Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread

Welcome to the new official thread for buying, selling and trading NFTs.

Please post here using the following format:

If you are selling:
13th Skull

If seeking:
Blueprint of Power (Major)
Exalted one

Thread Rules

You must have an appropriate NFT wallet set up with sufficient currency to do transactions before you either respond to or place an ad**

Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Duplicate postings will result in a 3-day penalty
  4. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  5. You may post once every 3 days.
  • Once you have completed the sale or trade, delete your post.
  • It is not necessary to include a comment.
  • Do not negotiate prices in this thread - use a DM.

The cleaner we keep the thread, the easier it is for your ad to be found. Your fellow forum members do notice and will flag your posts if you spam.

All new users are required to use a trusted intermediary as third party for your transaction, and must gain trust through successful transactions acknowledged by members you have transacted with. Ask a member with a Trusted Trader badge to assist you.

Thank you!

Since people are only allowed 1 post for this thread, we are more lenient on the formats of the posts.

NFT basics & guidelines here

Feedback thread Feedback for Official NFT Buying/Selling Thread

Report scams Scam / Counterfeit Reports Thread for Sapien Medicine

NFT Trading Decree :

People who do not have the trusted trader badge must prove that they own an NFT before the trade can proceed. Non-compliance must be reported to the moderators

New trader must send first



When you are approached for a trade, please select their avatar, check their Trust Level and act accordingly. New traders should have an intermediary (preferred), must prove they own the NFTs they are trading, and must send first.


I am selling my whole Nft Portfolio for 27k in either Usdt or Sol.

I am the best i have ever been and only keeping longevity Nfts for being able to express myself on this planet as long as i can, i am content so i am offering almost all of nfts for somone to work with or trade or sell.

This includes 97 Nfts if you have the money and genuine interest hit me up and ill send you the whole List.

If you buy the whole Portfolio each Nft is priced at 275.52 usd.


(post deleted by author)


Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  4. You may post once every 3 days.

Thank you! :slight_smile:



•shielding 3.0 - $250
•black panther - $180
•flight to fight - $60
•lions gate - $60
•angelic intercession - $250
•clock of the shadow - $250
•dragon bone armor - $250
•luscious tresses - $250
•eternal - $500
•silent mind - $60
•the unexpected - $180
•solidifier - $180

PayPal f&f


Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  4. You may post once every 3 days.
  5. If you need to make a correction, please edit and do not create another new post unless 3 days have already elapsed.

NOTE: Your fellow forum members will flag your post if rules are not followed, which will cause a 3-day posting ban

Thank you! :slight_smile:



NFT Name Price Trade Description
The Wood Between Worlds 199 € :x: Guidance through dreams; 3 copies available
Dem Ape Bones 499 € :x: Primal Alpha Energy
Empathic Shielding – Item Maker 499 € :x: Protect youself from other’s emotional energy
The Sword of the Righteous – Item Maker 599 € :x: Obtain justice in receiving what you deserve; Item Maker; 2 copies available
The Jawliner 599 € :x: Get a jaw like Chad & Stacy
Premium Stuff:
Nyx 9,999 € :x: The Goddess of the Night, the Primordial Force of Creation
The CEO 12,999 € :x: Upgrade your business; 1 of only 16 copies
Blueprint of Love 19,999 € :x: This one does 200 different things, check thread
The Financier 19,999 € :x: Advanced Finances. 1 of only 13 copies
The Trader 29,999 € :x: For traders; Includes BPIL for financial decisions

Payment Options:
– PayPal F&F
– You buy fields directly to my email address



Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  4. You may post once every 3 days.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Selling / Trading:

Godlike Tour :crown: If being one God is not enough :zap:

The Great Imperial Crown

Sword of Destiny :dagger:

Beast of the End A magical NFT servitor :heart_eyes_cat:

The Mercenary - Deathstroke :crossed_swords::beginner::zap:

The Iron Doom :boom::boom::boom:

Looking for Yggdrasil up to 600



Pure Influence $1550



Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Duplicate postings will result in a 3-day penalty
  4. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  5. You may post once every 3 days.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

1 Like

Selling : Advanced Unlimited Energy Pendant (new)- ÂŁ300



Saint Michael :angel: :crossed_swords: ($400)
9 Financial Points :moneybag: ($350)
The Window into Agartha :earth_asia: :national_park: :volcano: ($100)

Guanyin/ Quan Yin :pray: :green_heart: :heart: ($650)
Negentropic Dragon :dragon: ($250)

Emotional Alchemy :heart: :fire: :green_heart: ($550)
Ace of Cups NFT :gift_heart: :wine_glass: ($300)
Tungnath Temple :pray: :milky_way: ($250)

Astrologically Inclined :stars: :shield: :milky_way: ($250)
Life Force Tree :sun_with_face: :deciduous_tree: ($444)
The Hamsa :raised_hand: :shield: :green_heart: ($200)

Begtse :japanese_ogre: :shield: ($300)
Flight to Fight :tiger: ($250)
Seven Lucky Gods :four_leaf_clover: ($300)

Project Mental Health :brain: :grinning: ($300)
The Silent Mind :dove: ($150)
Quasi Kinetic Aura :star: ($222)

Cerridwen :green_heart: :heart: :woman_mage: ($250)
Tripura Sundari :fireworks: :pray: :heart: ($888)
The Rainbow Guide :bird: :rainbow: :milky_way: ($555)

Shamballa Portal :shinto_shrine: :milky_way: :heart: (200)
The Pure Lands Portal :shinto_shrine: :milky_way: :sun_with_face: :herb: ($500)
The Black Sun :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face: :milky_way: ($300)

The Tapasya of Savitur :milky_way: :milky_way: :milky_way: ($444)
The Wood Between Worlds :shinto_shrine: :door: :shinto_shrine: ($200)
The Coyote Totem :wolf: :fox_face: :star2: ($200)



Eternal $500
Dragon Bone Armor $150
The mental health project $100
Gnome $70
Sylph $70
Gebo $30


Dragon Bone Armor + (slyph or Gnome) for karma crucible

Dragon Bone Armor + project mental health for tapasya of savitur



You must have an appropriate NFT wallet set up with sufficient currency to do transactions before you either respond to or place an ad**

Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Duplicate postings will result in a 3-day penalty
  4. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  5. You may post once every 3 days.

Thank you! :slight_smile:



Anyone who is currently tracking confirmations to get a trusted trader badge please send one DM to me and @Nice2knowU so that we can update the confirmation thread more easily.




You must have an appropriate NFT wallet set up with sufficient currency to do transactions before you either respond to or place an ad**

Before you create a new post in this thread:

  1. Search for your name to see if you have old posts.
  2. Delete the old one(s) before you create a new one.
  3. Duplicate postings will result in a 3-day penalty
  4. Check to see that you can receive DMs before you place an ad here.
  5. You may post once every 3 days.

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Offering :muscle:

  • The sharp :slot_machine: (ÂŁ200)
    Swapping the sharp /merry maker for blessed path / shielding 3.0

Also renting out these nfts on a monthly/ weekly basis only to trusted traders