Athlete Biological Passport

Will using Super Human Mutant RNA+ / Muscle beyond limits (C313Y mutation) / DHT / Testosterone etc. get caught in Athlete Biological Passport or urine/blood test done by doping agencies?

The cutoff for a positive test for testosterone, set out in the antidoping code, is a testosterone to epitestosterone ratio (T/E) of 4:1 or higher.

Listen to the test field for like a week, take a blood test and see if you would pass

I think youll be fine bro

By the small chance you don’t pass, just stop listening to the field

Superhuman mutant and muscle beyond limits is okay


But beware, asking for a blood tests may subject you to higher insurance costs because usually its only steroid users who asks for it at a young age for no reason… The reason for this is because steroid users have more health problems which would cost the insurance companies more in providing coverage for you

I found this out cuz i once wanted to find out my test levels some years back and the doctor strongly advised against it lol


That must be one of those US things. Pretty crazy.
Even then if it’s important to someone and they have the means, I’m sure they can just go across the border to a clinic and get the test done.


Many thanks for detailed reply.
There is something called gene doping: and superhuman mutant and muscle beyond limits alter genes. So, what’s ur take on this?

This is a bit different, some women have genes that result in very (for women) high level of testosterone, it is rare but it happens and many times these people do end up as athletes because it does give an advantage. The article suggests that this is the case here with this woman.

I dont think these would cause issues.
But if this is important to you, you should check the list of banned substances and understand what kind of tests are required and see whether something could cause an issue.

DHT I dont know, testosterone works by making your body produce more test, and if it produces enough to make it seem like youre on something, then yes this can be an issue. I wouldnt know but I do not assume that sensible usage of the field will result in this but if you overuse it, maybe. You can get your levels checked if youre using it to see.

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I remember when I tried the SArm playlist, my doctor actually thought I was on steroids because of my liver enzyme spike so be careful

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Yeah sarms are different, probably not a good idea to risk using those


For athletes, I say stick with muscles beyond limit, hardcore and the recovery audios! they’re SOOO important.

Lebron James spends 1.5 million dollar a year to keep his body in peak performance.

He uses:
cryotherapy: to decrease inflammation in the body and release muscle pain after training.

Hyperbaric chambers: to increase the amount of oxygen in his blood.

normatec recovery: which massages his lower limbs, keeping the muscles loose and warm .

Liquid nitrogen: helps with inflammation.

a team of personal chiefs, massage therapist and trainers to keep him in peak performance.

The Cold Laser Therapy: New Release

New Release: Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)

New Audio - Hyperbaric Compressor or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (Increase Oxygen)

Myofascial Release and Anointing


New Release: Far Infrared

1.5 Million dollars worth of treatment… done everyday for less than $400 for life.


A little bump, I’ll add smart stem cells and The Platelet Rich Plasma2 Bath.

Using both I’ve seen great recovery with my knees dispute still jumping on them and having side effects, it takes less time for inflammation to go away… If only I stopped and took a few weeks to fully recover.

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