Random thoughts thread

Me at 34 years old:


My birth card, I don’t know what to make of it. But yeah, justice for everyone :balance_scale::dagger:

Guys, you know that every interaction is an exchange of energy, usually from some people we get a little positive energy and from others a little negative energy, sometimes the amounts can be greater, if you have developed your sensitivity and empathy you know what That’s it, depending on the environment you are in, you can absorb more negative or positive energy. I think the most common thing is to absorb negative energy from others because most people carry a lot of negativity these days, but I wonder, is there a way to convert that negative energy that others transmit into positive energy to us before that energy adheres to our aura? Not like a shield that only blocks it, but a filter that turns it in our favor. :thinking:


How it feels to wake up from a full night of ‘rest’ when you had brain fields playing in the background


Lol someone get this dude @Rorelo away from me :rofl:. Bro has me crying laughing rn.


Did you guys orchestrate this or smth?

Forum software says you asked 4 hours ago and this was posted 4 hours ago.

I’d have suggested servitors or some fields. I think ES, fae and others could do it. There are some nfts too. And then, maybe the dragon golem, dark and light can do it too. There’s also The Healer.

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lol I made that comment before seeing that post, now that I read the description it’s not exactly what I had in mind but it’s pretty close, maybe better. it was just a random thought haha but Good synchro anyways :grimacing:

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This is scary anyway, but pop will suffer the most (or maybe the people in the industry will cause now they can be substituted by AI):


@Elyas try to generate a random kpop song…

I asked it to create random lyrics and it was like a blues or country or smth like that…but it chose kpop randomly as style. And somehow it worked.

You moving because Noesis or?

Check out Chaos Control by ATOTG…pretty interesting.


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Tbh mine was pretty emotional too xD…I almost cried in the first few seconds…fricking AI bro…we’re done.

oh noesis left the forum? I hope he’s okay, nice guy

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Yep…we all knew it but it was in development…but then it just releases and hits you…

what they are now is not very far from AI :laughing:

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But it has lots of pawns. Even if they are using AI and whatnot, they still have a job. Recording studios are hella expensive too.

Some people will lose their life’s work. And paws definitely won’t survive cut.

Meanwhile the execs and all those that know nothing nor care about music will get even richer…ah well…

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I changed the name xD

I don’t have it. And the way it works…I dunno if I like. But interesting, it is.

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Well…the hows matter too. At least to me. Which is why I’d hesitate to use that field.

Until I understand the mechanics, I’d rather not mess with stuff like that. Cause any time you are desperate enough to use something you don’t understand, it comes with a high price.

Even morph asked about avoiding mulitary service, and ofc, the most likely way to do it is by being disabled so…you gotta be careful what you try to avoid.

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Ah I understand you, but it is part of progress, people will find a way to adapt to the new world, like when the industrial revolution emerged, artisans lost jobs because machines did what they did faster and better but they found other things to which dedicate.

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For shifting?..hmm I’d think they rather try to give you more wisdom and stuff instead of saying “alright homie” and then showing you the bill xD

There are these beings in hinduism (totally forgot the name) that people associate with sex and they even summon just for that…which obviously is a test.

If people learned to avoid temptations and other pitfalls, eventually those beings would teach them real knowledge and power.

I feel if my HS stops being a jerk, he would guide me to the gods anyway…I do feel a connection.

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