The Silent Mind

Please share more and update on the ‘Silent Mind’ effect, something that The Enternal has given me to some extent. Wondering if getting the The Silent Mind would worth it as a combo.


I am waiting to receive silent mind on a personalized pendant to share other experiences.

Currently I am testing it on my phone with the screen on. I test it for a few minutes this way, which does not allow me to take full advantage of it. I think in two weeks I will receive it.
I don’t have the possibility to print it on a photo paper in a store (broken down car :confused:) .


Hey guys , another update.

First time out in public again after I got this NFT, back at work. Immediately noticed I felt much more relaxed, my thought stream moving at a much more normal pace. This allows me to be grounded and not in my head anywhere near as much, I can walk up to strangers and strike comfortable conversations without any awkwardness and full confidence in myself, and what I’m doing. If something goes slightly awry I simple do not care, I know it means literally nothing and is nowhere near as deep as I’ve been conditioned to believe through the rough society that we live. This is amazing for people who have OCD type symptoms, I feel like this is what meditation feels like, without actually doing it. Being in the absolute moment, second by second, talking full pleasure and commandment of your own time/space in the present. It also makes you care less about what others ‘might’ think of you. So in the short , it removes all negative thought processes and brain patterns that unconsciously lead to self sabotaging behaviour, it makes you not care about things so much that you thought you did, and makes you put more effort in things you realise are actually important to your improvements. That’s just how I feel, everyone of course will have their own respective results and feelings. Remember this field is still extremely young,
Will only get stronger second by second, a very meditative piece indeed.


I printed this mandala yesterday with a printer. It’s temporary , the time to receive my personalized pendant with this field.

Yesterday at work when I was fixing a light on a roof, I noticed that I was more focused on what I was doing. I had very few stray thoughts.
In the evening there was a party organized with singer Chris Anderson (The Madison). I got on well with him, a great guy :blush::heart: . During our conversation and with colleagues I was more attentive.

One moment in the evening, I was on the side of the stage and I watched him sing. One moment he asked me to come on stage. At first I wasn’t too excited and after the second time who asked me I went on stage and started dancing :man_dancing::grin: . At that time , I did not ask myself too many questions, I was comfortable.
I was dancing like I was in a disco. There were a few people in front of the stage watching and next to the bar a few feet away.

It was great this evening :blush:.

Today I feel good in my mind. this feeling is so pleasant :relieved: I manage to focus on my projects.

I find it easier to communicate with his servitors , talk to them (I’m a beginner). I really concentrate when I talk to them and I don’t think of anything else, well, very little.

It allows me to take this incredible energetic univers more seriously and be more aware of their presence :hugs:.

As I said on a previous message, it is also very useful for using the pendulum to create maximum vacuum and focus on the question I am asking.

I think this field can be like a booster to improve the effectiveness of certain fields (psychic, intellectual work, subliminal affirmation).

Thank you captain for making this beautiful NFT field :blush::pray::heart::sunny:!!!


I have had it for about a month but my impression isn’t clear cut because prior to getting this NFT I was working on observing and quieting my thoughts. However, while I can’t say I have had a silencing per say so far, I have noticed that I have become magnanimous towards my inner chatter (I view it a bit like a well meaning child that can’t help itself haha) but I also find it really uninteresting, which makes me look forward to going back to silence rather than it being an act of will.

Also, when I have been using a lot of fields it’s harder to get into silence during meditation, but when I say silence activate* there’s a pull that I can “hop on”. A bit like the pull of the aerodynamic drag when slipstreaming behind a truck. So it could be said that The Silent Mind reduces the atmospheric drag of my thoughts :joy:

*I find NFTs respond really well to intent to the best of their abilities so I try that wording for convenience with all of them and see what shows up but have no idea how it would work for someone else haha


Yes, as well as the other suggestions in this thread: Best audios for overthinking

Meant Does anyone has an advice for overthinking?, but the above is also good.

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That’s quite a stack.

Then, if I were in that situation, I would be wanting to know more about what’s behind her inconsistency with that solution. Maybe this isn’t such a problem for her? Or maybe “my” stack is too long or too boring for her? Or maybe she doesn’t want this solution that “I” might be foisting upon her? Or maybe it’s something else, which could be important for me to know because it too might be getting in the way of the help “I” would be wanting to provide?

It could be. I’d still want to know more about those questions I’ve raised because she could just as easily forget to carry this on her person as she forgets to hit play on her music player, you see?



I deliberately shifted my phrasing to me (using pronouns like “I” and “my,” etc.) to use illustrations that I could think of, rather than implying anything you were doing. I had no idea of what you might be doing, so I spoke from my imagination to illustrate what I was meaning.

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I have a 3D (in real life, not online) male friend for the last 35 years that trusts me. He would tell me he was having a health issue and I would recommend SM’s fields. Now a few times a year he will ask me “Does Sapien have anything for…?” He wont come to the forum but he asks me about the forum and what “Sapien is doing”.

What I have found with him is that he will listen, but only to about a maximum of 3 fields, usually 2 fields, thats his limit. Even though I usually give him a short stack of 5, I tell him the most important ones IMHO. So I suggest severly limiting the stack to the most important 2 or 3. I think thats the best chance of your friend listening and tell her she can listen on very very low volume, since she doesnt like music.


When I wake up in the morning, my brain keeps going and it doesn’t stop. My heart really calmed down within five minutes when I bought this NFT.


Sorry about the late reply Zuzu. Ya that’s a good idea. I’m going setting up a wallet for her today to put the NFT into and I was thinking of just using the 3 fields below to see how she finds them.

I have cut back a lot with fields to give my system a bit of a break but I was thinking for the other ones I have mentioned above, I might play them when we are both sitting down relaxing for the night because we would both benefit from them anyway so it will kill two birds with one stone.

Thanks for the advice :pray:t3:


That’s great to hear @Hauru . I used to feel like that not so long ago, so I know how hard it can be to function when your mind won’t stop going 100 miles an hour constantly. It’s very hard to deal with.

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I can understand, I just meditate in the shower and I get goose bumps on my face and it’s so peaceful

This surprised me, I haven’t printed it, it’s currently in my phantom wallet




As you look at the image say

“Right” - “Wrong” or
“Up” - “Down”

Back and forth keep saying and wait.

What you’re doing is “phase” cancelling your thoughts, doing this will allow you to stop projecting meaning onto what you see.

Practice this more and more and you’ll get better at keeping this peak of binary state of your mind.


So it takes me out of the state where I’m clinging only to one-sided view of a story, where I only see something as either right or wrong?

Do I understand it correctly?
Thank you

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Is this the same as Can’t and Can.

Also how does the subconscious respond to these statements?

I remember subliminal people saying how the mind doesn’t really takin the “no” or “can’t”

That is much different then yes or I can.

Like they say don’t use affirmations in negative that is.

That’s really interesting! I tried a few times on days where I had more trouble slipping into silence and it does work, thanks :slight_smile:

It’ll take you out of whatever thoughts you are having at the moment to bring you into silence. From which place it’s much easier to shift focus to things that are more constructive or pleasant (instead of being stuck in a loop) which might help allow other perspectives :slight_smile:

The subconscious registers what we place our focus and attention on and gives it increasing importance depending on the emotional charge. If we focus on something undesired, it simply doesn’t register that we don’t want it. It’s a bit like a dog that you show a toy to while telling it “don’t fetch” haha. So when repeating an affirmation like “I don’t want pain” the subconscious only understands “pain”.

It does understand concepts like “wrong” or “down”, but it doesn’t understand that we find them undesirable. That being said, unless someone is having a strong emotional response to those concepts while saying them, it won’t register, especially not in the time given for that exercise to work :slight_smile:

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One curious thing that has been happening when I use this field is that my heart really likes it.


The image of a heart hugging the field popped in my head hahahah A bit like that but where the ball is the heart and the heart the field:

Jesting aside, it somehow makes sense that it does. A lot of our thoughts block its expression!


Yeah, earlier today I noticed how much I was labeling things consciously and unconsciously. I had a talk with myself to try letting things decide by themselves that they are, instead of making that choice in their place, and my heart really likes this idea.