Release the bindings of dark coven

Hey, it seems like someone is attacking your personal life. I can’t say it’s a “demon” or perhaps a scammer I’m sorry you have to go through that… While the damage is done what you can do is protect yourself in the future… I recommend some basic things to ensure your personal life isn’t invaded by such people.

clear your PC of any infection it might have, it could be the reason as to how they are changing your information… (keylogging for example) I recommend using

  1. change all your passwords and use a password manager (you’ll only need to remember 1 password, make it hard and something you’ve never used before EVER) I recommend using
  2. Use 2-step authentication for all the sites you can (not SMS authentication as someone can easily do a SIM swipe)
  3. Stay protected online by using a few tools:

some extensions you can add to your browser (could be the method used to get into your account via infecting your system:

These are things you can take action, it gives you control and a sense of security.

I can’t really speak on the Energetic things that may be occurring but I hope you find a path forward for you and your family.

I see you have BoL (based on your old post) have you tried dropping everything and focusing on a few audios?

I understand you have no funds, but if you have any of these people listen to them… If you don’t let us know and perhaps we can find an alternative for each.

How did this happen? did you send it to them? they stole your recovery phrase? were you tricked into sending it to someone? or did they just disappear from your wallet? elaborate, please.