The Navagraha Homam (N/A)

See Navagraha Maha Homam

The Navagraha Homam - No longer available


Navagraha homam is commonly believed to reduce the malefic effects of the planets in very effective manner. Navagraha homam benefits can be mainly seen by pacifying the planets when they are moving or changing from one place to another.

The complete energetic re-creation of this elaborate set of rituals, are done with you, the listener being active participant, thereby providing you with the benefits.

Combined here is the older dreamseeds fields of

Amplify Positive Planetary and Astrological Effects


Nullify Negative Planetary and Astrological Effects

Both of these either work on increasing and amplifying the positive effects or decreasing an,d nullifying the negative effects, of any and all planetary system. That are affecting you in a beneficial way/or negative way. This is great for astrologically inclined people. All the positive effects of all the planetary systems will be amplified, it will help with increasing also the good ‘magical’ effects of the planets or vice versa, depending on the situation.



Thanks @Dreamweaver

would 1-2 listen last 24 hours like the previous audios?


Bro @Dreamweaver @SammyG - next waiting for blessings & power of “KalaBhairava (a form of supreme eternal Shiva who is also the controller of time)” so that we can live ETERNAL by getting the power to transcend the universal time & live immortal by the blessings of KalaBhairava !!


I def had some planetary systems affecting me (prob from Mercury retrograde) because throughout the listen I felt pins and needles sensations which is what I always get when negative energy is being removed and I feel so much better now. And I even have both Astrological tags on now too.


Thank you for this, Captain! This is just perfect!!! :pray: :pray: :pray:


Damn…y’all are sleeping on this one. Made a world of difference for me in my mood.


Interesting effect with this one, felt an instant shift in my auric field s if it was being stripped of heavy energy. I wasn’t in a bad mood, but wasn’t in a great one either. I currently feel more even-keeled.


Bro my exact experience. I didn’t even realize I had negative energy until this stripped it.


The nine planetary bodies seem to have a subtle effect on body alchemy and this field seems to influence that for sure. For example, the moon is associated with the mind (chandrama manaso jatah - the moon is born of the Cosmic Mind) and it subtly influences the mood.

While playing this audio, I noticed certain minor/major alchemical flows getting activated in the energy body. So, there is a lot of stuff going on with this field, physically as well as emotionally.


Yes. There def is more going on with this because I have both astrological tags on and this still cleaned so much from me.


I’m using this one again right now even though I used it two times last night. I thought this wouldn’t do much more than it already has but wow…I swear this feels like it is cleansing my emotional body better than Emotional Release field ever did. It’s also cleansing the mental body. There is also a warmth to this. I just can’t rave enough about this one. Thanks so much @Dreamweaver


How do I even describe this? It feels like a blessing from my crown downwards… almost like a soothing sensation down my throat into my heart… and I feel lighter. I put my hands in prayer position and it’s almost like the planets are turning and I’m part of this universal movement.


Which one would you recommend more, this or Shatachandi Yagna? At the moment I can afford just one of them.


YES BRO. Exactly. :pray:


That’s very hard choice. They are both incredible. I may have to say my opinion is this one.


I have read that the Shatachandi Yagna also covers some astrological aspects and many other things, but also the reviews and benefits from Navagraha Homam look awesome. It’s a hard choice indeed :roll_eyes:


Do you think Navagraha Homam should be repeated every 24h for it to remain active?

Or the most negative astrological aspects will pe permanently cleared by it? I ask this because my playlist is already pretty long and I don’t think I will manage to listen daily.


I dont think so.

remember these rituals were done, with an expected longer lasting result.

and its also enhanced to be a lot more than the originals or just the sum of it all.


I’m truly beginning to notice how energetically taxing these new ritualistic audios can be for me. It’s like when I’ve performed Magick using other systems. Crazy that I get benefits but still seem to also get the actual energetic fatigue that comes with performing actual rituals.


Copied from another thread and brought here (so as not to detail that other thread):

Can you please share with us why you think the Navagraha Homan would be even better than the Amplify/Nullify fields? (And please don’t be too convincing, because the sale is over with and my wallet’s hurting. :wink: )