Curse / Spell Removal

Desiree, your kitsuneness is always very convincing :tophat:


All of this does not matter. You can always remove someone from your life you don’t want to have there. It is YOUR life. Stop pleasing others! It is either your way, or the matrix’s way!


You can always remove someone from your life

:man: :hocho:


So I listened to this 2 nights ago and a fish looking man came to me and gave me a note with my name and said he was sent to me in the dream I was running away and every were I went he was just there observing me what does this mean?

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Bought this tag last night and played it along with exorcism and I felt some very strange things like my third eye and crown area was a weird heat pulsing sensation as if something was coming out of my head and had my lights off so i could literally see some weird kind of energy right over me as I was staring at the ceiling. Also I had happy dreams of being rich and living luxuriously which is very rare for me as its always nightmares or no dreams. when I woke up I felt lighter physically and refreshed mentally. I think this is the best audio sapien has released cause negative entity remover, exorcism & cutting etheric cords couldn’t remove whatever was in me I am curious to hear results from others.


Welcome to the forum Mark and congratulations on your success, it is indeed a great audio.

You can check this thread talking about ppl experiences with the audio

New Release - Curse/Spell Removal (Gumroad)

And since you are new let me show you something

You can click/touch on the magnifying glass at the top and then type on the search bar whatever you want info of then touch the blue magnifying glass and all posts talking about it will come up if you scroll down youll find the exact one when they released this audio.

And then you can posts about your results under the post or there is actually this one where we share successful stories about any field or item from Sapien and his other channels (Dream Seeds, Energetic Alchemy)

Share your results!


Ok so I had a huge break through today so my bf loves this game mass effect I do to but I haven’t played it in a long time so my bf recently told me there releasing a new game soon so I was looking at old videos on YouTube of the game and I seen a alien called Drell and it was the one I saw in my dream what does this mean someone help me this dream is very significant and will be something I’ll always remember when I saw the face I started shaking and crying like I felt a connection with this being on a strong level is the aliens in mass effect based off of real alien races?


Let me know thank

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If they tight to your situation and that how it make you feel being cursed then it’s a yes

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:point_down: :point_down:


Yeah man


Yeah. My apartment has huge amounts of layers of good energy. And within those layers are some bad energy. You only notice it really when you are living there 24/7 every day, cause it’s a little thing that has huge impact on me sometimes. Everyone in real life who visits the apartment says it’s super peaceful inside. There’s even peace energy surrounding the outside of the building. And a layer of white light energy on the outside of the building. But for me, it’s very easy for me to see that layer that hides. It needs to be fixed completely before I finally bring in balance and harmony generator and upgrade my cities energies for ascension of my city. I plan on taking attunements from many healers. Attunements such as ones that bring 5th dimension light and frequencies into your body constantly. Many others. I will work on making sure the energy stays purified and then channel the energy into a balance and harmony generator one day.


Thank you for the answers everyone. I appreciate it.

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Does this audio remove spell energy on the environment? I’m dealing with some xtrememind programming on some stuff. The Kundalini 18 chakra programming seems to be on my tablet which targets all my chakras and Kundalini with whatever energy is on my tablet. Can you help with this one instead of ignoring me. The energy is even touching my soul star chakra. The energy is making it extremely difficult to be able to take Kundalini reiki courses

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Maybe stop taking this?

Why proceed with something intense when you’re dealing with other issues.

Come on now Shawn, you know that’s not fair. The team has helped you multiple times even other energy folks but you can’t accept what they have said.

Is it so hard to drop anything energy related for even a week?


(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


I don’t know why since listening to this, some people on facebook blocked me, weirdan



:tipping_hand_woman:t2: Good riddance


listened to this and a teacher that disliked me added me on fb :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow nice