This is where I struggle

sir, thats not anywhere near what the description says lol

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You think his fields only does what’s mentioned in description? LoL he’s not some other creator who would brag the hell out of his product to increase sale and views but instead he wants us to experience it for ourselves cuz highlighting something can filter one’s perspective and he would expect only those results other than exploring new possibilities which hiders the full potential of the field. It’s something almost all of us knows here. If someone doesn’t it’s his responsibility to figure things out for himself for his own experience and realization. And what is from my personal experience which is subjective. Just cuz “it’s not is description” doesn’t means it can’t be someone’s experience. it’s also hinted in the description that what it can do anyways. Those who can observe well and read between his lines perfectly just knows what he is trying to say. But if you think his advanced fields are only limited to the description then good luck with that lol. The description isn’t even 20 percent of what the fields does probably and this also applies for most of the paid fields.

And that’s something he does intentionally (vauge descriptions) unless it’s a physical field where full medical explanation is required.


you coulda just said that lol and you said it yourself, it’s your subjective experience but not what the description says

:-1:t4: never said this

Thank you very much, Azin. Great insight. I’ll give these a shot.


Both of you simply had the intention of helping. I appreciate yall. Have a great weekend.


Do you use energetic alchemy’s transmutation audio? It’s important to make sure your sexual energy is cleaned and circulated so it doesn’t become stagnant. I’m sure @Maoshan_Wanderer could explain it much better than me but daily transmutation is important


I do. I play the Ancient Arts album on a daily basis.

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You’re welcome

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So wait, is it advised that I be practicing edging? And if so, how often is this practice to be done?

I guess something is better than nothing…

It’s a muscle and the more you train it the easier it becomes…

Over time you’ll be able to hold in your fluids with less mental focus and more muscle contractions. :muscle:t5:

Probably not a final solution as there’s the actual engaging in the activity through videos etc… But at least hold onto your energy.

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While I can’t comment on the SR aspect, I’ve noticed that the same things can occur with fasting and other practices where some stimulation our minds are used to are removed and underlying issues that we can usually easily repress come to the surface. So I can’t help but make the connection. Usually, whatever is coming up needs to be addressed and released because even though we are not aware of their effect in our previous regular circumstances, their effects are always there, albeit more subtle.

But this may all be things you are be aware of, you seem to already have a solid physical and spiritual hygiene. If it were me, I’d make it meditation sessions where I focus solely on the anger and let it come out, without engaging the mind, until it comes to it’s natural refractory period. Using New Release - The Internal Alchemical Crucible might help :slight_smile:


I am way too pent up with frustration and anger. I fear that a misstep could be very costly. Please advise.

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I do love that particular audio. I will try to meditate more frequently to this one as opposed to just listening. Thank you, Amber. Love the name and the color!

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While I’m not a man, I have a very masculine sexuality and have had to work on frustration. Just my two cents, edging was horrible for me (I don’t know who gave me that advice but it made no sense for a woman anyway I found out afterwards), it made me super irritable and ever more frustrated. I can definitely see how it can be helpful for some who are in a more neutral place, but I think you are wise to put that one on hold ;)

My pleasure! And thank you :smiley:

Just a thought, but have you tried channelling root chakra energies upwards? I hope it’s not TMI but lately in meditation I have a lot of energy that shows up at the root chakra and it’s mighty distracting :sweat_smile: I’ve been given the advice to do this, but still finding my way into doing it properly. But it has helped, even when I don’t feel I do it correctly.

Lastly, if you want emotional release exercises (couldn’t resist putting the emotional in bold as a joke :stuck_out_tongue:) it’d be my pleasure to send you two I really like in a PM.

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You’re awesome, Amber. And yes, I’ll take all the help I can get. I too think edging might be difficult. But I am wildly irritable and find the stress of retention at times overwhelming. Frankly, I don’t particularly like this part of the spiritual journey. I have thoroughly enjoyed doing good on this planet.

But I don’t wish to have my sexual endeavors restricted or impacted. I understand curtailing them, but the energetic changes my body has undergone in the last two years in relation to sex make having a release unpleasant. And in doing so, it makes me reject my body, which I take great pride in.

All of this has really impacted my confidence. I see many people saying so many uplifting things about SR, but if I could do so without energetic and mental repercussions, I would gladly rebuke the practice. I think playful engagement with another using the vessels we were gifted (our bodies) is something special. It really sickens me that this path has been forced upon me. This whole thing has really left me with a dysmorphic view of my manhood, for a lack of a better word. Transforming from an active sexual organ to a dust collector. It’s disheartening and I really have no remedy and I have been at this exact point far too many times to count. I’m a weary traveler lost on a journey I don’t altogether understand. So thank you again for your input.

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physically, mentally, emotionally, or energetically unpleasant?

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It was physical blockages for a while. Now perhaps it is emotional and energetic. If I engage in sexual behavior with myself, I feel an addict who has relapsed and it’s a brutal mountain to climb. If I abstain, my creativity and productivity go way up, but there is mental pain and stress.

It feels like I am being asked to be someone I am not. I have enjoyed being a sexual being on this planet, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with two consenting adults doing their thing. I think all of it has brought about more stress than I could’ve ever imagined. There’s the pressure of abstinence, and I really don’t know how it began. It wasn’t like I needed multiple releases per day. I think I was pretty normal in that regard. It’s perplexing to not understand changes that are occurring within your own body.

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I completely agree. Personally I find sex to be something very healthy (although it can be made otherwise), it’s hard to fathom that in this day and age we still adhere to completely outdated concepts of control and fear around this subject. I’m only talking of my views here and I am absolutely not saying I am right, but I don’t subscribe to the spiritual school of thought that the body must be disregarded, it seems almost absurd that we’d come here into bodies to disregard them. If we are ethereal beings spending eternity without one, it’s hard to think that as omniscient and infinite we’d think it a good idea to go have them only to…ignore them :joy: It rather feels that alignment of body, mind and heart is the wholesome way to go :slight_smile:

I have a few things I’d like to add but before, I must ask, what do you mean by this path was forced upon you?

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I believe I triggered a kundalini awakening by way of psylicibin. The walls of this matrix - the perception of this world - came down and I’ve undergone some interesting things that assure me I know absolutely nothing. I didn’t ask for some celibate life and nor do I want one. I too, am trying to align the body/heart/mind, while maintaining a playful, enjoyable sex life.

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