Listening guidelines

Hypothetical Super-Fitness Stack:

Myostatin (Patreon, The Sapien Trust) x3
The Super Human Mutant (every 12 hrs) x2
The DHT Overwhelming Presence x2
Nitric Oxide Boost x2
Automated Cardio x2
Automated Upper Body Workout x4
Automated Leg Day x4
Reduce Estrogen x2
Stomach Shrinking and Toning x3
Core Strengthening x3
Automated Gluteal Workout x4
Automated Calves and Feet Muscle Workout x4
Weight Loss Combo (gumroad, Patreon) x2
Induced Sestrin Proteins Production x2
After Workout Muscle Recovery x5
Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption (30 mins after main meal) x2