Knee and body problems

I was at the physiotherapy right now.
I’ve got knee pain since 2 weeks. I started playing soccers more often etc.

She looked at my knee, my stretch marks and said “You have bad genetic” and that I should stop doing sports where I sprint or jump. One of her explanations was that I am left handed and do everything with my right hand (except writing) and that I should start doing everything with my left side. Because I have on my left knee, foot and waist pain. I have x legs did she say too.

But I do sport since I am 3 (i am 18)

Idk why I wrote it here but I somehow hope that there’s a field for my knee and for the rest of my problems.
Maybe a YouTube field

I will go soon to the orthopedic.

Wish you all good health.


Hi, Miles! :slight_smile:

Just the Knees
Smarter Rife


Thank you very much!


Also this


Maybe this too


I say do some research online and understand how the body works at least to a decent functional degree.

I’m a lefty and do anything power related with my right hand besides brush my teeth lol Not sure what that has to do with my knee problems, I will tell you My landing technique contributes to my knee problem, my jumping in volleyball 4-5 days a week contribute to my knee problem, my lack of Hip & ankle mobility contribute to my knee problem.

My left hand contributes to slamming the ball down If i’m too tight to the net lol.

anyhow I would recommend the following maybe loop them throughout and drop everything else for now (field related)

Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal :dna:

I loop this on my Phone (Overnight)
Learn More

Collagen Booster Ver 2.0 :massage_woman:

I loop this on my PC (Overnight)
Learn More

Platelet Rich Plasma :drop_of_blood:

Learn More

Joint repair with bone spur removal ⚕️

Learn More

Exercise Routine:
Do some Isometric and eccentric exercises, low weight slow and controlled movement.

Mechanical Issues to Fix:

  1. Foot placement
  2. Knee alignment with your big toe
  3. Internal and external hip rotation

Prevent Future Injury:
Strengthen newly found range of motion to prevent injury in the future.


I agree with recommendations especially as a priority:
*Just the Knees
*Joint Repair with bone spur removal
and my intuition also adds:
*Symmetrical Body

When u get a proper diagnosis from the ortho doctor, please post on this thread.

U being 18 means u will generally heal/regenerate/recoperate pretty quickly.


I went to the orthopedist yesterday. They looked at my knee and hip. My knee is just overloaded which is why I shouldn’t overload it for next few weeks and my adductor muscle is inflamed but that’s it. Other than that I am fine and the physical therapist had just talked bs.


Thank you all for your help. I just wanted to ask if there is a field for x legs

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