The Requests and Fields

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease field!

Idea for Machines #1 and #2:

Both are NFT/Mandala with simple functions for specified effect and lower cost so everyone can benefit:

#1: The Electricity Saver

  • Makes machines more energy(electricity) efficient by either making machines running at the same capacity while using less electricity or draws in energy from environment (can be zero point energy or from the environment, if from environment, can be potentially boosted by plasma flower/ley line/energy accumulator fields etc. ), or both.

  • Can work on any machine that consumes electricity for example electric cars, air conditioner, computers, lighting systems etc.

  • Print out mandala/NFT and put it on/near the machine (near the circuit board that controls the machine) for it to effect.

  • Can put this mandala/NFT on the main electric control of the house/place and it will affect all machines that receives electricity from it (optional)

  • The more machines being affect by this mandala/NFT the more effective it will be (connecting all users, optional)

  • The benefits are mainly to save utility cost for users as well as saving the environment.


#2: The Fossil Fuel Saver

  • Makes machines that uses fossil-fuel derived energy more efficient by either making machines running at the same capacity while using less fuel or draws in energy from environment (can be zero point energy or from the environment, if from environment, can be potentially boosted by plasma flower/ley line/energy accumulator fields etc. ), or both.

  • Can work on any machine/unit that consumes gasoline/diesel/natural gas/coal for running, such as cars/trucks/houses that uses natural gas for heating etc.

  • Print out mandala/NFT and put it on/near the machine preferably near the combustion unit for the effect.

  • The more machines being affect by this mandala/NFT the more effective it will be (connecting all users, optional)

  • The benefits are mainly to save utility cost for heating as well as users with non-electric cars. Restaurant owners would probably see a great reduction in cost (I think there are some members with family that operate restaurants), or delivery service operators.

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Not a field but I would definitely look into NAET

It is an astonishing modality.
You can read the books by the inventor first.

I have had utterly miraculous results, 2 times now (2016, and recently), for intolerances, allergies (food, chemical, environmental), anaphylactic allergies, skin issues, digestive issues, and much much more.


Where can I get that pineal gland audio? It’s not available on any website or store of sapien’s.

there is a new release called has Mandelbrot Symphony has an audio eyes by 3, maybe you can try that?

attached a link below for your ease…

Mandelbrot Symphony - New Release - Sapien Medicine (

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DHEA is one of the important key youth hormones.

I would love to have a patreon mp3 release of the existing DHEA Boost field (the current one is only on YouTube and can only be accessed with verified 18+ YouTube accounts).

Or maybe even a remake?

Thank you in advance.


You probably already know this but pure magnetic heart coherence may be able to help in the meantime


This field is unbelievable!

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Okay once again I respond in a thread that has nothing to do with responding lol.

very nice observations. until you have that request you can do as you desire - just send them love and refuse to label their “reactions” as being anything having power to disrupt. You were the actor in your stage clothes, but you were also the director who yells “cut!”. And then also the people who pass out water and snacks between takes. The water (of life) and the snacks (true angelic lovingness) can maybe help you hold on while you wait for the manifestation of your request. Good job! :slight_smile:

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I agree and i kinda do it with intention in the morning when starting my day, but i guess its easier to have something automated. Rather than stopping to do that reflection or love sending at every interaction :sweat_smile:

I am noticing tho the Angelic Guidance I is like building that aura around me, and i was just waiting more days to see if that i notice was really so, but ive been in like 3 occasions the random person that suddenly becomes the help someone needs it at the moment. Just like angels do!

I mean far from being one lol but since ive always felt cocooned with that NFT and the Angelic Vibration part (that is not mentioned but i feel it) its kinda strong maybe it is growing like a shield that reflects love too!

Ill keep checking that lol

Would it be possible to create any field regarding foreskin restoration in near future? Something similar to the Skin Regeneration (Epidermal Growth Factor) field, but that will completely regrow the missing foreskin or focus on stretching the skin?

I am sure thousands of men will benefit from it and would buy such a field regardless if it’s gonna be free or paid. :pray:

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Darn, i own this field. I overlook it too often…


Ana automated yoga nidra field. Its a powerfull practice to regulate nervous system, improve sleep massively and depression etc.

I catalase field.


A field for Korean Glass Skin :sparkles::dizzy:

Human Mandala/T-Shirt/NFT/Drink Charger

To infuse you with the energy of a Human (similar to lion, smilodon, wolf, ape, etc.)

Probably could work similar to Arcturian, Pleidian and other Alien tags since humans are more complex than animals

Would be good so you stay grounded in your human side as you develop spiritually

Revision of Health

  • Illness from infancy

Many people became unwell after infant vaccinations, which created a cascade of illness from infancy. Such as asthma, eczema, allergies, autoimmune and many other issues, including the knock on effects on mental and emotional health.

Starting out life already behind in wellbeing, vitality, even so much time lost to appointments/treatments.

  • Patient-Victim Identify

Plus many infants learn that when they are unwell or sick, they receive focused love, care, and attention.

So it creates a subconscious program, “when I am sick or ill, I receive love, care, attention from parents/caregivers”

This creates a DEEPLY rooted patient-victim identity, from as early as 2 years old. That is challenging to shift, and is quite prevalent in our society.


This one is needed!

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