The Requests and Fields

Definitely a new version of book of cards with more variety


I’d like to formally request a comprehensive self love field, that includes previous concepts and ideas encompassed in a short, time saving audio. A self love stack in a field.


An audio that focuses purely on Ida and Pingala. With a subconscious limiter removal checked in, maybe ego dissolution. And elements of the internal alchemical crucible.

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A gene mutation found in the ‘Bajau tribe’ allows people to hold breath for over 13 minutes and over 5 hours in a day

How the Bajau 'Sea Nomads' Evolved for a Life of Diving - The Atlantic.

this field would be designed to genetically mutate the person to develop the same ability


request for field to be good at driving cars


I think this can help with that too.


Wouldn’t that be power of love?

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something that covers more things related to driving cars would be great. like knowledge and experience of driving for years, emotions control, pass driving tests, car being like an extension of your body and control it.
could go even further to racecar driving skills


This is a pitch based on a year-long insider joke in my Sapien Med discord friends group.

Since magic potions are a big thing at the moment, how about an Androstenol 10.0 Potion?

To be worthy of the title “Androstenol 10.0”, the potion would need be at least 3x as strong as the original YouTube Androstenol and 33x stronger than the Wolf Potion #11 or the GOAT Scent or the patreon Androstenol.

For such a potion, it would make sense that it would cover the whole chain of hormones necessary for the production of Androstenol and all the other similar attraction and manly pheromones.

Also some healing for the whole hormonal / endocrine system for optimanl functioning of the whole chain reaction.

A super powerful potion whose effects, even the Princess of Darknesses herself, will not be able to resist, when she encounters the man who has drank the potion.

An audio that works only for the buyer and comes with the respective devilish music.


What are you planning JAAJ :joy: :eye:



“Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven”



gonna die of laughter, stop now :sweat_smile:


People already saw your devilish side jaaj, don’t delete now, let’s embrace it :rofl: :+1:

I deleted it because it may be not suitable for younger forum readers.

Otherwise you are right of course, we have to intergrate both sides, light and dark, for completion of the soul.


Self Multiplier: A Revolutionary Concept in spiritual and energy work.

Imagine a field that can multiply yourself into ten distinct astral selves. This innovative idea, called “Self Multiplier,” allows you to connect to a being/deity, perform magic, or engage in energy work with the power of ten individuals—each of them being you. Here’s how it works:

Astral Multiplication: When activated, the Self Multiplier creates ten astral versions of yourself. These astral selves are extensions of your consciousness, fully capable of interacting with the astral plane.

Enhanced Connections: When you connect to a being/deity it will feel as though ten individuals are connecting simultaneously. This multiplied connection amplifies the interaction, making it more profound and impactful.

Amplified Magic: In the realm of magic, imagine the potency of your spells or rituals being tenfold. Each of your ten astral selves performs the magic concurrently, magnifying the effects and outcomes significantly.

Energy Work Efficiency: When engaging in practices like chakra growth, the effort of ten astral selves translates into ten times the benefits. The energy work done by these selves is directed back into you, accelerating your progress and amplifying your results.

Field Listening: Listening to a field with the Self Multiplier means receiving its benefits as if ten of you were absorbing and integrating its effects. This dramatically enhances the efficacy and speed of achieving desired outcomes.

Higher Self Integration: Each of your astral selves operates from your higher self consciousness
These selves can perform tasks of your higher self consciousness, contributing to your spiritual growth and development.

The Self Multiplier offers a groundbreaking approach to diety connections, magic, fields, and energy work, providing unprecedented levels of power and efficiency. By leveraging the capabilities of ten astral selves, you can achieve remarkable advancements in your spiritual practices.


If there was 12 astral selves this could be implemented as well.

Archetypes Integration: Each Represents the 12 Zodiac Sign Archetypes in a more of universal way. User getting the power of the 13th unified one.


Both for in person and online interactions would be great, it will help to deal with obnoxious people at work during online meetings.


The Attract More Love Into Your Life field from patreon perfectly helps with such individuals.

An alpha pheromone is not the solution here. It will only make resentful and jealous individuals even more resentful and jealous. And at work you want to keep the people tame and supportive and not triggered and resentful (since you have to be always emotionally controlled yourself too at all times).


Ok will check but having this new Androstenol energy on you would definitely make such people behave properly around you right, that is what I’m targeting.

No, in most cases you would trigger the opposite effect.

Look mate, most people are NPCs. This applies for work environments too.
The big difference to general life is that at a work environment you cannot escalate things and you cannot simply walk away. Office NPCs are not conflict ready nor would it be productive to be so in the first place. What you want is to keep everyone’s ego levels low, resentment levels low and jealousy levels low, so that everyone is supportive, nice and polite.

And if you have a male boss, this will likely lead to problems. You cannot challenge a NPC’s status and ego without making them resentful at you at the same time.

Alpha pheromones are only useful for private life in my experience.
Exception: You are the boss yourself or you deal with absolute alpha business men.
Such men are almost never to be found in office environments.

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Perhaps Lepidus sigil may be more handy.