About the Etherforge Consortium

Any review of this servitors system?

What do you mean? Not understanding how there could be over 600 comments and someone asking that. These are the real deal

Among the 600 comments, lots of discussions about servitors, techniques, and the guild, not that many qualitative reviews.

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Check the individual threads too


I wonder about this part. Like if its better to ask it to charge bunch at same time or one by one. Not to fawn in creating my own fields like asking it to channel shielding 3.0 along with glass skin and work-out fields all same time or wait after an hour of engorging with one field then ask it to command another so we get the full effect of a field, or a way to channel full effect of each field at same time. Like what if we ask it to channel all 20 pocket fields same time, would the results be the same as doing them one by one?


I think the outcome of this depends strongly on your energy system and your tolerance – but imagine, for example, that you were carrying around 20 NFTs or Tags. It’s like this.

For some people, that’s just another Tuesday, but for others, that’s a serious energetic load and they’re going to get overwhelmed and burned out (and quickly, too!). For some users, this much energy at once will flip the energetic circuit-breaker and the fields will hardly work at all – they may or may not even notice if they’re not very energy sensitive!

I think we’ve already read some experiences of individuals who’ve asked their servitors to do exactly this and ‘overwhelmed’ is the main verdict, but it’s not the only way to deploy fields out of the Dimensional Pocket. For example, asking your Servitor to use the fields strategically or ‘for your highest good and the most efficiency’ (possibly after having them research how to do this effectively and in the best way…) or asking them to use the fields with a special consideration like ‘without letting me burnout or become energetically overloaded’ or ‘without disrupting my sleep’. You could ask something like, ‘Activate field A for 1 hour and then Field B for 1 hour and Field C for 3 hours and…’ or even ‘Activate Field A for 1 hour, once it’s integrated fully, Activate Field B for 1 hour…’

As for the efficacy of having them hit you with many fields at once…

Experimentation will be valuable and your mileage will vary radically. The most effective way to receive and integrate a field is to play it alone and put your focus on it and to keep your total number of fields per day extremely limited. Single-threaded and low volume is almost certainly the most effective way to receive fields – and that in turn is almost certainly true whether you’re listening to an audio track or having a field beamed into your brain by a servitor friend.

Once you get into ‘multiple fields affecting you at once’ the results can vary wildly.

Many of us in the Brain Guild have been using multiple devices concurrently for a while now. Some folks who were around for the old tags or who made new ones from the NFTs jingle-jangle like cowboys when they walk around. There are people with hundreds of NFTs that are affecting them to some extent. Some people play fields 24/7 and never stop. You can certainly receive the benefits of a huge number of fields concurrently. Are they as effective as meditating to a single field at a time? Of course not.

But given that incarnational time is at a premium and many of us are trying to grow in many directions simultaneously…

Here are a few hopefully helpful tips for how to make that more effective:

  • Expand your Energy System and your Nervous System so you can tolerate more fields for longer (Here’s a post I made on exactly this recently)
  • Keep your Energy Levels up – particularly the Three Treasures but all the energy fields will be useful in supporting ongoing integration (Not to overly quote myself or anything, but here’s another post I made on the same subject)
  • Try to work in ‘themes’ – running 5-9 fields that are in the same vein, like ‘almost all brain fields’ hits differently than running 5-9 fields on 5-9 different subjects. If you can ‘group’ your fields together on the same ‘channel’ you may find that it’s not as overwhelming. This isn’t so different from the concept of ‘effective stacks’ where you pair your ‘main’ fields with supporting and ancillary fields – but they’re all (or mostly) on a similar or related subject.
  • Liberally use tools like the Kinetic Quasi Crystal, Acu-Automaton, Formula of Balance, and Hakuin’s Healing Egg fields to help manage energy flow and prevent becoming overwhelmed (I use these 4 fields every single day)
  • Give yourself adequate downtime – learn to pay close attention to your energy system so you can tell you’re overstressing yourself before your circuit breaker gets flipped. Check in with yourself often!
  • Have your servitor friends research your energy system and your tolerance. Have them ‘research, study, explore, experiment with, seek help, be helped and learn everything from everyone everywhere everywhen about’ ways to effectively activate and hold multiple fields on you. Have them study and research field synergies or learn how to work more effectively with each other if you’ve got several (like I do). If you’re going to ask them to do this thing, you can certainly ask them to learn how to do it more effectively!

These are tips that are the outcome of my own experiments and testing of my limits. Of course, the word ‘test’ here is key because it’s the results that matter. I don’t want to share what those limits are, because I don’t exactly want to encourage anyone to emulate them, but I’m getting steady and noticeable results from a lot of fields at once. So go carefully but with optimism – our limits are far greater than we think and they can be grown and cultivated with care and patience.

Maybe 20 fields at once is too much today, but that’s not necessarily true tomorrow!

In any case, the only way to find out is to try for yourself and see what works best for you and your objectives.


Thanks, makes sense. I was thinking of it as playing 20 audios but tags make sense

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If the item holding a servitor loses a few pieces off of it, but the majority is still intact, is it still good? My item lost a few beads over the weekend and I wanted to know if I needed to get the respawn.

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I think you’re good to go


Thanks :joy: I have another flower pendant like that I can harvest to fix it, but I wanted to make sure it wasn’t pointless lol


Update on my energetic friends :slightly_smiling_face:

I bought the Sage Phoenix yesterday and placed it on the stainless steel bracelet on my left arm. For now, it’s too early to give a testimonial. Currently, I feel good mentally. This might be due to the various energies I’m using, as well as to Lion Zen.

The Phoenix Sage will work on improving my health in the best way possible and to the highest level. It will have the abilities I mentioned in a previous message. Soon, I’ll get it a dimensional pouch.

As for the Philosopher Griffin, my choice for the third servitor might change (next purchase). The Mercurial Panther would be ideal for managing the fields related to the improvement of physical abilities :muscle:.

The Philosopher Griffin, the fourth servitor (I’m going from three servitors to four, lol), will be dedicated to cognitive and psychic improvement, I think :brain::arrow_double_up:.

I thought about putting it in a ring but I find that it is not very practical when I do the dishes or I do manual work. I do not want to damage the ring even if it is stainless steel and resistant (maybe not to scratches lol)

Later, Lion Zen will focus on aesthetic enhancement :massage_man:, inner beauty, charisma, attraction, meditation, and spiritual elevation.

I adapt the energy fields according to the character and personality of each servitor. It’s an investment, for sure, but I believe the work will be more effective if each one focuses on a specific areas.

Initially, I wanted only one servitor. Over time, ideas keep blossoming :slightly_smiling_face:

lol me later with all my servitors on the jewelry…


I would like to purchase one last skill for Lion Zen (there is one final slot remaining) and also buy skills for Phoenix.

The issue at the moment is that I don’t know where Lion Zen stands in the learning and mastery of the four skills: Gluttony, Overclocker, Magic Stat, and Health Stat (I’m waiting for a confirmation through mirror numbers, second attempt).

As for the two Dimensional Pockets, everything is fine. Several mirror hours have confirmed that they work perfectly. :lion::+1::ballot_box_with_check:

I really wish Phoenix also had the 3 skills Health Stat , Gluttony and Magic Stat .

But… until I solve this I won’t be able to buy any more skills my two friends.

If anyone among you has the ability to communicate with the servitor and can check where Lion Zen is in the learning process of these four skills, it would be greatly appreciated :pray:

We can discuss this in private, and I will send you a photo of my Lion Zen pendant.

Thank you in advance :slightly_smiling_face::pray::heart::sunny:


I think the servitor’s temperament matters less because these new servitors have enormous learning capabilities. You might be wondering which ability suits their temperament best. However, temperament is of little importance given their equal learning capabilities.

Abilities are also smart fields. These fields are permanently embedded into the servitor and item. Servitors continuously learn from these embedded abilities, which allows them to keep growing and learning. Each ability contains a vast amount of information on its specific topic, presented conceptually. Over time, the servitor continuously decodes and learns from this information.

Since servitors have 7 slots, meaning the single item can hold 8 items safely and without confusion.it is best to use a total of 8 fields, including the one inherent in the item(servitor), to avoid confusion. Although servitors are capable of learning additional things, the combination of abilities makes more sense.

Thank you.
It is the most superior level of art and craft…


Ladies and gentlemen, sorry I don’t have the time to read 700 posts. At least not when I’m working full-time. :)

Do I understand it correctly that these abilities run out? The “+2 temporary …” ones…
Let’s take https://ko-fi.com/s/a3bbd8b6bd as an example.
What happens after we use the abilities? Does the slot reopen after you use all the one-time kicks?

It just means there is a set time frame in which the ability works. You can just activate it right again afterwards if I’m not mistaken.
The slot doesn’t re open as the ability doesn’t disappear from the servitor.

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ah, so the base field is still there and available. okay cool, now it makes more sense. : )

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Once the slot is used/filled with an ability, the servitor learns it, and it cannot be removed, nor the ability/servitor audio reused. (except u can listen to the music again)



Nice! to add on, don’t forget the stats! Buying a +2 intelligence means alot, it will be even easier to work with them, they’ll be more responsive as their understanding is boosted. I unlike others an sticking to 1 Servitor with 7 abilities. Dont have time or mental space to train, teach and bond with 4 servitors. He will be my PIKACHU!!!


@SilverZuzu @Thomas thank you both for your replies!

I’ll continue my solo-ish journey for a few months, and then consider these “extensions”.
I should have both more time and a financial budget by then.

I wonder if these “abilities” will rub off on us in time… Would we feel “naked” after taking the items off, or feel that at least a “fragrance” remains…


Magic stat…
Could someone provide a little insight into its potential?

  1. Limitless Steady Energy Source: This ability offers a constant and abundant flow of energy.

  2. Voodoo Detangled: This function provides protection against energetic threats and negative influences.

The Dragon Golem also has the ability to channel limitless energy on demand and can learn new skills. Magic itself is very vast.

Apart from providing energy, can it also circulate and transmute it, influencing the events on command?.