Opus Manhattan

Try free audios.

And perhaps give yourself a bit of break. Maybe no fields for 3 days.


I don’t have this field yet, but based on using other boosters the magic comes in when I’m intentional with something that requires concentration.

For example last night I looped Mindfullness and just had a rush of blood flood to my brain area, but also became much more aware of my thought, my body’s physical tension, the correlation of what’s going around me and what thoughts came to mind. Little by little my brain would get used to this pattern and rewires itself to match that skill.

This is how I see boosters, find something you want to work on and sit there with the intention of whatever you want to do on. These are tools at the end of the day and your consciousness is the best tool of all.


But also, I should say that, to my experience, this field isn’t rly waiting for me to meditate on it and tell it where to focus, etc. I mean, may help maybe. Should help. But from what it seemed to me, the experiences and feeling, it’s simply just doing its job, meditation or not. It’s more surgical than interactive, I think Phillip preferred it to be that way.

For meditations on brain fields, probably Ernest Neuron and Blueprint of Learning may be the best picks. (and overall, fields with mandalas seem to be more interactive)


22% off using code: Easter

Grab it now! I sure am :mechanical_arm:


How long does the discount last?

Till Monday 4/1/24



Thank you my G. :handshake:

Been waiting for this for a while now!

How would you create a playlist based on MM and opus + free fields? It’s ok just opus and then MM? Or are there free fields that are still useful?

Ok I listened to OM for an hour, now I’m listening to proactive brain and I feel this warm sensation in my head. Listening to brain fields all day brought me to not feeling the brain actually working and wiring anymore but now I have this sensation. I guess that OM is a really good booster :slight_smile:


MM + Opus would be fine.

You can also use other fields that affect the brain wiring for example:

Strengthen Old Memories

Temporary Boosted Memory and Thinking

Outlook Retainer

The All Purpose Anxiety removal

Mind Settings

(The entire album)

Attention and Focus

Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity (i actually forgot this one)

Tap into the Collective Consciousness


Hope and Happiness


Induce Creativity

Animal Empathy/Telepathy

Gamma Brain Wave Audio

and so many others


Thanks for all this list :pray: I’m actually going to use this field to boost some wiring fields of sapien and PU
Daily stack (when I can stay home I can loop it more during the day)

MM X15

I know that I could loop more OM but it’s a stack that I can listen to before I go out maybe I should reduce MM and add more OM?

night stack

SLR 3.0 X3
non judgemental acceptance X3
Overcome self sabotage X6
confidence boost 2.0 X6
end of addiction X3
beyond the victim mindset X5
stress and anxiety X5
Mental laziness dissolver X3
Amygdala healing X3
Arcturian mental health X3

If someone has some idea to improve my stacks I’m open to every advice :slight_smile:

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You could play Opus on a second device simultaneous to your wiring fields.


I Will do this too. Probably not daily but I already did it with superhuman genius.

can you please explain this a little more, are you saying that we can play 2 different brain fields on 2 different devices simultaneously?

100%. If you go through this thread playing during wiring fields is one of the recommended usages. if you go through the brain guild posts, there’s lots of multi-device usages. I use 3-4 fields at a time quite often whereas when i started in 2018, i could only handle one at a time.

PU’s Expanse field along with Dream’s energy expansion aspects of Your Energetic Being have opened up a lot of energy systems for more synergy.


understood, thank you for this information, can you give me some possible ideas as to which field pairs up best with another, when we speak about the brain fields? @spiralriver

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Lotta combos out there… but the general idea is… play boosters (Opus, Snapping Synapses, Brain Key, White Matter, Brain Game etc) with or before wiring fields (Manhattan Method, Cyber Brain, Conceptual Conglomerate, Drops of Memory, Mathematical Madness, etc) then protect the brain afterwards (Plasma Brain of Youth, Brain Antioxidant Complex, etc).

Here’s my general approach to simultaneous stacks:


Hi @MHAS, Did you end up buying White Matter after and if so do you recommend to purchase both Opus Manhattan and White Matter to compliment each other.
Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

Hey Doc @Dr_Manhattan.
I’m just wondering, how close is ChatGPT’s breakdown of the benefits of this field do you feel?

*Certainly! Here’s the combined list of potential positive aspects of life resulting from using the Opus Manhattan brain field:

  • Enhanced memory retention and recall abilities

  • Improved learning capacity and cognitive flexibility

  • Increased synaptic plasticity, facilitating faster adaptation to new information

  • Optimized neural network formation for efficient information processing

  • Better focus and concentration, leading to increased productivity

  • Enhanced problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities

  • Improved mood regulation and emotional resilience

  • Enhanced overall cognitive function and mental sharpness

  • Reduced cognitive decline associated with ageing

  • Enhanced brain health and resilience against neurodegenerative diseases

  • Greater self-confidence and self-efficacy in intellectual pursuits

  • Improved quality of life through better cognitive performance in daily activities and professional endeavours

  • Enhanced creativity and innovation due to improved cognitive abilities and neural connectivity

  • Increased adaptability and resilience to stress, leading to better coping mechanisms in challenging situations

  • Heightened awareness and mindfulness, leading to a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them

  • Improved social skills and communication abilities, fostering better relationships and interpersonal connections

  • Enhanced decision-making skills and judgment, leading to more informed choices and outcomes in various aspects of life

  • Greater energy and vitality as a result of optimized brain function and overall well-being

  • Enhanced performance in academic, professional, and personal endeavours, leading to greater success and fulfilment

  • Reduced risk of developing mental health disorders or experiencing cognitive decline due to proactive brain health maintenance

  • Enhanced ability to multitask and manage complex tasks efficiently, leading to increased productivity and effectiveness

  • Improved sleep quality and cognitive processing during sleep, leading to better memory consolidation and overall brain health maintenance

This comprehensive list highlights the multifaceted benefits of utilizing the Opus Manhattan brain field for enhancing various aspects of cognitive function and overall quality of life.*