Project Mental Health (Public) šŸ§ 

U dont have to buy it off the store, buy it off the trading and selling threads of trusted users, u can get it for cheaper


Compensating for the lack of natural light in autumn and winter not only stabilizes sleep, often disturbed by depression, but also has a stimulating effect on the cerebral cortex, which allows a person to get out of a depressed state :)

Donā€™t take this literally. Itā€™s not a ā€œphysicalā€ effect.
it is one of the points of the project - but it all happens in a big alchemical vortex, targeting your mental health and well-being :slight_smile:

I use this audio before I go to bed
A natural hygiene ritual after the ā€œphysicalā€ and energetic brushing of the teeth, and then the mental hygiene that clears the ā€œdirtā€ that occurs during the day from various interactions - and then a sweet nap

I recently added Karma NFT audio, it follows after mental health

This will not happen, the number of copies is enough. They will not run out so quickly :slight_smile:


After carrying this printed NFT and playing its audio 4x daily for about 2 weeks, I can say that it was well worth buying this at 20% off over the Karmic Crucible (which I may purchase later). My outlook in life is so positive throughout the day and even my normal sleep quality, I noticed, has even improved. It is remarkable since it seems negative events, emotions and thoughts donā€™t impact me and they donā€™t exist in my life.

Thanks to Dream I now have the potent triumvirate of Eternal, Shielding 3.0 and this NFT plus the Plasma flaunt which I play and carry daily. I am so grateful and feel lucky to be able to afford them.

@UgniS I would just like to ask and clarify does this nft also target hereditary dementia, parkinsonā€™s disease (they can also be acquired) since some people I know and relatives were afflicted by them especially in old age?

Also, will this also remove and/or minimize energetic implants in nft owners?

Iā€™m just curious and thanks in advance. :+1:



Kyle hill the type to make a video on why not to be immortal though lol.

I do wonder if many of these illnesses stem from mental health issues as well, besides the underlying genetic consensus.

Oneā€™s mental health inducing these ailments for the better or for the worse.

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Iā€™ll try to expand your idea of how fields work (or may work) a little bit. At least I use this logic myself :laughing:

think back to your childhood and school
each of us would write an essay on a particular topic

and everything that was written afterwards had to be related to the main idea that was given. It was at that time that the teachers allowed us to expand our consciousness and look at things wider than we are used to. At least thatā€™s how it seems to me now
itā€™s also the basis of any scientific work, where certain thoughts are supported by certain data and research, without moving away from the center and from the topic

Now imagine the combination you showed.
Eternal, Shielding 3.0, Mental Health plus Plasma flaunt

Thereā€™s a separate discussion thread for each of them where you can gather a lot of information based on descriptions and reviews

Basically, each project can be conceptualized and summarized to 1 paragraph. It is possible, of course. But I always wanted to give broader descriptions even shortening them and removing all the specific detail, and hoped that people would generalize and imagine how it would apply to them personally

because there are so many variations, symptoms, and problems that just canā€™t be included in all the descriptions. But is it necessary to do that? I donā€™t think so. Since you can look at the functionality of any product wider than it was originally described
Also remember all the preventive aspects that were mentioned

I mean, what youā€™re asking is what youā€™re already doing from the beginning. You are setting the foundation for the prevention of various diseases related to various parts of your body.
Just think of the Blueprint of LIfe aspect of the new Eternal.

Captain agreed to this project and created a product that works on different levels (energetic, biochemical, physical, etc.) to maintain, optimize and improve the health of your entire brain and your mind

if you want to emphasize solving/preventing problem what are you talking about, perhaps you can use specialized brain fields that target clear problems (either create a target intent while working with the above fields)

also, I think there are special threads on the forum where people make such brain fields playlists and make opinions, etc.
Unfortunately, I have no data and no opinion, as I do not use it
But you can always ask other people for advice

about the implants.
I have heard these ideas, about Jehovian Seals = J Seals, alien implants, etc. - But I have no information on this topic as it has never resonated with me :grin:

It always seemed to me that if these implants existed, they were long ago removed thanks to other, numerous cleansing products from Captain :grin:

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all Orthodox Christians on Easter. It is a bright feast.

I wish kindness, warmth of hearts, joyful laughter and smiles of your relatives and friends to reign in your home. I wish you harmony in everything :rabbit2: :egg: :peace_symbol:


@UgniS Thanks for your response. I only recalled yesterday that I listened to the Plasma Brain of Youth daily for a number of months about a year ago along with the Smart Stem Cells which I still continue to use daily. Now, since my daily playlist is quite long, next month I will cut down on my listening time due to my hectic daily schedule.

Iā€™m impressed with this nft that I will be discarding New Perspectives soon. Also, I forgot to mention in my previous post, thanks a lot to you and other members who contributed and collaborated with Dream on this project. :slightly_smiling_face:


Journaling Day 1.

Noting through observation both the light and shadows that I didnā€™t want to confront before.

Now having done so, seeing the root of all things, what is there to fear really?

To worry?


Live in the here and now. Staying present as this is the natural state.

Feel 110% better. Clearing all debris, and back feeling whole again at once.

Will continue to do so from this day forward.

You got this guys.


Now i can watch my childhood cartoon with full happinessā€¦i loss my interest in everything due to some mental disordersā€¦
Thank you Ugni for your Efforts and also DreamšŸ’


This has a stabilising effect on my psyche :relaxed: itā€™s most welcome after a period of turbulence & burnout


Same here man. I feel like a new person altogether.


So good!

@UgniS Is this restoring all neurotransmitters and their respective receptors or only major ones? Would it be safe to loop it?

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My initial review with this field -

Listened to it in the morning 3-4 times after subconscious limits dissolver and auric and energy body repair.

Felt a little bit of anxiety and a restless feeling. An empowering feeling took over me after that and anxiety and restlessness went away. Felt light overall.

I vape nicotine in the morning. But today I didnā€™t feel the need to do it. My mood was already good. I also feel this drive to get dopamine from healthy sources.

Looped it twice again. Felt tingles in brain and various receptors. Mood was significantly better and I was socialising a lot better and enjoying it even.

I took a little nap and during that time while being in that sleepy conscious state. I was getting flashes of traumatic events and memories and the people who did me wrong and manipulated me in the past.

Overall mood is good right now. I will loop a few more times before sleep. Letā€™s see how my life changes in the coming days.

I want to thank @Captain_Nemo and @UgniS for making this project a reality.


I read what you deleted. The answer is that itā€™s not just related to dopamine.
But the fact is that your mental health doesnā€™t just depend on brain biochemistry, genetics, hormones, etc.

If it were that simple, there wouldnā€™t be this big project
since it would be possible to simply create the project ā€œAntidepressant-anti-stressā€

I tried to expand on this idea in this post, which I got from a huge resource on evidence-based science

But even thatā€™s not all.

all the latest data on this issue can be obtained by contacting certain experts on that resource, all systematized schematics of recent discoveries. but not all of them are confirmed and proven

But they will in any case not take into account some factors

thatā€™s why the project has an extended description and esoteric block

This project restores and maintains mental health in a variety of ways

I personally most often use all the audio in a dosage, in a general routine playlist

I turn on this audio before going to bed (x2)


I wanted to make a dog tag out of this. Can anyone suggest me good websites from where I can get that done?

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Took a print out of its image for now and itā€™s in my wallet now. Which I carry around all day. Good to go right?


Today I noticed that while having the printed mandala on me and playing the audio simultaneously had me really overwhelmed. Like a really panicky feeling.

Not overwhelmed with the audio alone?

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