Question about the fields

Do the fields cause some sort of emotional detoxing, I’ve been using amygdala healing and the all purpose anxiety field and for some reason I woke up emotional and angry. I felt quite worried after using them as well yesyerday, will these feelings go away as I continue to listen?


This is taken from the field description. As the field assists you in releasing stored memories, emotions may surface. This is valuable information, and being unattached to the emotions as they are released is beneficial. The quick answer to your question is yes. :slight_smile:

To help the release of these feelings, additional assistance may be sought by using Malleable Ego/Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0, The Smart Tap Tapper, Emotional Release, Energy Blockage Removal, etc.

An amazing resource may be found here, if you want to narrow in on specific concerns: Ultimate List of Morphic Field Stacks


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