Woven Worlds - Millions

Quite possibly the most common thing that people wish to manifest is: a million dollars.

A million dollars can go a long way of solving many of our financial issues.

It can go a long way of allowing us the financial freedom to do the things we want to do.

This version of ‘Weaved Worlds’ provides the physical and energetic push to get you to a million dollars and beyond.

The desired outcome is having a million USD. Of course, this can be compounded to millions more as well. This is the concept being instilled in your subconscious and from which, the energetic and physical push is driving you towards attaining a million USD and more. Just like ‘Weaved Worlds: Contentment,’ the background build-up of this uses the active physical push of the need to create a completed action. This action is this ‘auto manifestor’ with a heavy power pushing behind it. Pushing, powering and empowering through the physical, psychic, subconscious and extra dimensional; a brute force energy creation but ever so elegantly done. So with that powered push, attaining a million dollars starts to become your very real reality. This means attracting the right set of circumstances and getting exactly the things you need to make the million dollars. It can be getting an investor for your business venture, having the extra drive to talk to the right people and say the right things, making the right investments and just being driven in the right direction toward your million dollar goal.

Remember, this is all in support of your pursuit of making money and won’t just fall in your lap. But the energy behind this field will push you to act and practically run towards the millions. With specially tailored complexity, ‘Radical Positive Change’ and elements of the ‘Cone of Power’ work synergistically towards the goal here.

This is a powerful combination that makes manifesting a million dollar lifestyle easier than ever before. Find yourself engorged with the desire to act on a better financial future and weave your world into one you can enjoy the luxuries of life. This is our most powerful manifestation tool yet and should give the necessary push much of you may need to find the financial freedom you deserve.

Use as needed and take charge.


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