The Alchemical Revision of Childhood

I mean Iā€™d consider myself having quite a bit of mental fortitude but this field does not stop slaying me. Itā€™s almost comical. What the hell is in this field that just turns my whole aura , vibe and mood completely dark and gloomy for hours?

Iā€™ll just use this before I sleep from now


itā€™s normal. Childhood is difficult


There is no need to judge what is coming up or happening

Let it be, let yourself, your being pass through it, take it slow.

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I listened for the first time this morning. I never actually gave this field a chance because my family isnā€™t dysfunctional and I think I grew up in a positive environment overall, but I was being short sided. There are a lot of things we canā€™t even remember that shaped us in negative ways. This audio brought a lot of negative emotions and flashback of long time experience I forgot, and gently guided me to revise them and comforted me. The music is actually one of the most beautiful melodies I ever heard in a field, probably my favorite, and it felt like a warm hug from a loved person. I fell asleep and woke up in a very peaceful state after 45 minutes. Will probably start listening at night, before sleep, and see what happens. Since Iā€™m currently listening to enhanced visual processing before sleep, Iā€™m not looking forward for the dreams :sweat_smile:



I had some wild dreams with this field when it first came out - definitely gave me something to notttt look for haha

But funny thing, they all ended quite nicely. Like towards the end of the dream, you could sense a lot of understanding being built up and if youā€™re lucid into it, you could change the events yourself

They surely change and take a separate course, different to what may have happened in real life. Or more accurately, similar to what the revised version is.

I recommend the Alchemical Innocence to pair with this one. I havenā€™t tried myself, but my guess is that it makes for a lot more smoother transition.


:sun_with_face: Vision Board for Inner Child Healing :pushpin:

Here is a collection of images, resources, ideas as inspiration while doing inner child healing. This is more catered to me, so you donā€™t have to do the same thing. You can choose to do whatever you feels right for you.

Includes the following + note:
  1. Artistic depictions of what ā€˜supportā€™ can look like
  2. Questions & topics for self reflection & journaling
  4. How-to / tutorials
  5. infographics
  6. Advice
  7. Examples of transitions & transformations (ie. Self love vs self neglect)
  8. Affirmations
  9. Things to try / Tasks To Do

Note: Sign up / login may be required to view the rest but thereā€™s ways to work around it though it seems only for general searches unless youā€™re using browser extensions

There's also other related fields mentioned in the thread for Inner Pillar of Power

After using this field + Revision of Trauma for one week, I noticed something very special. I was the kind of person whoā€™s hypervigilant and paranoid due to bad experiences and traumas. But now, I started developing a ā€œwho give a damn mindsetā€ in a healthy way. Iā€™m still polite and kind but I donā€™t need any external approval.

Itā€™s a big change in just a week so I wonder how this will affect me in 3 months. Or even a year.

Thanks to @Captain_Nemo for his implication to help his community by providing these free tools.


This is interesting, one personal experience I feel from this field specifically is I donā€™t feel attached to my girlfriend anymore. More like I donā€™t have that much desire for herā€¦ was it because I only desired her because I was so needy and needed someone to fill a hole in my life under the pretense of love? This is so strange and my heart is not accepting my love for her.


i donā€™t mean your particular relationship, but there is always an energetic phase where you ā€œreformatā€ your love to others and more so after going through extensive healing. it is like, you can choose to love someone, but you can choose to energetically love them differently. it is still the same act, but the energy behind it grows different.


Ah, makes sense. Thank you.


it is in general also, you know, the possibilities are many but sometimes it helps to see a common rootā€¦ you could still choose a new path altogether, but the walk will carry this sort ofā€¦ ā€˜new ways to loveā€™ into it.

like this haha


Haha yeah, itā€™s just so interesting to study about the work of psychologists emphasizing on how childhood impacts your success, relationship, behavior, etc, such as the psychoanalytic theory. Itā€™s more interest or crazy if I should say, that when you are the one experiencing a renovation of your childhood being more positive and seeing it affect the outcome of your life. :slightly_smiling_face:

So now that the love is coming from a place of having a positive childhood, I guess the ā€œattachmentā€ is false and finding a different way to love isnā€™t something I have experience with other than being attached all the time.


A mistake a lot of people make is to confuse passion and actual love.

Passion is very hormone based, or pleasure based, or more primal (got toā€¦ reproduce), hence it vanishes for most people after 1-3 years if not nourished.

Until they get to the next partner, and the next one, etc.
We somewhat use other people, until we feel we need more depth in our relationships.

Whereas true love is genuinely caring about someone and wanting to build something together.
It requires courage as you need to open up and accept to be hurt at times, and change, but this is really worth it.

Perhaps a time to assess with your girlfriend if you two are compatible for each others?
And if you do intend to build something together :slight_smile:

Hope Iā€™m not stepping outside my bound, I like your openess around here and I felt inspired.


I feel like also with the revision series, it may put an emphasis on this even more. It is one of these things that are ā€œtoo goodā€ that the current mental system may find it not as smooth to navigate. I have found the alchemical revision of innocence amazing to deal with this. Like, it revives your own mental system to instinctively know other ways to deal with it. as opposed to relaying on the attachment etc. then of course also Blueprint of love deals with this in detail.

But what I have thought of when reading your post, is something I havenā€™t done before reallyā€¦ but came to me with your words!

a meditation with the vibration of divine love audio. where the redirection is focused onto ā€˜loveā€™ as an energy of the body and as a mental way of expressing it.

i think it would be really interesting :)


No itā€™s fine youā€™re not stepping out of bound. Thanks for the advice, will note this. :relieved:

Thanks for the recommendation, I added revision of innocent and although I donā€™t have VOL at the moment, I think I will replace that with VOT :relieved:

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I love this one! I almost always only listen to Vibration of Creation when I do or Transcendence! Youā€™re welcome! Youā€™ll find revision of Innocence really changing the deal! Itā€™s how I was able to finally listen to the other ones! Itā€™s amazing!


VOT is honestly great before main stack, kills the ego while putting you in a state of bliss, what more can you ask for? Will update on revision of innocence when I can :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks :pray: