Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

I only said I’d appreciate it don’t put words in my mouth :laughing:

Yes… Yes… Everyone will get a seat at our Salon!! ;)

For the past months, our team has been approaching the topic of hair growth from the most comprehensive aspects. We had all come together to create a solution for a long persisting problem that takes many, many forms! This topic of hair loss has proven to be very individualized. No one person experiences hair loss for the same reason as another. Genetics? Stress? Cyclic progression? It’s never one thing or the other!

This has led to our team exploring multiple modalities and approaches to realize one goal:

the sight and touch of the most divine & ethereal hair to be expressed through our hair. :relieved:

We understand - It is such a persistent issue that everyone wants the solution to be available right now. We know - and that is why massively extensive research has been put towards this project. The findings and the approaches that we have available have not been implemented YET in the modern world! Trust us when we say - the implementation of these research will make every owner the First to have access to any of these medical applications. Some of them have been hidden in plain sight for the researchers - some are breakthroughs that have not left the clinical labs thus far. And the greater sum of them all…

is the first SapienMed and World application here in this upcoming Salon.

And so, everyone will have a seat


SOON! :heart:


:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart: WE LOVE YOU DESIREE :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart:


:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart: WE LOVE YOU DESIREE :heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart:


an incredible assembly of concept awaits every members who steps inside our divine & ethereal hair salon; a capsule from the future may or may not come to pick each and every member, to be seated inside and treated in a sleek futuristic design – our advanced specialists cannot wait to have every one in the grand opening.


:heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart: :white_heart: :white_heart:


Ohh Guess this will be released perhaps by Next Month or July?

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Next shall only be awaiting our Captain and Magical timing to come together! :sparkles:

Make it happen ;)

The Cone of Power - New Release



Can’t wait

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Hi, Sa-Trincha!
Welc to the Forum

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Lions mane + blueprint of hair = majestic hair. Never gonna bald, never gonna even lose a single strand of hair bwahhaha


Extremely thrilled for this to be releasing soon, can’t wait to pick it up!


Hi, adurite!
Angel White welcome white letters


Thank you very much! This looks terrific and I’m excited to get my hands on it, Massive props to the creators of it as by the description days of research has definitely gone into it.


Welcome, @adurite.

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Are we covering seborrheic dermatitis, tinea capitis or any other fungus/autoimmune disease for hair ?

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Yes, indeed we are.

Although, when this topic came up in group discussions, we agreed that the Captain has the best approaches for treatment, and there is no need to cover this in “traditional” scientific ways.

Feel free to recommend any specific methods you would like to see in :)


Could drop in Subconscious Negative Image/Self doubt clearing regarding hair thinning/balding too and remove doubting “Will this Work or not? What if this or that?” and layer in Positive mindset to aid Regrowth!


Also definitely need to drop in Guidance to use this and Explain people that Hair goes through different phases and if they have increased shedding it’s due to the old shaft clearing for new growth…

It’ll be the same peeps throwing doubts and stuff similar to Hair Loss Treatment Ver 3 and also they need to Acquiesce this isn’t a quick fix thing!

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the endless question!

a few pointers about this:

  • To question whether something will work or not indicates that a problem is still present and not only, but still persistent. we mitigate these questions by solving the problems at their root

  • Our Texture Specialist has a specific guidance aspect related to her services, in terms of hair care, products, methods that take into account personal preference and individual hair ability

which leads me to…

  • For a product to have better chances at working, there are certain areas within the hair structure that should be completely “normal” - in their ‘blueprint’ state.

All of these areas have been taken into detailed consideration to achieve the best “structure” for the hair - beyond what is possible.

My guess is that Captain has come up with many new methods since then. We’ve seen fantastic reviews from the men on The Manly Man

You’ve got me thinking…

One of the new updates we’ve seen recently is the subconscious integration - the effects brought by this aspect from the new fields (Tejas Alchemy) is something unparalleled to anything I’ve seen from the fields before! I’ve been appreciating these new additions a lot they offer a huge, huge value to the fields they’re connected to.

There might be a huge merit for recommending the new image of the self to be integrated via this approach - if the captain permits of course :)))

  1. I do feel affirmations like I have a head full of beautiful healthy and strong hair can help change subconscious beliefs and it changes your reality … as we all know. I know captain works with morphic fields and not subliminals but the idea is to change the subconscious beliefs permanently to - ‘I love my hair, they are dense, beautiful and healthy’
    So subconscious belief establisher for this and dissolver of wrong beliefs like my hair are bad an unhealthy and falling etc. I feel this basic simple technique can really work wonders

  2. Provide nourishment to hair and scalp. I always used to use almond oil for my hair and it really worked wonders … the problem is you can be put into he world with your hair oiled … it feels funny. So that limited my use of nourishing oils quit a lot. On the contrary caring for skin is much easier since all the nourishing oils or cream you use doesn’t show up as greasy and you can go about your day or night without needing to wash it away.
    So if the field can provide with good nutrients, micro nutrients and antioxidants etc to nourish the hair and scalp on a daily basis then it can work wonders for the hair without needing to oil it and wash it.

Nutrients good for hair are -
Biotin, Iron, Zinc, Vitmain C, Vitamin A, protein, omega 3, Vitmain D, B, E, folic acid, magnesium, cobalamin, selenium, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and vitamin B6.

I do believe that if the above nutrients are supplied well to scalp then it can be very good for hair health. So, supply means that one they should be available in body and second any blockage to them reaching the scalp should be healed. Or if how morphic fields work … they can directly be supplied to scalp and hair


Another idea that would be interesting would be the abillity to lower the hairline/shrink the forehead, for those people who desire smaller foreheads. (not sure if this is already included but if so great!)