Has anyone seen visible results from Upper Body Workout, e.t.c?

While I have much success from other audos, I have not seen results from the workout audios either, so I am doing both the above.


Iā€™ve been using this for like a week or 2 again, and even though initially, I didnā€™t want to go past 190 pounds(my ideal weight), I said fuck it, Iā€™m going to get to 205(so I can have more muscle nuclei overall) and Iā€™ll just shrink down again by working out in the 20 and above rep range when we get off this quarantineā€¦and just eating a little bit lessā€¦so I decided to do a little experiment last weekend and take this week off from working out(itā€™s great to take a week, up to a month off from working out when youā€™ve been consistently working out for like 6 months, a year or so) and see how many pounds I can gain without working out and just listening to the ā€œautomated upper body workoutā€ by itself. Bro, on Sunday morning, I had weighed in at 199 poundsā€¦itā€™s Tuesday morning now and I weigh 202 poundsā€¦lolā€¦and the crazy part about it, yeah Iā€™ve been eating a lot, but I doubt that Iā€™ve been eating my ideal ratio of gram of protein per pound of bodyweightā€¦Tomorrow I will measure again(down to the point) and take a picture every other dayā€¦And oh, I donā€™t even use the ā€œAutomated lower body workoutā€ btw because I naturally have legs big AF(and I like to wear fitted jeans, and thatā€™s not a good look when you have big AF legs) But I do, do squats and lungesā€¦(but there were times in prison when Iā€™d quit doing legs for like 2 months and they didnā€™t lose any size or strengthā€¦just didnā€™t get biggerā€¦I guess itā€™s got to do with my ancestors and how my genes evolved I guess)ā€¦So yeah, this shit works, but you just got to eat rightā€¦oh, and I did also use the ā€œEnhanced nutrient absorptionā€ audio, Iā€™m sure thatā€™d helped since we naturally donā€™t absorb all of our protein from most of our foodsā€¦As far as being related to muscle-wise, those are the only 2 audios I listen to.


Thatā€™s great! Thanks for sharing your results with us. How many times a day do you use the upper body one?


Most times 3, but seldomly 4ā€¦youā€™re welcome broā€¦


Have you noticed the automated audios digging into recovery? I was thinking of throwing these in with my normal workouts, but Iā€™m not sure whether it would be valuable or necessary.

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Tbh, Iā€™m not sureā€¦I am ocd, so it could beā€¦But Iā€™m still seeing significant gainsā€¦And I donā€™t think itā€™s invaluable because it also boosts hgh , testosterone, and growth factor ab while inducing apoptosis in the fat cellsā€¦So I feel like itā€™s really expediting the results with those effectsā€¦plus, you can add extra stimulation to the lagging body part(in my case, my upper traps since they are developed, but need to be a smidge bigger) by focusing more direct stimulation on it, all while reaping the benefits of the audioā€¦just my theoryā€¦and if you feel like itā€™s too much, just add the ā€œAfter workout muscle recoveryā€ audioā€¦(I donā€™t use this btwā€¦)ā€¦.You are right, thoughā€¦this audio is just plain powerfulā€¦


Yā€™alls, Iā€™m a extremely skinny n slim guy n I have pretty much no opportunities to go to a gym. What can I listen to (it has to be available on YouTube for economic reasons) that will actually help physically to get any gains? N please suggest a complete stash, thatā€™d help me alot. Also best with my phone speakers (then I must have low volume) or my headphones (where I can play at higher volume)? Does anyone know if speaker output effect has relevance to how good the audios works?

You have not written how old you are, how much you weigh and what weight you want to achieve, what type of body do you have - ectomorph or mesomorph?
To weigh more and build muscle, you need to very highly eat a lot of meat, fish and dairy products, you can exercise regularly at home, without going to the gym, buy everything you need (exercise equipment and sports equipment) and exercise regularly. If you do not eat a lot of meat, fish and dairy products and do not play sports, you will not get any results. Muscle growth of 90 percent is very good nutrition and diet. Between workouts and free time, listen to Sapien audio with automatic workouts and hormones. In a month you will see very good results -100%.

Add or Remove ā€¦



ā€œYeah, laptop speaker will work just fine. If itā€™s low, works fine. I listen to audios at low volume as well. 3-4 at a time is fine. And yes, you can wear them while listening to the audios.ā€

ā€œNo problem man.ā€

I agree with part of Adm is saying. For me, when Iā€™d first started to work out in 2012(Iā€™m a meso-ecto btw) I was eating 2 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight(127x2grams)ā€¦I had gained pretty quickly, but had realized later on that for my body type, that wasnā€™t necessary. From your description, you sound like an ectomorphā€¦Do you have small bones, and like long and thin muscles? Of course, there are mixes of body types as wellā€¦In order to gain muscle mass, you must meet your ideal protein intake ratio, give or take. And yeah, Iā€™ve been working since 2012, but even though Iā€™m taking this week off, Iā€™ve already gained 6 pounds of muscle(lol EDIT: I did the math wrong and was going by my other picture, Iā€™m not the kind of Asian thatā€™s good at math)ā€¦(Iā€™ve been taking picture of the scale everyday, and I find that when I eat a lot, itā€™s easy for me to gain a pound a day, given that I use his ā€œenhanced nutrient absorptionā€ after a big meal twice a day)ā€¦I was 199 on Sundayā€¦Today on Thursday, Iā€™'m 205, solidā€¦(And I donā€™t even use the ā€œLower body workoutā€) Iā€™ve even copied this hilarious comment from his ā€œautomated upper body workoutā€ audio, check it outā€¦

John Tuazon

John Tuazon 6 months ago

ā€œI have been listening to this for more than a week 5 x a day. The results, I look more mascular, where I get compliment everywhere specially at work. They think I work hard in the gym but they donā€™t know Iā€™m a couch potato just listening yo this amazing video that will turn you to a bodybuilder without lifting weights.ā€



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Lol, that shit is funny. But lifting weights and exercising is fun to me and uplifts my mood. I feel like when I donā€™t, somethingā€™s off about me and Iā€™m in a shitty moodā€¦but if you donā€™t have time or donā€™t feel like working out, it seems this is your cheat code, and should still workā€¦And whereas I like to give each primary muscle/secondary muscle at least 2 days of rest in between after a weightlifting session to give my muscles optimal results regarding strength and size, this doesnā€™t seem to be the case with his frequencies.(He even tells you in the description you can use them everyday, meaning doing so will still yield results)ā€¦Iā€™ve been using the ā€œAutomated upper body workoutā€ 3 times a day for days straight and Iā€™m still getting resultsā€¦So start off with this:

-3 ā€œautomated upper body workoutsā€
-3 ā€œautomated lower body workoutsā€
-3 ā€œautomated calf workoutsā€
-3 ā€œcore strengthening workoutsā€
-1 ā€œAfter workout recoveryā€

You should add glutes in later on because lots of females Iā€™ve been with commented on my buttā€¦females like a nice buttā€¦I donā€™t use the calf, glutes, core, or lower body, because I donā€™t know whyā€¦them parts never shrinkā€¦even when I was 127 I still had those developed partsā€¦and donā€™t forget to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep tooā€¦when you sleep is when you growā€¦your central nervous system has to heal along with your muscles for growthā€¦and listen to the enhanced nutrient absorption audio several times after 2 big meals a dayā€¦Thereā€™s more you can do with different audios, hormone-wise, but just try that for nowā€¦I like to use earbuds on one notch of volumeā€¦Iā€™ve got before and after pictures if youā€™re interested. Itā€™s a blessing for you to have these audios at your ears and fingertips, because for a lot of ectomorphs Iā€™ve seen, it is extremely hard for them to put on muscleā€¦regardless of how they eat or work outā€¦you guys probably have it harder than endomorphs tooā€¦


@adm Iā€™m 35 yo, weight >120 lbs(?)(50-52 kg) to height 5.8ā€™ (173 cm) n yea Iā€™ve got tiny but long arms n same with my legs but theyā€™re a bit more muscular tho, my butt is pretty much absent lmbo :joy: as in no glutes whatsover. I do however get the impression that despite the somewhat quite low amount of muscle mass Iā€™m fairly strong n itā€™s no problems to lift 25-30 kg per arm, just plain lift up not curls or somethin lol.


For your height, your weight is very small, you must weigh 130-147 lbs (59-67 kg). You have to eat a lot and often, as well as training and listening to audio from Sapien and you will quickly gain weight, and to increase your ass, Sapien has a good YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFWLdltoOLY

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ā€œYou have to eat a lot and oftenā€
LOL :joy: um yeaā€¦, I kinda do that but nothin tends to stick, I can drink cream n eat fat n still not get as much as a ounce of weight or even fat on my body. I eat like a horse kinda, more than anyone of us in the household.

At your age, men usually gain weight quite easily. Most likely you have a genetic predisposition to thinness, probably your family is also very thin, also some diseases are not excluded, and from there weight loss. Also when gaining weight and muscle growth, it is critically important not to be nervous, not to experience stress and nervous overload.I recommend reading this article will be useful for you:

Try this smoothie first thing in the morning and after workout (or at night on off days).

  • 1 dose of Whey Protein
  • 2 cups of whole milk
  • 1/2 cup dry oats
  • 1 medium banana
  • 1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
  • 2-3 cups ice (optional, for the smoothie experience)

Nutrition Info:

  • 955 calories
  • 75 g protein
  • 90 g carbs
  • 30 g fat

This is a homemade mass gainer that bodybuilders use, better than those mass gainer supplements you buy loaded with cheap sugars.
Also, you may want to check on your thyroid condition, if you canā€™t gain any weight at all.


Well thatā€™s the crazy partā€¦, my thyroid appears to be fine (as in no struma), so thatā€™s not whatā€™s causin it, it might be a genetic failure. Thatā€™s a bit what Iā€™m not really sure of, where to start I mean, should I start with the endocrine system rejuvenation/regeneration or the hormones or the weight gainer or the workouts?, maybe also the cellular nutrition absorption? My problem is that I donā€™t have that very much time to be listenin for every day so Iā€™ll have to target somethin in particular one thing at a time I suppose.

Lol I AM nervous n I also have ADHD. Iā€™ve always been thin n always seriously underweighted, my BMI has constantly been somewhat 17, which count as malnutrition basically which Iā€™m not tho.

We have already given you all the information, now itā€™s up to you. If you want to change, find the time for this, experiment, start with something already, no one knows your body better than you do. Ectomorph has a very fast metabolism, gaining weight for this type at first is more like fighting with yourself and your complexes, the advice that we gave you are universal in gaining weight for ectomorph, what suits you best is up to you to decide by trial and error.

@3Tulsi mentioned in another thread that the new Attention and Focus field was helpful for ADD. Itā€™s possible it may be of help to you for ADHD as well, as it may share some underlying similarities.

Edit: From the description:

Neuropsychological and imaging studies indicate that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with alterations in prefrontal cortex (PFC) and its connections to striatum and cerebellum.
Presented evidence from prior studies indicate that the medial part of the prefrontal cortex is involved in the integration of raw, unintegrated information into coherent, wholistic mental representations such as perceptual objects, episodic memories, emotional states, and motor actions.
So reasoning would be that stimulation and neuron growth in the prefrontal cortex would help with ADHD and ADD symptoms.
Other than that, it would give a boost to your attention and focus.
What is done is some electrical stimulation to help increase neuron connections and specifically targeted NGF and BDGF with amyloid removal and damage repair.

From @3Tulsiā€™s posts:


It says so in the description!!

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I completely forgot about the description! :rofl:

Thanks @3Tulsi , Iā€™ve edited the post to include the description. :slightly_smiling_face: