The Requests and Fields

So as Dream is producing coffee and monoatomic elements I thought a Helium field would be funny. Talking in high voices… Then I thought it actually might be great for showing people that fields are for real: like when you tell some friends about these amazing fields that could change their lives and everybody is like: whatever you are smoking, I want some.
Then you just put on the Helium field and everybody starts talking like Mickey Mouse and then you just show them what you are playing


Shielding/Protective Audio/Mandala For Homes and Places -

Like a shielding tag but for your home or buisness place or a party etc, that keeps away people with ill intent and makes people within that area focus on doing good instead of doing anything bad and become more peaceful and loving. And also bless the area so that no accidents or other negative things happen and instead more luck and good things happen.

If a mandala, it could be placed in a store and would protect against robberies and even decrease shoplifting from happening there or in a school in the US it could help protect so that there would never be any shootings for example.
And in a home protect against burgleries, or any crime from people you know and invite in, or from accidental fires or other accidents etc. and instead draw in luck and abundance and some good feng shui. :slight_smile:


The environmental servitor from the printed version of the book of cards does that.

The Book of Cards by Dreamweaver

Also you can create a dark and light servitor and give them the specific commands they most follow daily.

And play the plasma flower at low volume 24/7


@anon31415926 yes to that :slight_smile:

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wat is this?

an audio to regulate glutamate levels. Also glutamate altering should be added on yt desc of ego dissolution.

Negentropic Blessings

At certain points in our lives opportunities seem to decrease. Sometimes the randomness of events in our lives can obstruct the path to our goals and dreams. Life can seem senseless at times.

This field works to bring the energy of negentropy to bear upon the flow and events of your life. Opportunities can increase. Life and its events can begin to make more sense while you watch order, opportunities, and beneficial circumstances form from the raw material of otherwise random events.


Where I live there is so much plastic used everywhere, you go to the supermarket and you have big pile of plastic (like even bananas are put in plastic bags; you buy some fruits on the street wrapped in plastic) and it got worse with corona. and there isn’t really a working garbage system. I think most just is burned or washed into the sea…
So I thought a mandala or something from the card system with activation word would be great. Just make a big pile of all the plastic, put the card on top, say the activation word and over the next like 12 or 24 hours the card dissolves the plastic into its elements or whatever great solution Dream can think of…
The radius shouldn’t be too big (maybe like one metre/ 3 feet, maybe even less, so valuable plastic nearby doesn’t get dissolved. And I guess audio wouldn’t work to well dissolving some parts of the cellphone or computer.
No idea if something like this is possible but would help a lot, don’t know what to do with all this plastic….

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@Captain_Nemo creates Holy Materia

problem solved.

I mean let’s face it. We could all use some less mosquitoes in our lives. And some people are allergic to those poisonous mosquito repellent devices.

Also another field suggestion

Air conditioning field

Cause indian heat is the worst.


Air conditioning Field :100: :heart:


Try this one, people reported cooling effect,

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Just gonna put it out there, we got something in mind for this in the future


I’ve just accepted them at this point. Made a ‘blood pact’ (HA HA! FUNNY ME!) and I don’t even feel the itch anymore. :sunglasses:³

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It interferes with the glucose uptake of microorganisms. Perfect for cancer, candida and a million other issues.

Must research.


Negentropic Immune System


I like the idea. For most people re-growing their shriveled up Thymus gland which produces the Regulatory T-Cells which keep the body from having autoimmune problems would in effect be a Negentropic Immune System.

And I’m sure there could be other aspects to what would constitute a Negentropic Immune System.


Hmm…I wonder if it’s possible to have negentropic energy body or negentropic energy system for becoming more spitituality advanced. Got this thought in mind after reading negentropic immunity system. Or why not negentropic “self” where everyone about a person is negentropic without any flaw… at mind, body, soul, and chakra level…where every aspect of a person in flawless…But I guess blueprint should cover that directly or indirectly if I’m not wrong…


A field to improve test taking, and no this is separate from intelligence. I am talking about a field to make you less likely to make silly mistakes, read the question better etc…