The ADHD Journey - Let's co-create together!

Once read about a natural remedy: Treatment of ADHD with French maritime pine bark extract, Pycnogenol - PubMed


Thanks man, looking into it :pray:

Yeah this blew me away.

But more importantly, the general well being of not having this constant negativity and seeking pattern in the background.

Yeah this is the reason I decided to discontinue. The toll is too big on the body, and you need serious supplements and at least 30min of meditation on specific fields to limit the damage.

Sweet :pray:

With Plasma Brain, advanced brain is not necessary, though gauge how this works for you.

I would highly recommend Plasma Flaunt if you have the means, as well as Gene Therapy from PU and Smart Tap Tapper from Patreon (for emotions).

I believe now the brain is only 30% of the condition.

Also recommending the classics for adhd-iers, such as a quality nutrition (no refined sugar, but lots of glucose from fruits), exercice every day to pump the norepinephrine, mindfulness practice, etc.


Thank you for the suggestions. I gotta add some exercise into my life…
I have been doing great on the diet front, cut out all sugars. I’m hesitate to add fruit back in. Is that needed for good health and repair?

I have plasma fluant as well and have been playing that.

I woke up today feeling pretty clear headed. Let’s see what magic today brings…


Regular exercice / movement is a game changer for adhd-ier you’ll see.
Start small, like you would do with any new practice you are trying to pick up, and go at your own pace.

Forcing ourselves, like those new year resolutions don’t work, though having a Vision does.

Regarding diet, I had to cut sugar 5-10 years ago as well.
Hence the new Pancreas field that is pretty exciting.
(won’t get back to sugar, but pretty sure it’ll bring a nice level up)

Fruits is very different though, the alchemy has been perfected by nature.
Our adhd brains consume a lot of energy and you need to feed it with plenty of glucose.

Quite a level up as well, once you incorporate it to your routine, you’ll see.

Best if organic and non GMO (safe if you are in Europe though), but we do with our means.



Hmm I myself have tried pycogenol it doesn’t seem to make that big of a difference. But the medicine does sort of help. But believe me it isn’t perfect. As you said sleep problems and such.

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Yeah I need to exercise and practice mindfulness!

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Im really happy for you guys and Im trying my hardest to be a functioning member of society. Medicine itself is really expensive and I can’t afford a psychiatrist.

Try meditating with The Alchemical Revision of Trauma man.


Thanks bro it means a lot that you’re doing really well man.


@anon32464289 Isz psychinc university coming out with another adhd field?

Hey man, yes he told me some times ago he was working on a field, but his list is pretty huge.

I think a good practice is whenever we stumble onto solid research is to forward it to him.

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Some time ago, I was meditating to blueprint of life consistently and everything boosted for me. My focus was through the roof; my thinking got so much more precise, even managed to become more aware of those dyslexic moments.

I didn’t use much of brain fields…


Yeah I did the same with BoL a while ago, but had no sustained results.
Same with spamming brain fields.

Lately I had strong improvements with Revision of Trauma though.

And I just purchased Panchanga Yoga yesterday.
I’m less than 24h in, but this series is very very impressive.
I’m so calm and present, this is blowing me away.

I could report about it later if you guys wish, I often get peaks with new fields, then things stabilize.

Though based on reviews I have a good feeling about it.


That’s awesome to hear. I’m curious to try it.

CBD Delta and L thenine fields I use before sleep. The L thenine really does help with overall sleep quality like less waking up and feeling more refreshed the following morning.

Utter Relaxation (Dream Seeds) and Muscle Massage (Spa album) are great too. The Muscle Massage is more relaxing than the other field I’d say from my experience but relaxing in a way that it makes you feel sleepy rather than just chilled.

Delta Waves field you can buy off Gumroad which really helps too and is cheap for anyone to buy. This will prepare your body for sleep but don’t listen to it in the morning or during the day.

Combine all these together and you’ll have the best sleep of your life :wink:



Regarding sleep, I find that having a very light night stack helps.

I start my night stack with

Essence of Burnt Sage → Protected Space (new album) → Schuman Resonance → Multiple Sclerosis 2.0 (look it up guys) → Plasma Brain → Deep sleep


Hey so anybody realize that mostt of adhd symptoms are just a dopamine problem

Hey man,

After a lot of research, I actually have the belief now that dopamine is a very important factor, but only one element within the complexity of the condition.

In that regard besides fields like Attention & Focus, and Overcome any addiction, or Advantageous Brain Plan and Brain Game (both paid) , I would highly recommend to try high quality Tyrosine supplements if you can afford it.

It reduced some of the most annoying dopamine related symptoms for me.

Besides that, if you wish we have a private group where we are working on a template we will submit to Dream, would you like to get in?

It is currently on pause, but if you are into it our research may interest you.

This will most likely be two fields: one for the physical aspect only (brain wiring, genes and guts), and one for the mental & emotional aspects


Yeah let me know

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I’m interested in looking at the research

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