The Requests and Fields

Its so good man.


yeah, will do again if it gets warmer

You linked wim hof article and you say warmer? XD

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I meant colder! :cold_face:

Unless you live in the Caribbean :weary: water is ALWAYS hot


I think im just hearing excuses.


Thank but I dont really remember knights/warriors working with mashines in a company without dragons to slay or prinesess to safe. There is nothing adventorous in fixing the machines either :grin: Just work :neutral_face: life is about work most of the time for an average bread eater.

Well its not at all what you requested in your previous message :woman_shrugging:t2: Maybe go back and read the knight thread? I listen twice to it right in the morning going to work and i feel all u want. Butā€¦ if you dont think so who am I to demand you do haha :relieved:

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Bruhā€¦ knight mindset is basically workaholic field if u want to.
And plus everyone will respect you.


probiotics and prebiotics

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Requesting the Lion tag to come back to the store.


I have a few ideas, which can be applied or ignored I suppose, because Iā€™m not sure how ā€œwidespreadā€ these issues are:

  • Kyphosis/Lordosis/Rounded Shoulders correction , as well as fixing winging scapula and anterior pelvic tilt to complement the scoliosis - atlas correction audios. So all of us have amazing posture in all regards.
  • Correcting spider/varicose veins WITHOUT collapsing them, so simply making them healthy and strong again
  • shrinking/tightening/repairing and cleaning all pores (without destroying sebaceous glands) not sure if this one is possible but why not suggest it I suppose
  • FOXO3 gene modification for us to naturally produce all the stem cells needed and automatically repair our bodies preventing aging/degradation
  • teeth straightening and alignment (This one has definitely been requested before lol)
  • ā€œfillingā€ fine lines/mimic lines/wrinkles (also lines on neck) etc. with fat cells to smooth those areas out (aka microlipoinjection)

i know it can be attained by stretching but seems too hard for me having tried for 2-3weeks with no result.
having a more loose body would feel more free

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Atlas Audio

Thereā€™s a varicose veins video somewhere around hereā€¦definitely on patreon tho.

Acne ablation is the paid oneā€¦ couple of free ones too that do similar

Smart Stem Cells

Again, quite a few videos attempt to do this in various ways.


I appreciate the response, for the varicose/spider veins it simply collapses the veins instead of repairing them which is why i was wondering why the opposite technique hasnā€™t been used. Thank you


New Sacred places (I love those albums): Arunachala mountain, Adamā€™s Calendar, Teotihuacan (it might have some bad juju because of all the sacrifices), Tenochtitlan (this also may have some bad juju because of all the sacrifices), Monte Alban, Baalbek (iā€™m not sure if its technically a sacred place, but it does contain megalithic structures that modern technology cannot easily replicate with such precision. Iā€™m assuming it has the type of energy to be considered a ā€œsacred placeā€), Kailasa Temple at the Ellora Caves, the Ajanta Caves.

More specific individualized muscle-group workouts such as: biceps, triceps, shoulders, traps, hamstrings, quads, calves, forearms

Hair color changer

1000/10,000 year old ginseng. Iā€™m not sure the mechanisms involved that would be able to produce that type of effect. But just throwing out the idea here.

Full Kaya Kalpa treatment: One would need in depth knowledge of ayurveda + rasa shastra, iā€™m assuming. It might be a bit redundant, however, considering plasma protocol, eternity redux and the abundant anti-aging audios thatā€™ve already been made, but then again this might have some or a lot of other benefits that other modalities may not have.

Fae energy and intercession tag

The Plasma Schlong - Male Enhancement, plasmafied

I apologize if I wasnā€™t specific/detailed enough for these requests or if theyā€™ve already been suggested.


Jedi or Samurai mindset field or mandala

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I suggest you use the knight mindset and dress differently


Huh? :rofl:


Hey, itā€™s basically the same mindset and code but with a different dress code :man_shrugging: .
George Lucas was probably thinking of ā€œintergalactic Templarsā€.
Dream is not fond of doing cosplay fields anyway