you live in, it will be of immense help to us so we can better assist how you tackle this situation.
You must know we are here for you, too. Please know you did a huge step by even disclosing this situation- god bless you.