The Requests and Fields

AKA some audio that replicates a heavy weight lifting session. Traumatize those muscle fibres baby!

Increased Cellular Absorption v2.0 which also targets Enzymes, Prebiotics and Probiotics. This will ensure that all food gets processed due through the enzymes (even if people have difficulties, such as allergies , etc), while also enhancing the absorption.


DreamWeaver can u please upgrade the anticancer video. Thanks.


What I’d really like to see is a field that replicates the effects of bacteriophages, like what are in this product:

From the product label, the bacteriophages are:

For those not aware, bacteriophages are like antibiotics, in that they kill off bacteria, but they are special because they only target one type of harmful bacteria while leaving all other healthy bacteria alone. Taken for a few weeks, they will dramatically improve your gut health long-term, if not permanently, because you replace the harmful bacteria with healthy ones.

I used to need to take probiotics regularly, but after I found out about this and took it for 2 weeks, I never needed probiotics again. This stuff right here is one of my secret weapons to getting & staying healthy long-term. I’d LOVE to see this technology available as a morphic field!

You can read this article for more info:


Friendly reminder for everyone to remember when submitting requests. Please don’t spam this thread with random things you think would be nice…if you have an idea, then do some research and try to find a mechanism that can be leveraged to bring that idea about, then submit your request.


A core strengthening one, with a pleasant sound which not only targets transverse but also rectus abdominis and internal abdominal oblique


So here is my suggestion, it would be very interesting a field for ectoplasm, for those unfamiliar, in spirituality it is a concept that determines that a medium has a lot of energy, really a lot, and that makes them mediums of physical effect, cases of poltergeist for example they tend to be through these mediums, the powers are out of control and generate physical effects, I don’t know how exactly to induce this state in someone, but the proposal is very interesting, it would benefit enormously those who need a lot of spiritual energy like us who use many audios , and the best of all is that it is permanent, usually mediums with ectoplasm are already born with it, and never lose it during their lives.

Energetic Computer Antivirus/Shield - A desktop wallpaper/image or desktop item like a watch that shields you from any entities, black magic or other negative things and energies on the internet.

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@SammyG please remade Become the healer and power booster mug

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I don’t know how much people in this forum know about it, but I strongly recommend a field of tantric massage, it is a practice that can bring several benefits physically, mentally and spiritually, healing various traumas, expanding the pleasure in sex, in addition to the massage itself providing several orgasms that many do not even get during sex, it would be an extremely impressive field, I have no idea how to make it work, but it is probably something similar to automated training camps, since it is about activating certain parts of your body, if if someone has a clearer idea of how to do it and want to say feel free.

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Please make a video of the specific muscle part in Super Human Mutant
“Pepck-cmus enzyme concentrated in muscle tissue. In short this increase mitochondria in muscle tissue, allowing for more power and endurance than humanly possible”


very interesting

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Please make a video to unlock the musclediaphragm. The diaphragm is an important muscle for breathing, but is also linked to the metabolism / digestive system, the nervous system and the spine.



Can we get a… Goddess?
I’ve been thinking about this for a while, we have the Thor mandala and the Loki/Odin cups… I was wondering if we could have a goddess one as well.

My first choice would be Athena, goddess of war and wisdom (this is why I have Owl in my name here :). She is a surprisingly modern goddess, especially for the Greeks. I think she could be a great help providing insight, as well as smart ways to resolve conflict. She is also a fierce fighter, who has to balance her thirst to conquer the enemy with keeping a level head. There is the story of how she took the name “Pallas” out of remorse. She accidentally killed a nymph friend called Pallas in a fight demonstration to the gods as her war goddess side took over. She’s vowed to not let that happen again and took her friends name to honour her.

The second choice would be one of the “young female”, beauty, love, temptress archetypes like Aphrodite/Venus/Freya. It would be interesting to connect to the energy! Maybe it is just me but working away most days building a career sometimes this part gets a bit… forgotten about.


Lol I can already imagine guys asking if the Aphrodite mandala can get them laid.


I laughed a lot

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Oh god… probably you’re right, sad but true :joy:

An Athena mandala would not support this for sure, in fact she might teach them a lesson (in case of a disrespectful attitude).

I’m not entirely sure what the Aphrodite one would do in such case, I think it depends on the wearer. I think she could help. however, someone who just wants to “put their… banana into something that’s alive” could walk away with a bad experience, e.g. it would help attract scammers and/or prostitutes.
Though I’m not as familiar with the Aphrodite stories as with the Athena ones, so might have to check and reconsider.


Dream, please make version 2.0 of super human mutant (longer effects or permanent effects if possible) to teespring or gumroad.


Full Body Detox 2.0

With an added field of toxins absorbers that would help minimize the detox symptoms, it could be things like activated charcoal, puryfied zeolite, some glutathione etc.