Newly released: Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant Ver 2.0

  • Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that’s made in the body’s cells. Its levels decrease as a result of aging, stress, and toxin exposure. Boosting glutathione may provide many health benefits , including reduction of oxidative stress.

@3Tulsi This might be of interest to you from the video introduction:

‘It can also reverse melanin’s metabolism, turn Eumelanin into Phaeomelanin.’

Maybe Dream noticed your post and the other discussion! :smile:



That is some exact language that I didn’t see him use before!! Lol! I have heard from people on Raw Vegan/Raw Paleo diets say that they believed their eye color changed because of increase Glutathione in the diet…


It is rather precise language, isn’t it? :grinning:

That’s fascinating to read. I hadn’t heard about that before and did not know about the eye colour changes.


Why are you so obsessed with having colored eyes? What color are you trying to get anyway?

Thanks btw…you’ve inspired me to use the sestrin audio, and I love it…How many times a day do you use it?


Different strokes for different folks, my friend. There are many pros and cons for any choices we make. :slightly_smiling_face:


I already do :joy: they can always go lighter


You mean about the diets? Yeah it’s been talked about a lot in those communities. I think there are some Raw Vegans on YouTube with proof of their changes


Glad to hear it! I don’t listen to the Sestrin audio daily but I’ve found that 2-3 times feels good when I do play it.

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Shouldn’t what? Go vegan?

I will…that’s for sure…but I don’t know why I can’t do it sooner…it’s like the family eats this, so it makes it harder for me to eat vegan…but I don’t eat processed foods though…I feel like I’d lose a lot of muscle too…

What color are your eyes now?

I can bet you guys don’t eat too much meat huh?

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They’re Hazel. I want them to go light green! Or a bright Gold. They could go on either direction right now lol

I’ve been a vegetarian all my life :smiley:


And with your determination and willpower, I’m sure you could go Raw Vegan overnight :innocent:


Oh…Tbh, that’s probably why your vibrations seem naturally high…


I mostly prefer not to for spiritual development and raising the vibration, as I find it lowers my vibration noticeably (and hinders my growth process) even if the animal was treated respectfully, but that’s a complex awareness that developed naturally with spiritual development.

Many people eat meat for various reasons, such as for their health, or because a lighter vibration from eating no meat can leave one more spiritually sensitive to all the energies around. Eating more meat can be more ‘grounding’ (in one sense - it can be grounding as well in different ways to raise your vibration or pursue a different path) due to the denser feeling of the energy, or conducive to things like rebuilding the physical body and muscle development.

It can be complex and intertwined with what your body and vibrational state are drawn towards. I don’t think any of the possible reasons are wrong, merely different paths. :slightly_smiling_face:


I know exactly what you mean by this…It’s probably why lots of times I don’t feel right, or I question myself about eating meat… like how I used to love to eat pizza and chips, and sweets…but since my root chakra grew from the meditation, I know that shit’s like poison to me, so I don’t want to put it in my body anymore. One of my favorite snacks used to be fried mozzarella cheese sticks. But I had tried this like 2 weeks ago, because they had it lying around, and I got sick…

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A big reason why I want to quit eating meat, is because of one of “Infinite Waters” videos.(A youtube channel…he’s great, you should check him out) I love this guy’s videos…he’s a really enlightened being…


That’s great! I’ve noticed that feeling about eating meat too, particularly as I raised my vibration. I’ve never really felt drawn to eating any processed foods, as it has never felt right energetically, but always been keen to learn more about the many different paths and approaches that everyone has towards eating meat. Will defo have a look at that channel, thanks! :smile:

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