The Beauty Clinic & Premium Serum (The Science of Beauty: Private) 🔰

body skin, with emphasis on the upper part (face, neck, head, etc.)
At least that’s how we saw this design

But one of the group members made a personal specificity on the skin of the hands
So I’m going to assume - that the energetic impact is evenly distributed throughout the whole body


The Beauty Clinic and the Premium Serum are two of my favourite beauty NFT’s :heart_eyes:
Since day one my skin tone feels a lot more tighter and firmer. This is very noticeable when I apply lotion on my body and when I apply my moisturizer. My eyelids used to look and feel like crepe paper but that was in my past. Now my eyelids feel firm and smooth!! I am no spring chicken even though I will become one soon :wink: I used to have quite bad hooded eyes so much so that the corners of my eyelids used hang down and touch the sides of my eyes. Very happy to report that as my skin is tightening and firming up the hoods on eyelids are shrinking. They are still hooded but definitely not as bad as they were before. Another thing that is super cool is that my breasts feel and look more lifted!! In fact my entire body feels more lifted! :clap: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: My hair feels lot more richer and softer and has grown quite a lot! My hair is salt and pepper in colour. I think this is slowly changing and that my hair is getting a bit more darker. I know that when it comes to hair the change will take a while to reveal it’s self. I am in no rush, after noticing all the other changes taking place I know that it is just a matter of time before I will have a head of beautiful brown hair!


Wow I wish I found out about all these exclusive fields sooner. I hope Captain makes more beauty fieldsđŸ„ș


enough products are absolutely available for everyone.

why don’t you consider the available options? :face_with_monocle:


This is also good


There is also this one that is very effective, and is generously given for free by our Captain :point_down:


I already have all of those and more but thanks❀


Focus on the end result of the interaction of what you already have
these aren’t just fields - they’re enormous resources, each of which will allow you to reach your goal
you’re welcome :slight_smile:


Thank you❀


I wonder about this too?

I don’t have The Beauty Clinic so this is a review for The Premium Serum NFT.

My skin pigmentation issue is 80% better. I can even stay in the sun for a certain amount of time without regretting it later. This was not the case for many years.

Overall skin looks better and hair feels softer. I’m very grateful for this NFT.


as you know, I deleted the global detail of this project, which consisted of 3 huge posts, with all the characteristics of modern genetic therapies & and modern research on medical cosmetics for the whole body, hairs, ect
 This detail was only important to the Captain and the author of the idea.

The very initial essence, the basis of the idea, was described here

This is enough to understand the project for most. I did not create an official branch for the project, because we are not going in the standard way :slight_smile:

But this I would like to quote here, it is left in 1 post. I think this is a great addition to this thread.

In the National Gallery in London hangs one painting that is impossible to pass by. It is a painting by the eighteenth-century Italian painter Pompeo Batoni, Time Orders Old Age to Destroy Beauty. The plot of the painting fully reveals its title. The painting depicts three figures - Time, Old Age, and Beauty.

The gray-haired old man with white wings behind his back is Time. He holds an hourglass in his hand, as a symbol of the transience of what he represents. The grains of sand flow inexorably from one part to another. Nothing can stop them. Just as nothing can stop the transience of time.

In the painting, Beauty is symbolized by the young girl. She is still beautiful. But the finger of cruel Time is already pointed at her. And standing next to her is Old Age in the form of an ugly old woman, whose hands are already reaching for the young and blooming face of Beauty. And no matter how much Beauty turns away, no matter how much she postpones the moment of contact with Oldness, this moment is inevitable. For this is what Time says. It is the law. Of course, it will not happen all at once.

The tree behind the young maiden is still green, still strong, but in time, and of it will remain only a dry bough, whose place on the coffin, which is already visible behind the old woman’s back.

Stunning in its power and depth of meaning. How can it leave someone indifferent? After all, it’s about all of us. And it is up to us to decide what to do in a situation where old age, at the behest of time, will destroy our beauty.

My comment: The painting symbolizes the fact that the girl, to the best of her ability, is trying to evade aging. Only then there was no chance, but now there is. After all, we have the Captain, which provides a huge number of different tools, cheat codes.



it’s a fascinating project :clinking_glasses::performing_arts:


:yum: :grin:

I think this post would be perfect here too


That’s right! :clinking_glasses:

I think the goblin queen is calling me :joy:


@Hauru :laughing:

Fairy Queen :boom: :heartpulse:


before summer :snowflake::snowflake: :clinking_glasses:


today, the lady at the beauty store told me that i had good skin! i was there only looking for sunscreen. my beauty regime at the moment is only comfrey cream ( i imagine it’s good for the face bones :joy:) and suncream. i thought i don’t need anything else anymore and it seems that i was right! beauty clinic and serum and beautytech make it possible, i’m so happy!


Where do you get your comfrey cream?:)

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from the pharmacy