The Golden Elixir

Well it has decreased my fatigue (I suffer from a form of fatigue syndrome) so I feel normal whenever I play this.


Thank you for this :bowing_man: I may start using this audio regularly.

This was for @Cathroulette but I clicked the wrong button :man_facepalming: My apologies for the @ now u.u


Hey no problem. Yes do use it. Another one testimonial for you: I was genuinely tired apart from the low energy I usually have. Cause on Tuesday I had to travel 60 km for some work. My limbs, everything was aching. So I just came home and wasn’t able to get up from the couch to do basic tasks like change and freshen up. But I played this once and I don’t know at what point exactly, I got up during the audio and went about my routine like usual, as if there was no effect from the hard day


Thanks for the field Cap.


Was their ever a desc for this?

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Are you still running it this way? Or maybe with Black Martian Jing?


I feel since this transforms the base (Dan tien) into a ‘higher alchemy’ with Mstate Gold (superconductive metal), which transfers information/energy at a might higher rate/frequency, I believe this will also boost, enhance, and quicken the effects of all Internal Alchemy + Negentropic Three Treasures fields. I haven’t listened to this but will update soon, I know a lot of you guys know I love rinsing the life out of my Negentropic Jing, + Chi compression into lower Dan tien, + Bone Marrow. Since the Dan Tien is the base of our life force energy, this works in tandem with many fields.

‘These are believed to be precious-metal elements in a non-metallic spin state, a different state of matter. These substances are thought to be superconductors (allow clearer cell-to-cell communication) because high-spin atoms can pass energy from one to the next with no net loss of energy. (Have a read of some of our testimonials and how much energy everyone has!)

Minerals are indispensable to life in all its forms. Minerals and trace elements play an important role for humans: among other roles they assist in transmission of nerve impulses; balancing other elements to maintain a healthy immune system; assisting in biological processes by exchanging energy through the exchange of electrons. A great way to describe a deficiency of minerals within the body is when a cell has not been programmed well through lack of essential nutrients, that cell will simply continue to exist but without fulfilling its proper role. The cell is alive but it just doesn’t know what to do. Many cells, in one area, not knowing their role is disastrous. Also, when our body can’t produce new cells (because of a deficiency of minerals) we age prematurely or develop other diseases.

Minerals also have an alkaline balancing effect on the body. This serves to protect against acids and protects our immune system. Acidosis causes much deterioration to the body and can be the source of ageing, cardiovascular problems, and degenerative diseases. If we have thefull compliment of minerals in our bodies, our immune system can do its job of keeping us healthy.

However…and this is where it gets interesting. We are not just talking about all the important minerals on the periodic table. The recent re-discovery of these M-state elements is cutting-edge science (see History of ORMUS). Research is still in its infancy and therefore health claims must not be made. It has been described as a new chapter in physics, chemistry and biology. Scientific research has stated that a number of precious metals including rhodium, iridium, gold, platinum, palladium, copper and several others, can exist in a completely different state – a high-spin state where the nucleus of the atom becomes elongated and therefore spins faster.’

‘ The mystery of this new substance comes from how it behaves. When we use Hudson’s methods to reduce a precious metal like gold to a singular molecular state, it takes on quantum physical properties. M-state elements exhibit qualities like superconductivity, superfluidity, magnetic levitation, and other characteristics that seem to defy our understanding. Of course, an expert would declare it “pure nothing” – it was something science couldn’t understand!

Monatomic elements are far from nothing. These M-state elements are believed to underlie our conscious, and their consumption has been known to help humans reach higher realms of consciousness. This ability is hinted at in ancient texts from around the world, including the Egyptian Book of the Dead, manna in the Hebrew Bible, and the vital energy of qi of ancient Chinese tradition. They all described the intake of a precious material that would bring them closer to spiritual enlightenment.‘


What is the source of your quote, please?

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Re-upload of this field on Sapien Medicine as a single track (non-album).
Seems to be 1 second longer than the previous upload.


"Originally just an album release.

It is a conceptual creation and recreation of the golden elixir.

This, is more closer to the cultivator ideas and, from myth and fantasy
or rather the idea of ‘cultivating’ or building a base in the dantian (lower)
or a solid structure made out of gold, to create a new alchemy
it transmutes and enhances the function to be that of higher superconductive material (m state gold) while also enhanced and refined with the energetic legends and power of the legendary elixirs themselves.
(a lot of Asian emperors were poisoned in their search for this as well)
here there is no harm of that.
but its also a base on which to build power.

This closer to the idea of building or cultivating a base in the the dantian (lower) or a solid structure made out of gold, to create a new alchemy it transmutes and enhances the function to be that of higher superconductive material (m state gold) while also enhanced and refined with the energetic legends and power of the legendary elixirs themselves. (a lot of Asian emperors were poisoned in their search for this as well) here there is no harm of that. but it’s also a base on which to build power and you grow on your journey.

These types of videos are more on the Dreamseeds channel, I think it is useful, so I am putting it here as more people use this channel.
Depending on the comments I will remove it later if needed to keep the peace and stop potential arguments etc
Just being real."


I don’t know from what exalted place you arrived in this world, Captain, but I am sorry for all the troubles you get, while helping the locals.
Thank you. :pray:

To quote from one comment: “The feeling like coming home, hence the image of a house,…”;
I love this field and the music is also beautiful beyond words…


I like that he makes them stronger :+1:


Hello where to place Soul Restoration Core DanTien in playlist Golden Elixir and Minor Blueprint of Power?


Hey Nike, welcome to our forum :hugs:

Here this comment from Mao may be useful to you: The Golden Elixir - #34 by Maoshan_Wanderer

If you’re curious to know more about inner alchemy (and more), I would highly recommend you to check this thread: An Indexed Collection of Posts by Maoshan Wanderer

Mao is a busy man, and this thread was created a while ago by @Bronyraur.
It helped me tremendously grow, maybe it will help you too :blush:

Regarding Minor Blueprint of Power, I would put it after Soul Restoration and the Golden Elixir.

Have fun!



So, Fa Jin Gong makes a good combo with The Golden Elixir?

Also, in simple terms :sweat_smile:, can you tell me what is The Golden Elixir, as in what is it good for?
I feel amazing while listening, nostalgic even (the first time that I listened, now not so much), yet I cant say that I understand it.

Thank you.


Absolutely does!

Think of this as filling your lower dantien with golden mState energies of enormous amounts… It helps heal all physical and mental issues, rejuvenates body and mind and extends long life.

I use it in my longevity stack:

  • Jing (Negentropic & Black Martian)
  • Chi
  • Shen
  • Ojas Marrowed
  • Golden Elixir
  • Tonic No. 31
  • Plasma Flaunt
  • Navapashanam
  • Ambrosia
  • Exalted State

Weird u said that cause am listeing to mstate gold and silver


Sounds Great!
Many Thanks for the Explanation! :pray:

Edit: Wow, Great Stack!