Negative Karma Removal Tools (Fields)

Well as I said, it can carry on from beliefs we had in past lives… then they can manifest as certain insecurities or issues we have with ourselves in this life, that connect more with our current life’s circumstances. That being said, dealing with them is the same as dealing with all the other problems we have. Clearing them through spiritual growth in whatever way you see best fit (could be our fields, meditations, yoga, ext…).

Subconscious limits dissolver and the energy clearing could definitely help.


SMF’s Karma Xtreme Sigil

Perhaps the most popular of all the spells in the SMF’s XSigil Line. Clears 200 years of karma and possibly releases one from the cycle of rebirth. Side effects are amazing clarity of mind. Lifting of several karma driven maladies. And the potential to unify with a soulmate. :sunglasses:


I think @Captain_Nemo has different opinion regarding karma honestly, but he won’t to speak about that and I respect
btw have you met already your soul guiders Dream?


He’s the one who taught me this actually. It boggled my mind when I first learned it as well because I couldn’t fathom it either. But as I grew more over the years, the more it clicked logically and experienced it firsthand. Duality is an illusion.


Oh, that was awesome, I’m now a mage 80 level, like Roku, and I dominate the noobs :smiling_imp:


If that is what you believe, then that is fine. As I said, this is just me and Dream’s perspective on the matter. For the sake of discussion though, I’ll continue down your train of thought.

Like I said, karma is ‘reaction’ so for the most part, people who inflict harm on others get what’s coming for them. Also, you’d be surprised with the fact that most people who do ‘wrong’ things know they are doing wrong. Like rapists know they shouldn’t be doing that but they do it anyways. And like I said, the beliefs/suffering of others will usually generate a karmic force on the actor as well.

But then, a lion who kills dozens of antelopes in his lifetime, what karma is inflicted on him? Or the daily rapes that happen all throughout the animal kingdom?

Humanity is unique because we believe things are right or wrong. An antelope isn’t thinking a lion is evil for trying to eat him. We are unique because we think. Throughout history, every tribe has developed their own set of beliefs as to what is right and what is wrong and more often than not, they can all be quite different! So how is the universe to know how to balance the right and wrong if humanity hasn’t been able to agree on what is right and wrong? How about all the other intelligent beings in the universe with other beliefs of right and wrong? A negative being is part of the universe too so it should receive karma for doing the things it is in its nature to do?

The creative and destructive forces of nature work hand in hand. One cannot exist without the other as the universe is the result of these forces. Creation comes from destruction. That is the balance of the universe. As for the universe having an underlying force of karmic justice…. I mean….

Look at our world man. Is there justice in this world? The negative forces have had a hold on this planet for thousands upon thousands of years. Lifetimes upon lifetimes of injustice on mankind and all because darkness has held a strong grip on this planet. So many injustices uncalled for and that continue to still go on today. If karma worked like some people said it did, then our world wouldn’t have lasted this way as long as it has. We’d get happy endings.

That being said, do we have a moral code? Of course we do. We believe in unity. People shouldn’t impose their beliefs on others; We shouldn’t impose suffering on others; We should be honest with eachother; We should share enough with eachother so that we all have enough and so on. It’s logical to try to create a world that works out for everyone because that absolves conflict and allows for us to more easily evolve.

But we aren’t there yet. Humans aren’t that much evolved from animals it seems sometimes. I apologize for sounding cynical but it’s the current reality and I think it’s important to see things as they are if we are to overcome it.


As I said, this is just our perspective on it. We don’t know. But neither do you so then why are you getting offended by what we say?

This is what we’ve come to learn along our paths and you will come to your own conclusions as you continue down further in the path. This is partly why me and dream (mostly him) often don’t like to budge in these sort of discussions because no matter what we say, it won’t resonate with everyone. There are many things we’ve discovered that are unorthodox but will never share because unless you experience such things, they will not resonate.

We don’t want to influence people’s perspectives on things because we believe experience to be the greatest teacher of all. That is why we provide so many tools for you all to discover truth on your own.


Sorry @SammyG I didn’t really first was interested in karma things.
I just wanted to know do you and Dream believe in Soul guiders after death and do you guys believe if they are planning your and mine lives and if there’s soul contract which we must accomplished no matter what it is that according to our previously doings and lessons we failed to accomplish but wanted. I just wanted to know this one and that escalated in this whole karma thing.
This is something completely different thing. I am speaking about afterlife plannings for our next lives etc

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dude, you’re trying to get an answer that no one will give an answer to. there are no such magicians with such abilities on this forum, and you can argue and prove endlessly

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I just want to thank you anyway for sharing your opinion I treat it as the finger not the moon where i wan’t to go :smile:. Nonetheless I think it’s always a very valuable information to think about.


@SammyG what if what we called karma is just name for what is happening after our life , I mean in the name of sake of choosing next life with our souls guiders? According to our previously doings?
That our previously doings in past lives formed our now and next lives? Be it good or bad one?

I just wanted to ask you do you or @Captain_Nemo believe in this one?

And that’s the reason why I asked you does Dream believe in this, does he has his Soul guiders and did he met them with his abilities already?

Why is my friend after her car accident/went to comma met her soul guiders who tell her in that time who her soulmate is and she married him now even if that was impossible for her in that time to believe and to accomplish? And she is said so many things there? She even met Jesus there, did she halucinate, did she all made up with her imagination I wonder

I just wanted to know does Dream know about existing that place if it really exist?

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That’s exactly what she was telling me that it’s going there according to her experiences with her soul guiders.
If someone raped or anything did anyone in one life then in next lifes they will switched roles or someone will raped that person…or even its same with wars sufferings etc, I mean if some persons bullied hard one guys, in next life that guys will building them etc, it’s circle she said
She said that Soul guiders told her it’s what they calling ultimative karma and none can escape from it or Soul contracts.
I was confused then, but perhaps it justice idk
That’s the reason why I initiated this thread with adm. To know ways of escaping this if possible.

She said jews in this life will bulling (killing) nazis from past lives, and they(Jews) or anyone who suffered from them, will be characterized as really bad guys. I don’t know what she was meaning in future. She didn’t tell me. But it’s all planned, that’s the point she telling me.
Well probably she hallucinated idk
But the point is according to her “it’s all postponed” and that’s the reason why life seems unjust , her words not mine

That’s why I asked if there’s any karma removal tools or tools for tearing up soul contracts and if Dream believe in all that or not?


So you think we have 100% free will and we all everything creates/created, be it good or bad?
There’s no such thing as soul guiders which determine some of our soul contracts, I mean our free will and destiny?
We are in 100% charge?
Just want your opinion on this one it’s all

One of the very first things I said in this thread was ‘we are not the keepers of truth here.’ So I hope you aren’t insinuating that we are claiming to have the absolute truths of the universe. Because we are not. And we have never even claimed to be enlightened either. I’m just pointing that out since you keep bringing up enlightened people being wrong. Which I must ask, if you also don’t know the absolute truths of the universe then how would you know they were wrong?

I do agree though that many so called ‘enlightened people’ throughout the world end up growing massive egos. They fall back down instantly like climbing up a mountain and then just falling off the peak. The power gets to their head. People believing and following whatever they say leads them to believe that they are always right. And in falling into that trap, one loses sight of the bigger picture.

That’s quite the opposite of me and dream’s philosophy. We don’t want to tell you all what to believe and we haven’t up to this point. We simply hope to help people realize their mental, health or spiritual goals with the tools we have created. I was asked to share my perspective on a matter and I gave my honest opinion. And while you also gave yours, you were rather offended that this is was our perspective to the extent you wanted to hear it from dream. I’m rather sensitive so I can feel your emotional reaction from your posts.

I really don’t need any of you to agree with me. You can all disagree with me and I’d respect that 100%. For example, I agree with certain aspects of @Toniayu ‘s opinion on the matter and I thought his/her post was insightful. That is the purpose of discussion. To share and learn from each other. If we all don’t have it figured out (no human does), then we should be more open minded to all kinds of information.

But our minds have this habit of being emotionally reactive to conflicting information. It’s just the way we are wired and is part of the reason humanity has so much trouble communicating when there is disagreement.

So please, @anon71742144 really isn’t in the wrong here. He’s actually helped us out with some website issues and is a good dude.

It’s honestly my fault for biding in. This doesn’t mean I won’t add to discussions and whatnot but I will probably not add much to philosophical discussions.


Please read a book, actually you don’t have to read a whole book, just choose one chapter to read, one which you are attracted, if you want, off course

Well, after all, Sapien has such audio as Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects, Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects, and this means that they still believe in astrology and it will definitely help to correct many negative influences for at least 24 hours. I think this will help many people, only you need to listen to them every day at least once.


Does anyone can tell if Michael Newton is lier?
Can anyone use some (muscle test) technique for truth, revealing if it is true or false information, all from him?
I want to know if he is scam, …anyone
What’s your opinion on him please

Karma is largely a concept, the result of action - reaction. In the context of this concept, the intention that precedes an act is sometimes more important for the resulting karma than the act itself.
Suppose you pick an apple and then, as a side effect, kill the caterpillar that lives in the apple. You then killed a living being, but your karma is based on why you didn’t pay attention to whether the apple was free of caterpillars. On the other hand, if you crush a living caterpillar because you find it disgusting, another karma arises from it, even though you have killed a living being in both cases.
As far as I understand, it has little to do with individual guilt, more with the personal maturity from which the power arises to check your intentions before you even act.
So a rapist does not necessarily become a victim who is raped. the victim of rape was not necessarily a rapist himself.
You cannot trace individual karma, there are too many factors.
Personally, I don’t think karma can be magically resolved. But I have no problem with people taking this path.
Karma is resolved as you develop, by adjusting your decisions to your level of maturity. The Dalai Lama wrote in one of his many books that he had brought himself up to give the best possible intention to every deed. In his view, this intention is: for the best of all beings.
The best of all beings in Buddhism means that you recognize all suffering-creating qualities such as hate, jealousy, desire, ignorance for what they are. They stand in the way of your happiness and the happiness of others.
Accordingly, you dissolve karma by acting neutral, unintended. For the best of all beings, not for the best of you or your friends.
In order to achieve neutral action, conscious action is necessary. That is why Buddhist monks are concerned with living life as a meditation in which they are conscious at every moment of the moment.


Often the results of our actions are quite unpredictable, especially over time, you can never know exactly what will happen if you go in one direction or another, take certain actions, quite often people do everything with good intentions and it turns out that something is not very good or evil and all this is not even the result of a wrong choice, but simply a combination of circumstances, which was not very dependent on us. In addition, often the same action is both bad and good, everything usually depends on the point of view. Sapien Medicine has such audio as Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects, Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects and I think that a tool that can help improve our karma is not very different from these programs, since basically astrology shows our karma in real time, since each situation corresponds to the location of the planets in a specific time and place and their impact on a particular person, since each situation corresponds to the location of the planets in a specific time and place and their impact on a particular person.